Danny O'Dwyer ‏@dannyodwyer 3m minutes ago San Francisco, CA
Dan Ryckert, Drew Scanlon and Jason Oestreicher
Must be the part whenTetsuo's guts fall out
Vinny grew his hair back!
Danny O'Dwyer ‏@dannyodwyer 3m minutes ago San Francisco, CA
Dan Ryckert, Drew Scanlon and Jason Oestreicher
Must be the part whenTetsuo's guts fall out
I think I've said this before, but I was 7 years old when I saw my first anime, Akira. The scene with Tetsuo's mutating arm changed me for life.
Yep, that was the scene that got me.I didn't see it until a few years ago, but the scenescarred me JUST a tad in the head.where Kaori gets crushed in Tetsuo's mutating body
I have played 3 hours of Assassin's Creed Unity.
it's destined (tehe) to win most disappointing game of the year.
Be sure to try Parasyte.
Dan should watch FLCL and get his mind blown.
Yep, that was the scene that got me.
I have played 3 hours of Assassin's Creed Unity.
it's destined (tehe) to win most disappointing game of the year.
Drew's Twitter said:"Akira makes Metal Gear look like Commando." -@DanRyckert
Akira dub is bad. There was some really important details ripped out.
Animation is amazing though.
Akira is just a movie to me. EoE is a whole other thing.it's between Akira and End of Evangelion as to which movie fucked with my head the most
Is he using Commando as an example of a more grounded film? Only Dan.
I like how so many people really want dan to like anime.
I didn't see it until a few years ago, but the scenescarred me JUST a tad in the head.where Kaori gets crushed in Tetsuo's mutating body
At the risk of this devolving back into anime wars, Dan should watch Redline. It's the kind of stupid fun that he'd enjoy.
When I saw that scene as a kid I actually had to think about what the fuck just happened in that scene (because I was a kid and stupid) and only after a while did I start realizing and freaking out over how fucked it was.
Both dubs?
It's more of not wanting him to dismiss all anime as dumb or.for jerks
I wish there was some outlet that chose explain everything that happened yesterday in one small article. Also, this image keeps haunting me...
Dan's favorite games are things like Metal Gear and Bayonetta. If you could distill anime and put it in video game form, those two games are definitely on the list.I like how so many people really want dan to like anime.
So, I spend one day away from the Internet, and all of gaming has blown up it seems. God dammit Ubisoft.
...and I feel I have about 8 hours of GB/GS content to look at too. Two Podcast, Patrick QnA, Bombin, Metal Gear?!, Ass Creed QL.. Might watch The Lobby and Ass Creed Now Playing on GS too. HELP ME.
*starts AltF1*
The amount Alex uses Eagle Vision in the Assassin's Creed Quick Look is really annoying.
Well dan better be careful about watching too much anime, or else this will happen.
Awesome to see the finished version. Lisa did a great job.
Anyone else bummed out that we will rarely, if ever get Vinny and Dan in the same room? A magical duo they would be.
Eh, it's kind of tame compared to the manga. Now we're talking rubbish.Also, from a storytelling standpoint, the Akira movie is kind of rubbish
cool-ass scenes though
Am I going nuts, or was there originally another Binding of Patrick on the schedule for this week? I'm playing through it at the moment, so I was looking forward to seeing Patrick do a few runs.
I watched last weeks once, but I could have sworn there was another video lined up.
Am I going nuts, or was there originally another Binding of Patrick on the schedule for this week? I'm playing through it at the moment, so I was looking forward to seeing Patrick do a few runs.
I watched last weeks once, but I could have sworn there was another video lined up.
More like a favour to themselves. The game's already bad and you want them to play the worst version, to boot?kind of disappointed they chose to do assassins creed QL on PC and xbone because 'the xbox version runs better' or something. I kind of wanted to see how busted the psbone version is from the ql.
choosing one because it runs better seems like doing a weird and unneccesary favour to ubi soft