red shoe paul
unomas said:I'm watching god of war speedruns, how do they constantly roll? I can't seem to find out how it's done!
It's roll cancelling..
unomas said:I'm watching god of war speedruns, how do they constantly roll? I can't seem to find out how it's done!
bridegur said:I can't believe how good GoW 2 looks-- many sections look better than anything in the Dante's Inferno demo. GoW 3 better have some areas as vibrant and colorful as the first two games.
They didn't update the HUD overlays so you're seeing the 4:3 HUD overlays in 16:9. i.e. stretched.Fyrus said:Is GoW1 in 16:9? My buttons look like ovals.
Ah, does this apply to the menu assets too? The circle-fill-weapon upgrade thing (when you hit start) is also stretched for me.Schrade said:They didn't update the HUD overlays so you're seeing the 4:3 HUD overlays in 16:9. i.e. stretched.
bridegur said:I can't believe how good GoW 2 looks-- many sections look better than anything in the Dante's Inferno demo. GoW 3 better have some areas as vibrant and colorful as the first two games.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:God of War 2 question regarding the 'fully upgrade your weapons and magic' trophy...
Is it a requirement that you do it in a single playthrough? Or can you max them out in a new game afterwards when your stuff carries over?
borghe said:just beat GoW1 yesterday (got the collection for x-mas). Never played or even saw the game on PS2.. had pretty much ditched the PS2 by that point completely for Xbox and GCN.
Gameplay was pretty stunning. Really enjoyed everything about beating it. Epic doesn't even begin to describe. Graphically I'll echo what others are saying about it in this thread. Looks very nice rendered at 720p and many of the textures hold up well. A little bit of me regrets not playing through this in 2005... but for THIS to be the way to first see and play through the game.. no regrets at all.. really nice 720p graphics running at a locked 60fps. taking a tiny (few days) break before I jump onto 2.
grabbed all of the trophies except for challenge of the gods and sppedrun. Used a chest guide to get full stats and the harpy glitch to get full upgrades, but beyond that was spoiler (and strategy) free for the entire game. SOOOO fulfilling..![]()
krae_man said:How do you collect 20 cyclops eyes? Every time I've played the game I never even had anywhere remotely close to 20 opportunities to get one, let alone collect 20 of the things.
90% of the QTE's on them are the ones that just kill them, not the rip the eye out ones.
onken said:Yay beat him, cheers. Damn I hate it when games do that "do you want to switch to easy mode" bullshit. Yes, that's right, I got through the entire game on hard but now I want to change to easy mode on the final boss because I died a few times. I wish there was a damn "do not ask again" option.
Anyway, had a go at challenge of the gods, glag level 8 is solid. I can dispatch all the soldiers piece of cake (about 9 red orb bars) but just can't survive the medusa onslaught. They just keep on coming and always do that dash attack from off screen while I'm in the middle of a combo![]()
elohel said:this game looks fantastic with the hd bump-up
i really wish that they would do this with more ps2 games
: (
Kweh said:In God of War 1, how do i get to those treasure chests on the right hand side? This is when the Oracle was just taken away.
obaidr said:ok i finished GoW1 last night on hard mode which was really really fun. I thought some places were just unfair like just before you get the pandoras box. I mean killing about 100 of those flying things just isnt fun at all. There been some really really miserable level design decision for the hard mode which took all the fun away from some parts. A game shouldn't try to be unfair to the player on purpose. It is a game and should be fun.
Oni Jazar said:I'm at the final battle of GOW1 on Hard mode (first time playing) and I've really enjoyed the difficuly so far.
I'm stuck now however..I have not been able to take down these damn Kratos clones. There are too many of them! I've gotten so close!
KAOz said:Does anyone got a little list of locations to reach in a specific time (doing the speedrun), so I can see how I am doing?
I think I might be lagging behind with 1h 43 minutes and just reached the room with the spiked wheel rolling around before quitting out. =/
When you are on that broken down bridge, jump to the edge of the balcony and double jump.. You will grab it. You can now easily reach the other platform.Kweh said:In God of War 1, how do i get to those treasure chests on the right hand side? This is when the Oracle was just taken away.
Oni Jazar said:I'm at the final battle of GOW1 on Hard mode (first time playing) and I've really enjoyed the difficuly so far. The 100 flying dudes aren't impossible if you take out the archers quickly and immediately so you can take your time.
I'm stuck now however.. Help!I have not been able to take down these damn Kratos clones. There are too many of them! I've gotten so close!
jvm said:So I finished GoW2 last night, and enjoyed it very much. (I think this is my third time, with the first two being on the original PS2 version, right after release.)
Anyway, my question is about the Boss Batch 3 trophy. I didn't get it. Should I have? I don't see how I could finish the game without defeating all three of the sisters...
I also thought I kicked ass going through the "15 minute battle", getting in well under 10 minutes. Regardless, I didn't get the trophy there either.
Then I did get the last few trophies for finishing the game, so it wasn't a glitch for all trophies...
Thinking of doing a speedrun next and trying for my first platinum. Hope the Challenge of the Titans isn't too maddening.
Yep! I'm on my speedrun attempt, so I'm hoping I'll get it this time. I only have 5 cyclops eyes ... how in the world will I get 20? Play it four times?sloppyjoe_gamer said:Same bullshat just happened to me.....I beat the Kraken, and the 3 sisters and no trophy. WTF!!! If you google boss batch 3 you'll see that this is a pretty common glitch. Sorry ass QA...nice job.
The worst part is, people who play through it a 2nd time sometimes still dont get it. Guess we'll need to keep a save from before that 3 sister battle just in case....
Kweh said:What's the number mean next to the red bar?
jvm said:Yep! I'm on my speedrun attempt, so I'm hoping I'll get it this time. I only have 5 cyclops eyes ... how in the world will I get 20? Play it four times?
I don't think it was worth 100, it was closer to 200. It was some weird arbitrary number, iirc. It seemed really odd to me when I recently replayed it. It basically symbolizes one draining of the tank on the level-up screen.Terrordactyl said:Basically just multiply that number by 100 I think and thats how many blood orbs you have. It's just a way to tell you how many blood orbs you have without entering a menu.
Rez said:I think there's a way to get a fuck-ton of red orbs during the fight, then you can upgrade your last thing post-fight.
LLaMa-Tech said:I am stuck on the boss battle on the steeds of time in GOW2 (titan mode).
The guy who throws lightning and makes spikes come up.
I beat his first wave, but get killed when he is above the door and I have to fight off minotaurs and such.
Any advice?
Kweh said:In God of War 1, how do i get to those treasure chests on the right hand side? This is when the Oracle was just taken away.