They did provide lots of updates to GT5 Prologue. And that game wasn't even full price at launch. I think they will update GT5 as much as they can, simply because treating their consumers with nice things pretty much guarantees that everybody will pick up GT6 at launch.KingDizzi said:Indeed, GT PSP was also simply horrible as a game however managed to sell over 2 million so if PD actually make an effort with GT NGP it's gonna do really well. It really should be the game where we start seeing changes, if that game does not have a revamped a-spec and what not, well then rest assured future GT games aren't going to change at all.
World does not revolve around you. GT5 ain't gonna change much at this point, we will have to wait for all these changes in future games like GT NGP, we're at a stage now where even small things which should have been there from the start like the addition of leaderboards looks unlikely. This is all about business after all, sounds great to us having PD work on GT5 forever and add new tracks, cars etc in updates but that shit won't fly with Sony. Why would they allow PD to keep working on GT5 and not fuck everyone over with another $60 game in a couple years time?
Dead Man said:I will believe there is hope for GT when PD start communicating. Until then, I have no faith whatsoever.
Bu bu bu... the development time was 6 years! I expect more for my 60 bucks after all that time than when I buy another 60 buck game developed in 18 months.Metalmurphy said:GT5 proved to me there is great hope for GT and that PD actually cares what we think.
Let's not forget that they have been adding on the previous updates EVERY SINGLE THING that people have been requesting like they made up a huge to do list and just have been ticking the boxes one by one.
(well, logical at least, xp complainers make no sense to me tbh, yes I do agree that the endurance races have stupidly low rewards, but I still don't get the "grind" hate. You unlock pretty much everything at level 20, the rest of the levels are just there to differentiate the drivers. Or is it just because of the freaking trophy?... )
Every time I read through this thread while banned I kept facepalming... Do people have short memories or something?
PD has done for GT5 more then any other developer has done for any other console game, EVER.
Bu bu bu... the game was shit/incomplete when it released... So freaking what? It was what it was, you bought it for what it was, yet they still kept, and will continue to improve it.
It's amazing how we are getting new A-spec events every single week, FOR FREE, when any other game company would just charge for them.
Angst said:They did provide lots of updates to GT5 Prologue. And that game wasn't even full price at launch. I think they will update GT5 as much as they can, simply because treating their consumers with nice things pretty much guarantees that everybody will pick up GT6 at launch.
Come on MM, you don't really believe that, do you? The updates PD have issued for GT5 are things that simply should have been there from day one. There's literally nothing that's been added to GT5 that is a brand new feature. Yeah, it's great PD have pushed these updates out and I'm in full support of it, but they're still a long way short of their competitors in plenty of areas.Metalmurphy said:PD has done for GT5 more then any other developer has done for any other console game, EVER.
Kaz was pretty pissed every time anyone mentioned DLC, you should have seen that coming a million miles away.KingDizzi said:That's because it was a glorified demo, GT5 was a work in progress so as GT5 moved along they gave free updates in prologue. That will NOT happen with GT5, some design choices are beyond retarded but PD are not going to put in new tracks, cars for free and they are most definitely not gonna change the structure of the game. My guess is that Sony will make it a 'fuck consumers yearly' deal with GT and it will start with GT5. By that I mean a spec II you pay full price for, more cars and tracks this year but you will have to buy the game for $60 or if you already have GT5 it will be paid DLC. After all of the content PD gave with GT5, free stuff added on is just not going to happen. I've moved on from GT5, mates have moved on from GT5 and 95% of people on my friends list have moved on from GT5.
It's time for paid DLC or more likely a new game at this point. Not seen paid DLC since release, putting out new tracks and cars as paid DLC now is stupid considering they should have started Jan time if that was what they were gonna do. GT5 should have been an absolute goldmine were Sony gonna charge for DLC but really it looks to be a case where all new content is being held back for a new game. GT is still a big name, GT5 has shipped over 6 million copies and GT PSP 2 million so when NGP releases, having a GT game during the first 6 months would be hugely beneficial to them, it's a system seller.
Not only do I believe it but it's the truth. It does not matter if you think it should have been there day one or not. That was the game you bought, it is ALL post-release support. There's nothing that has been added that's a new feature? What about remote races? What about mechanical damage? what about the seasonals?offshore said:Come on MM, you don't really believe that, do you? The updates PD have issued for GT5 are things that simply should have been there from day one. There's literally nothing that's been added to GT5 that is a brand new feature. Yeah, it's great PD have pushed these updates out and I'm in full support of it, but they're still a long way short of their competitors in plenty of areas.
It's only going to be with GT6 where we see if PD realise that the series needs a cataclysmically massive overhaul.
Metalmurphy said:Not only do I believe it but it's the truth. It does not matter if you think it should have been there day one or not. That was the game you bought, it is ALL post-release support. There's nothing that has been added that's a new feature? What about remote races? What about mechanical damage? what about the seasonals?
