we are coming closer and closer to a point where the hardware of local consoles will have enough power to make graphics a thing that's only dependent on the developers/artists.
and when we hit that mark there will be absolutely no need for streaming services and all the drawbacks that come with them.
so no, game streaming will die as a main way to play games is what I predict. it is clunky as fuck, it is unreliable, it will never lose the input lag issue... that's just not physically possible and the issue of remote places having connection issues will keep it forever from being mainstream.
the only place streaming has is the role of a side thing that you use from time to time as a backup when your console/PC is not in reach.
xCloud is the perfect service IMO because of that reason. it is an added bonus to Xbox consoles, you can stream your whole digital Xbox library if you're not at home etc. but the main way to play is still your local console.
I love how selling 40 to 50 million consoles = Dead
Microsoft literally never had a console sell worse than the GameCube and the Xbox One is only slightly behind the Xbox 360 in the same timespan... yet Xbox is dead... these fucking people