I took the freedom to comment on your comments
After playing for a few days:
- Virtually no keyboard shortcuts, everything and that means EVERYTHING is handled through right click context menus.
- Nearly non-existent announcements. Not told if a gnome dies, if an invader shows up, etc.
- Stockpiles priority doesn't work well and stuff rarely gets put away correctly.
- No rivers, only lakes and ponds.
- No sound.
- Digging designations, especially up/down staircases, are mind cracking frustrating with isometric view point and mouse control.
- It crashes alot.
Yep, definitely issues that he should and apparently will work on at some point.
- It crashes. ALOT. Did I mention this?
It crashes a bit too often for my taste too, but considering the progress over the last few patches and his focus on bug fixing currently, I wouldnt worry too much. Besides the purchase is a "preorder" with access to the alpha right now, so yeah, problems are to be expected. Though comparing it to other Alphas I played last year, this one is actually rather stable and feature complete. True though, crashes need to go away completely, which is what he is working on the whole day currently.
To be honest, I am sort of expecting for most crash bugs to be fixed in the coming weeks. If its too much to take for you ATM, try it again in 3 weeks and decide for yourself whether the pace of progress is good enough for you
- Workshops often don't get completed.
They do, I thought the same at first but its pretty surely almost always the players fault if they dont get completed because he was missing materials or a Gnome dedicated to building them. The game definitely needs more feedback for the player, though. A box in the workshop menu that is being build telling you which items are missing/what it is working on would be VERY helpful.
Edit: To prove my point, would you upload your savegame somewhere? I would pretty much guarantee you that I will find the reason why your workshops arent being completed.
- Farms must be on the surface for max production.
Thats not a bug. If plants need sunlight to grow, then they of course will yield less results underground. Well, actually there IS a bug: Its possible to farm underground at all. Apparently only should be possible above ground. The dev acknowledged that there needs to be something for people wanting to live purely below the surface, though, so you'll probably get underground plants at some point.
- It's NOT FREE. Playable demo limited to six days.
Where did you get the impression that it is or should be free? A game NOT being free is generally not really a con in my book, except you are just comparing it to DF in this case, which is a bit unfair though. DF is not exactly free either, lots of people pay for it or it wouldnt exist. Point taken, though. Not paying for a game is a plus compared to a game you need to pay for.
- Research to build new items doesn't seem to work.
It works, it just takes a LOT of time, especially if you have a Gnome doing it with a rather low skill for it.
- Can't command military to anything except patrol, guard or just be in a squad.
I wish more control over them too, but its a simulation, not an RTS. Thats just some stuff that comes along with the genre I guess. He might be adding more to that though to allow for more precise orders.
- Worldgen is retardedly slow considering it's just the map you're on and not an actual world with other kingdoms, etc.
Yeah, it takes a while. But hey to be fair, if you compare this game in your con&pro list to Dwarf Fortress, it still wins single handedly in the "time-it-takes-to-create-a-map" category
DF is still ultimately a better game, but Gnomoria shows you the ropes with better graphics, the UI is not that much better due to no hotkeys.
Undoubtedly, but its definitely a good start. And I dont think anyone expected it to be "better" either, with the amount of dev time currently in Gnomoria compared to the time Toady spent on Dwarf Fortress. There is also the problem of user friendliness vs raw content. I dont think Gnomoria will EVER surpass DF as the "better" game for me due to the way both games are structured, but this doesnt mean I cant enjoy the more light hearted game of the two