A couple alternate suggestions for
shagg_187's excellent Challenge of the Gods guide:
Challenge 1: Knock 8 enemies off the platform before time runs out. Killing an enemy will fail the challenge.
I don't even bother breaking the shields. Just try to grab them (O button) and they get knocked back. It can be a hassle getting them into position so the knockback takes them off the edge, and it takes a little longer than his idea, but there's zero danger of killing anybody and failing (and the time limit is generous).
Challenge 6: Reach the center of the end platform before time runs out.
I take advantage of the fact that once an archer is offscreen behind you, they will not shoot anymore--so I just ignore the first two. As soon as the challenge starts, roll toward the first platform (right stick). Jump on it, then immediately make the next five jumps all in a row, right past two archers. If you jump on and off fast enough, they won't have time to fire or swipe at you. Once passed, they're harmless.
You do need to kill the last lone archer; either use Hermes Rush from the air while landing (R1) or hit him a couple times after you're on his platform. Then jump to the next platform on the left, which is second to last. Simply wait here, facing straight forward toward the last platform. Once the one you're on moves right, jump quickly to the little mover, then to the big platform. Use the right stick to roll past the archers and finish.
Bad luck may result in a fall the first time or two you try this way, but once you get the timing down the whole challenge takes like 10 seconds.
Challenge 10: Kill enemies to make the platform rise. Reach the top platform.
This is pretty much as tough as all the rest of the challenges put together. Rage of the Gods is a huge help here, almost enough to be completely required. Do not use Lance of the Furies (L1+O)! It clears all the puppies, but the Satyrs are immune to its knockback and will often get in hits on you during recovery time. I've found two methods to work best for me:
1. Switch to Blade of Artemis (L1+R1) before jumping to the platform. Then use a mix of two attacks: L1+Δ, which is a juggler that works on both puppies and Satyrs, or Δ from the air, which is a (limited area) knockback that also works on both. You'll also need to dodge and block.
2. Stay centered in the platform as much as you can, and spam the block button (L1). Whenever an attack connects exactly as you block, everything goes into slow-mo. At that time, hit □ for a double-sweep that can clear the entire platform. (I believe this is the same as the last attack in the Hercules combo
shagg_187 suggests, but can be used immediately.) Timing on the response is rough--you'll often do the L1+□ combo instead, or a regular light attack-- but if you can get it down, this is by FAR the easiest way to do the challenge. Blocking all the time means you take little damage, and your attacks are the fastest, strongest option. Blocked enemy attacks do still move you a little, though, so make sure to recenter on the platform when necessary.
In both cases, use Rage of the Gods when your health is about halfway and just wail away with your heaviest attacks. (Don't save it too long; the platform rises gradually after your kills, and you don't want Rage to wear off and you have little health left while still waiting for the ascension.) As soon as you safely can, jump up and grab the final platform.
In addition to strategy and Rage of the Gods, you'll need luck and patience to complete this challenge. Screaming obscenities at the TV also seems to help.