JWong said:Ugh... I just bought GoW Collections and... lo and behold my GoW3 Demo code doesn't work.
What's it say? was the case sealed, and are you on the right PSN store?
JWong said:Ugh... I just bought GoW Collections and... lo and behold my GoW3 Demo code doesn't work.
Yep. Shrink Wrapped and Sealed from Best Buy.Puck said:What's it say? was the case sealed, and are you on the right PSN store?
grkazan12 said:Did anyone in this thread who played GOW and GOWII when they were released, get this collection?(I played them both on PS2). I'm contemplating on purchasing this collection, but wondering if it's worth it or not to play these two great games again.
grkazan12 said:Did anyone in this thread who played GOW and GOWII when they were released, get this collection?(I played them both on PS2). I'm contemplating on purchasing this collection, but wondering if it's worth it or not to play these two great games again.
I did. Both games hold up really well in the HD conversion. Surprisingly well I would say.grkazan12 said:Did anyone in this thread who played GOW and GOWII when they were released, get this collection?(I played them both on PS2). I'm contemplating on purchasing this collection, but wondering if it's worth it or not to play these two great games again.
JWong said:Ugh... I just bought GoW Collections and... lo and behold my GoW3 Demo code doesn't work.
Anyone else have this problem?
grkazan12 said:Did anyone in this thread who played GOW and GOWII when they were released, get this collection?(I played them both on PS2). I'm contemplating on purchasing this collection, but wondering if it's worth it or not to play these two great games again.
timkunedo said:Just beat gow1. speechless.....
quick question. After i beat the game i was asked to save. So i did. Is there not a new game+ type game where i can replay? I just needed a few thousand to upgrade everything
grkazan12 said:Did anyone in this thread who played GOW and GOWII when they were released, get this collection?(I played them both on PS2). I'm contemplating on purchasing this collection, but wondering if it's worth it or not to play these two great games again.
If you liked both games, then there is really no reason to miss this collection - its worth every cent.grkazan12 said:Did anyone in this thread who played GOW and GOWII when they were released, get this collection?(I played them both on PS2). I'm contemplating on purchasing this collection, but wondering if it's worth it or not to play these two great games again.
RoadHazard said:There's something weird about the framerate in Gow II. When you open chests and all the orbs come flying out, and also sometimes when you break structures, it seems to drop to around 30 fps for a second or two. Anyone else notice this? I just think it's a bit weird, since it's at a perfect 60 fps the rest of the time, no matter what's going on.
I don't have the game but I can tell you with confidence that it is not your PS3 acting up.RoadHazard said:Anyone? I just want to make sure it's not my PS3 acting up (though it seems unlikely).
Not sure about the framerate in the traditional sense, but the animations slow in places, as they do in GoW3, and did in the originals. It's just part of the game. Even DI's got it.RoadHazard said:Anyone? I just want to make sure it's not my PS3 acting up (though it seems unlikely that GPU issues would cause anything like this).
stuburns said:Not sure about the framerate in the traditional sense, but the animations slow in places, as they do in GoW3, and did in the originals. It's just part of the game. Even DI's got it.
GameCat said:I have experienced slow down when opening chests a couple of times in GoW I. I haven't played two very much yet though, so it might appear there as well. The only times I noticed it was when the chest was very close the camera so the particles occupied a significant portion of the screen.
protonion said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9pr1Rh9MWQ
I found the GoW2 theme lyrics. Although I'm Greek I never managed to understand them, save for a couple of words. The accent is pretty bad.
Loudninja said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18846249&postcount=1981
Looks like it sold at least 180k, and yeah I post there from time to time.
Indeed. They didn't seem to ship all that much; four stores didn't carry it at all, and my local Gamestop only got 2 copies in.TheExodu5 said:Sounds like it was very successful if it sold that much.
We had alot of interest for it at my store. Odd since there was little advertisment for it :lolchubigans said:Indeed. They didn't seem to ship all that much; four stores didn't carry it at all, and my local Gamestop only got 2 copies in.
protonion said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9pr1Rh9MWQ
I found the GoW2 theme lyrics. Although I'm Greek I never managed to understand them, save for a couple of words. The accent is pretty bad.
protonion said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9pr1Rh9MWQ
I found the GoW2 theme lyrics. Although I'm Greek I never managed to understand them, save for a couple of words. The accent is pretty bad.
SquirrelNuckle said:Anyone else find the other weapons you get in these 2 games aren't that much fun to use as the blades? I just feel their boring and aren't as strong. I hope they add some nice weapons I want to use more in the 3rd. For example Ninja Gaiden 2 had some very nice weapons in which all were fantastic to use.
WHOAguitarninja said:So i got this and my demo code doesn't work. Is there anything I can do?
iamcool388 said:I have both the PS2 GoW games, but just bought the collection earlier today. Cant wait to play it in HD!
Just to make sure, its locked at 60 fps and no screen tearing right?
RoadHazard said:Are you trying to redeem it using a PSN account from a different region than the game? If so, that won't work. Redeem codes are always region-locked.
Rez said:god damn. the ship is one of the great game intros; I forgot how amazing it was.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:Ok, with GOW 1, i finished it last night and only have 2 trophies to go.
--Challenge of the Gods (or whatever its called)
--Beat the game in under 5 hrs
I keep hearing about this cow costume with unlimited magic. Is that something that i can use for my 2nd playthrough? I imagine that will help greatly in beating it under 5 hrs. How do i get this costume?
Any general tips for those two trophies?
Combichristoffersen said:The hydra is also arguably one of the best first boss encounters ever. Not as insane as the colossi of GoW II, but still pretty damn awesome.
Add me to the list. Bought the game from VG+ in Canada, so everything is bilingual. TRied to redeem the code on the US account I use to buy on the US PSN, and it says the code is invalid... I'll try to make a Canadian account, but it doesn't look like it'll be successful. Any update on this problem?JWong said:Ugh... I just bought GoW Collections and... lo and behold my GoW3 Demo code doesn't work.
Anyone else have this problem?
De4th Strike said:I think you get the cow costume after the challenge of the gods. so do that first.
i just spammed poseidons rage pretty much the whole way through my speed run.
skipped all fights that were skippable (the sewers) etc. Only took 3 hours.
just upgrade poseidons rage and your blades just run past all fights where you dont have to fight and its super easy.
Challenge of the gods is pretty simple.
one challenge where you use the massive crossbow just start pulling back on the bow when an enemy walks past 1 o clock and you'll never miss.
Challenge 8 was the hardest i found.
Good tip is to spam air l1 + hold circle and just do that through the whole challenge rolling when the gorgons have their gaze activated and you'll probably knock most of them over the edge. Takes ages.
Challenge 10 is just a matter of keep tapping block then counter and stay away from the edge until the platform to jump up to is in range. This one was easier then 8 i found.
You have to do them all in one go though as it doesnt save your progress which is a pain.
but worth the shiny gold trophy.