I wish Smash would take pointers from Fighter's Megamix when it comes to the roster.
Want to play as the duck from an obscure arcade game nobody played? Go for it. Want to play as a Virtua Fighter character that was cut from the first game, just holler. Want to play as the AM2 palm tree? You can do that. Want to play as the car from Daytona and grab people with one wheel then rev your other one into their faces, well guess what
that doesn't work because the street fighter roster actually rules
that doesn't work because the street fighter roster actually rules
you can literally play as a duck in smash bros
so do all these anime sword people ya butt
I would buy more Fire Emblem amiibos if they weren't all stupid hard to get. If I could walk into a store and buy a Lucina, I would.
I would buy more Fire Emblem Amiibos but that Robin isn't my Robin whose name wasn't Robin.
And also I don't like Ike.
Anime Sword people are cool, but the ones in Smash kinda aren't. Take out Ike, Roy, and the Fates and Awakening Avatars and put in Eliwood, Chrom, Hector, Eirika or maybe one of the many badass assassins FE has had through the years like Jaffar.
Problem is that the Smash community throws a fit when an old character doesn't make a reappearance, so the FE cast in that game is going to always be bloated by characters who are there simply because a Smash happened to release at the time their game launched.
I played and loved the last XCOM game. It was my first and only strategy game. I had a great time with it. It was fun and accessible and had a great mix of "fuck this game" and "fuck you game, I am awesome" moments.
XCOM 2 feels impossible. I am about to start over for the third time now on easy mode to attempt to find some fun. Maybe I am just dog shit at these games, but I have no memory of the last game giving me such a pounding.
Best Smash Bros. Character argument begins and ends with Bumblebee Ness.
One Dan Ryckert tweeted that babies do not like Dave Lang. This confirms that Jeff is indeed a father. BUT WHO IS THE CHILD?
The new Small Business Man.
Jeff is kind of a shot in the dark, the shades remind me a bit of Tracksuit's.
That's a decent Alexis.
Hopefully mods will come to the rescue for customization in XCOM2 someday.
Scene-Wedding, the vows are being made.
A baby carriage strolls up, Dave Lang is pushing it. The baby carriage seems to be struggling.
Dave Lang:AW COME ON I'm just gently pushing you
Muffled Sounds come out of the baby carriage, a small child is heard.
Dan Ryckert, stage right, tweets out 'Boy babies don't like @JosephJBroni'
Dave Lang pushes the baby up to Jeff Gerstmann and his dearly beloved.
Priest:My uh...is this...is this yours?
Jeff Gerstmann:It's too soon! You came too soon Lang, you monster!
Dave Lang: This damn baby has been making noise since I picked him up!
Jeff Gerstmann:Might as well. Everyone, I'l like you to meet...
Suddenly the cover over the baby carriage is thrown off, and Austin Walker emerges from it.
Camera closes zooming in on Jeffs face in a shocked expression, before the fade, a wicked smile appears.
End Scene.
This is some weird Clickhole bitScene-Wedding, the vows are being made.
A baby carriage strolls up, Dave Lang is pushing it. The baby carriage seems to be struggling.
Dave Lang:AW COME ON I'm just gently pushing you
Muffled Sounds come out of the baby carriage, a small child is heard.
Dan Ryckert, stage right, tweets out 'Boy babies don't like @JosephJBroni'
Dave Lang pushes the baby up to Jeff Gerstmann and his dearly beloved.
Priest:My uh...is this...is this yours?
Jeff Gerstmann:It's too soon! You came too soon Lang, you monster!
Dave Lang: This damn baby has been making noise since I picked him up!
Jeff Gerstmann:Might as well. Everyone, I'l like you to meet...
Suddenly the cover over the baby carriage is thrown off, and Austin Walker emerges from it.
Camera closes zooming in on Jeffs face in a shocked expression, before the fade, a wicked smile appears.
End Scene.
Id maybe possibly consider buying a Jibanyan amiibo.
One Dan Ryckert tweeted that babies do not like Dave Lang. This confirms that Jeff is indeed a father. BUT WHO IS THE CHILD?
I hear that, but I'd prefer a Komasan.
You should, it's really good.
Not that long until GDC now, really hope they do an evening show now that it doesn't crash with PAX. Those and the E3 shows are probably my favourite thing GB does.
Huh... Johnny V's at it again?
I'm constantly fucking up my sleep schedule on the weekends and it really messes up the start of my weeks. The body is weird about sleep.I've experienced the exact sleep issue as Austin did in the beastcast. Slept for approximately 4 hours for the entire week, and didn't recover from that for months. Legit thought I was going to have an early death.
So uh
Can I stick MP4s onto my PS4?
I'm constantly fucking up my sleep schedule on the weekends and it really messes up the start of my weeks. The body is weird about sleep.
I played 3 hours of Xcom 2 and now I can't play it for a week and I hate everything.
I want it. I need it.
All popular codecs work on PS4 via both stream (aka Plex) and connected usb devices (flash drives) in the Media Player app
The PS4 actually saves video clips as MP4 i believe
Late, but my long term plans are to catch up on all the 2014/late 2013 content, then start from the beginning of the GB content so I can finally start watching all the Ryan content as well.