Augemitbutter said:i'm not that far in GoW II right now, but as far as i remember the second game is easier on "normal" difficulty.
Okay, thanks. I'll give normal a go then.
Augemitbutter said:i'm not that far in GoW II right now, but as far as i remember the second game is easier on "normal" difficulty.
Yoboman said:People are finding God of War difficult?
I swear this is the gen we've become weaksauce gamers because last gen the widest complaint about GoW was definitely that it was too easy
CcrooK said:It's easy till you get to climbing rotating poles with spikes. Oiy vey.
Lol on my 2nd playthrough I didnt touch a spike at all. Its not that hard :/ Only hard time I had for this game was Ares...and that was more of trying to remember how to kill him again.Katana_Strikes said:I just did the 2nd set on the 1st go without getting hurt. I couldnt have done that if I was trying mind.
Just Platinumed the 1st game. On to round 2...
Zeth said:Yeah, I'm another one of those people who never touched a God of War game EVER.
I'm 4 hours into GOW1 and I'm absolutely FLOORED. This game is amaaaazing. I can't even believe there's still an (even better) sequel on the same $40 disc. This is hands down the best game purchase I've made all year.
And by the way: The GOW3 demo is EFFING UNREAALLL. If the demo portion is the most epic portion of the game, it'll still be one of the most badass games of all time.
:lol :lol :lolshagg_187 said:GOOD....GOOODD.......
CcrooK said:Assholes.Don't rub in my pain. Ares was eeeeeeasy!
CcrooK said:It's easy till you get to climbing rotating poles with spikes. Oiy vey.
me?MightyKAC said:Just pick this up in the mail from Amazon and it just so happens to have a GoW III demo DL code inside. Since I'm on self-imposed media blackout from this one I'll give it to the first member that replies.
raziel said:
ACE 1991 said:I'm curious to see how GoW 3 will be received critically; it appears to be the third game that is mechanically exactly the same as the other two games.
ACE 1991 said:I'm curious to see how GoW 3 will be received critically; it appears to be the third game that is mechanically exactly the same as the other two games.
Indeed said:Ok does anyone think that mashing the R2 button is ridiculous? Somehow i cant do it with the D3. I spent around 5 minutes trying to push down the statue in the beginning of GoW1, trying out different mashing techniques.
Somehow i thought i was easier on PS2 :S
ACE 1991 said:I'm curious to see how GoW 3 will be received critically; it appears to be the third game that is mechanically exactly the same as the other two games.
N30RYU said:The platinums are too easy, they should at least make us play the game on hard (without game+)
I hope that GOW3 trophyes will be harder than that...
Quibble: Yes, they were more like on/off buttons but they were analog. Every button on the PS2 Dualshock was analog, IIRC.GuardianE said:That's because it was easier. R2 on the PS2 was not mushy, and not analog. It was just a button. Try tapping the very top part of R2 like someone suggested here.
jvm said:Quibble: Yes, they were more like on/off buttons but they were analog. Every button on the PS2 Dualshock was analog, IIRC.
Augemitbutter said:i'm not that far in GoW II right now, but as far as i remember the second game is easier on "normal" difficulty.
jvm said:Quibble: Yes, they were more like on/off buttons but they were analog. Every button on the PS2 Dualshock was analog, IIRC.
I'm actually stuck at the final part of the Ares battle on hard at the moment. It's driving me nuts!Lyonaz said:Finished GOW1 yesterday and OMG at fucking Ares. Took me like 30 minutes at the last battle. I can't believe I forgot how frustrating that whole final battle is.
DarkUSS said:I'm actually stuck at the final part of the Ares battle on hard at the moment. It's driving me nuts!
Ares can kill me with just one blow, this is ridiculous!
Anyone got any tips before tearing my controller apart ?:lol
Thanks for the tips.GuardianE said:You'll need a bit of luck, but start to recognize his unlockable attacks and roll accordingly. Block all his other attacks. Whenever he stands still and roars, use Square Triangle Triangle and you'll get into a Circle mash with him which will drain a ton of his health if you win. Just do this over and over.
Greg said:Haven't played the game in forever, but I never had problems on that part.
All you do is jam on X+up and skip half of it.
Use the cow. Once you get Rage magic you wont need to use anything else in the game besides tossing in Hades until the final ares battle and that doesnt affect it.Toki767 said:About to start the speed run on GOW1. Anyone have any tips? Also which costume would be best to use for it. I hear the Diary Bastard costume is the best choice but I don't really like the sound of having your attack cut in half.
There is only one part of the blades that suck and its because you have to stay between 2 that gives you no room to move up or down...other than that its fairly easy if your thinking about it as you go.Net_Wrecker said:Hellllllllll no. No way you could "jam" the jump command and make it halfway up those things. Even the SLIGHTEST bit of contact with any part of the blade, sharp or not, would send you right back to the bottom, and jumping without a care would certainly leave you retrying it over and over.
I don't think you guys realize how much that section ruins the pacing of the endgame. It felt even worse cause I finished Uncharted 2 last week which was perfectly paced the whole way through. Those spinning blades were not a good time.
ACE 1991 said:I'm curious to see how GoW 3 will be received critically; it appears to be the third game that is mechanically exactly the same as the other two games.
So you're saying these remasters make you appreciate how good God of War 3 looks?INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:So I was surprised to see how much Blockbuster had - walked right in and they had all the new releases for this month out. I picked this sucker up and bought it. Really glad I did. I know I should be playing GOW 1 first , but I really wanted to see how good the Temple of Lahkesis looked in HDAfter playing for a few hours, I played the GOW 3 demo again and my god, GOW3 really looks phenomenal. I think one of my favorite parts of the game is just seeing that beautiful sky.
Novella said:So you're saying these remasters make you appreciate how good God of War 3 looks?