Gonna pick this up today along with MW2. :lol going wayyyy over my video game budget but gah, i love some god of war!!!
bdizzle said:Gonna pick this up today along with MW2
Philanthropist said:Are you sure you will pick it up today?
entrement said:I think you have to ask Konami for that
I did not know this collection was value priced. Awesome. No rush to play now, though. I'll wait until before GoW3 comes out and marathon the whole series.
badcrumble said:I really, really hope that God of War 1 has new game plus added (and the ability to save in between the Challenges of the Gods) but who am I kidding.
BattleMonkey said:Any chance this collection recognizes ps2 saves from the originals ?
Freedom = $1.05 said:I'm waiting for the Eurogamer comparison where they ultimately declare the 360 version the one to get.
I'd pay a lot of money for that. The way Konami relies on MGS revenue, it might just be a possibility too.DMeisterJ said:MGS in HD next.
crazygambit said:Thophies seem a bit easy don't they? There's no finish the game on god difficulty or anything. Actually they seem made to be done on easy. I find it pretty weird.
Also I'd be totally onboard with an Ueda collection as well.
# You Got the Touch! - Climb the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage
# Speed of Jason McDonald - Beat the game in under 5 hours on any Difficulty
Massa said:The people willing to beat the game on God difficulty have probably already done that, I think a big part of them will not want to do it again. Also they're going to sell thousands of copies based on the fact that it's two easy platinums for $40.
gold trophies for the first game said:# You Got the Touch! - Climb the Spiked Column in Hades without taking damage
# Speed of Jason McDonald - Beat the game in under 5 hours on any Difficulty
cjdunn said:These do not make for an easy platinum. But I will try, oh yes, I will try.![]()
Video here: the launch of God of War Collection only a week away (Nov. 17th!), we thought we would give you a leg up on earning one of the more difficult trophies in the game, 15 Min Fight Scene. To earn this gold trophy, you have to battle your way to the Loom Chamber in God of War II in under 10 minutes. We got Stephen Peterson, Lead QA Tester on God of War II and a Camera Designer on God of War III, to do a speed run while giving out as many tips as he can. After playing the game a hundred or so times as a tester, he makes it look easy.
nskinnear said:God of War Collection Trophy Speed Run
Video here:
nskinnear said:God of War Collection Trophy Speed Run
Video here:
I'll Take the Physical Challenge - Complete the Challenge of the Gods
Bleeding Thumbs - Complete the Challenge of the Titans
nskinnear said:God of War Collection Trophy Speed Run
Video here:
Boombloxer said:That isn't hard.
I don't think that everyone remembers how hard some of these were.
"Protect the Translator"
"Kill all Enemies"
"Rise to the Top"
"Take no Damage vs Rock Minotaur and Harpies."
Yea, these will be good warmups for GOW3.
I'll need a new controller
brandonh83 said:The cover is somehow uglier in RL pics.
brandonh83 said:The cover is somehow uglier in RL pics.
_leech_ said:WTF, I never knew you could do that fire vortex thingy.
BeautifulMemory said:You know you will be all over it once it is in your hands