not an idiot
Bought this Samsung SD-616 16x DVD Drive and installed it this afternoon. My old Thompson drive (which was a replacement Microsoft had used) was in absolutely flawless working order, but after a friend came over and played Fight Night 2004 and mentioned how much longer my boxer took to load than on his Xbox, I decided to investigate. Turns out, he had a Samsung Drive, I had the Thompson, so we reasoned that was the problem. So I did some research and found that there was an even better aftermarket drive that was supposed to be even faster than the default Samsung DVD drive.
Anyways, here are the times both of these drives scored. Please also note I had done the Xbox ATA 100 Cable Upgrade which was already in place for both DVD's (it was actually the first thing I did to try to get my system to load faster, which did yield a small improvement (about 2-3 seconds faster).
Anyways, for those with Madden 2004 on Xbox, please (if you would be so kind) try this out and time the seconds it takes to load with a watch or something. Using Madden 2004, Home team Tennessee Titans, visiting team Detroit Lions. Loading times...
Stock Default Thompson DVD Drive
23 seconds
Aftermarket Samsung SD-616 DVD Drive
12 seconds
Pretty impressive I thought. Even my wife, who was watching me do it and take the times said "wow". Heh. Anyways, I was wondering if any of you could also time it and report back here? Also report which DVD drive you have (there's a picture floating around somewhere which shows you how to tell them apart easily).
Anyways, here are the times both of these drives scored. Please also note I had done the Xbox ATA 100 Cable Upgrade which was already in place for both DVD's (it was actually the first thing I did to try to get my system to load faster, which did yield a small improvement (about 2-3 seconds faster).
Anyways, for those with Madden 2004 on Xbox, please (if you would be so kind) try this out and time the seconds it takes to load with a watch or something. Using Madden 2004, Home team Tennessee Titans, visiting team Detroit Lions. Loading times...
Stock Default Thompson DVD Drive
23 seconds
Aftermarket Samsung SD-616 DVD Drive
12 seconds
Pretty impressive I thought. Even my wife, who was watching me do it and take the times said "wow". Heh. Anyways, I was wondering if any of you could also time it and report back here? Also report which DVD drive you have (there's a picture floating around somewhere which shows you how to tell them apart easily).