And lets not forget about the tiny little things, that PROVE that PD knows what we want fixed. Stuff like, exporting all photos at once ("wait, that's people still aren't happy, lets add a way to select multiple ones instead of all of them"), allowing you to back up your save, different custom playlists for menu and races, speeding up the menus, etc, this isn't necessary stuff that should have been there to begin with (although quite obviously that kinda off stuff also existed and was fixed), it's stuff they decided to add cause WE requested it.
Yeah. I've tried to make this point multiple times. The only explanation I get, "but it takes sooo long!".Metalmurphy said:(well, logical at least, xp complainers make no sense to me tbh, yes I do agree that the endurance races have stupidly low rewards, but I still don't get the "grind" hate. You unlock pretty much everything at level 20, the rest of the levels are just there to differentiate the drivers. Or is it just because of the freaking trophy?... )
Remote races were never promised. They were ONLY mentioned in Japan events and they were always part of the "The is just the start" sections implying it would be thing added in the future.TheSeks said:Remote Races were promised for YEARS (GT Anywhere) and wasn't there DAY ONE. Mechanical Damage was there DAY ONE but is disappointing.
Seasonals are the only "new" thing that wasn't really listed for years as being there DAY ONE. And while it's nice as a diversion, that's all it is: A diversion from the dismal EXP/Money grind of A/B-spec.
Sorry but no. Some of the stuff they added was not supposed to be there day one. It was little things people realized, AFTER playing the game, that it would improve it, and they were added.TheSeks said:...And we requested it because some of the stuff should've been there DAY ONE. *bah-dum-psh* Let's not beat around the bush: If PD didn't have their feet held over the fire by us, we probably wouldn't have half these improvements. And even then we're still missing leaderboards for stuff like the Reasonably Priced Car. The function is there in the rankings for the time-trial/drift-trials of the seasonals but a full blown leaderboard isn't there and was advertised for YEARS. WTF, Kaz?
But again, patching the game with features that were expected anyway is hardly going above and beyond anything.spats said:I think PD has gone above and beyond with patching the game with stuff the fans have requested and pointed out while most other devs wouldn't even lift a finger and for that I'll keep supporting in the future.
... Everything that we get front his point on can be something that should have been there in the first place if you look at it like that.offshore said:But again, patching the game with features that were expected anyway is hardly going above and beyond anything.
The stuff MM lists are completely logical things that shouldn't have needed the community to get them fixed. Yeah, it's great we can now export all photos, or backup saves, etc, but they should have been there in the first place.
I don't know what box you have but mine has nothing of the sort...gutterboy44 said:I have to disagree with you MM. A lot of those features you are mentioning were listed on the box, yet were not present at release. I consider that an insult, not a favor that they are patching the game to what not only should have, but was stated as the features present at release. Not to mention the fact some of the features on the box still aren't in the game! (online leader boards)
Metalmurphy said:Remote races were never promised. They were ONLY mentioned in Japan events and they were always part of the "The is just the start" sections implying it would be thing added in the future.
Mechanical damage was not there day one. It was also never confirmed even though they mentioned it a few times.
Sorry but no. Some of the stuff they added was not supposed to be there day one. It was little things people realized, AFTER playing the game, that it would improve it, and they were added.
Oh yeah, the leaderboards, that's another thing I forget to mention that you guys keep asking... the thing is, you guys are never getting full leaderboards, might as well stop asking. GT5P had them cause it was just 75 cars and no upgrades.
Can you imagine leaderboards for all 1000+ cars + 9 tyre combinations + physics settings + upgrades? Not to mention there's no actual way at the moment to force a car to be at default settings (something I wish it was added, do you hear my Kaz?)
Not happening. PD came up with a workaround by adding the seasonal leaderboards. Which kinda suck imo...
1.01 was a day one patch. It basically enabled all online functionality. It probably had something to do with the delay.brotkasten said:Should we thank Kaz for adding the open lobby with the 1.01 release patch? And what about G25/27 support? Will it ever come? Or do I really need to buy GT6 and hope Kaz included profiles for those lame peasant wheels? Damage
This is damage in which the physics simulation is affected by alignment deviations, etc. This is damage that affects controllability, meaning that the car may not drive straight, or it might become unstable in corners, depending on the amount of damage. Affects all cars.
offshore said:But again, patching the game with features that were expected anyway is hardly going above and beyond anything.
The stuff MM lists are completely logical things that shouldn't have needed the community to get them fixed. Yeah, it's great we can now export all photos, or backup saves, etc, but they should have been there in the first place.
Agreed. Should be a simple add without making things too complex to get into the game.Metalmurphy said:Not to mention there's no actual way at the moment to force a car to be at default settings (something I wish it was added, do you hear my Kaz?)
Hum... my bad then.offshore said:Mechanical damage was listed before release, at E3. They called it Physics-Affecting Damage.
I'm sorry MM, it is great to have you back, but adding game design features that SHOULD have been there from day one is not great, it is a bare minimum in my book. I bought it day one, the shit was busted, they have fixed about half the small things, and none of the big things. I'm glad you are happy with the game, but don't try and tell people to smile while eating a shit sandwich. I don't know whose fault it is the game is not finished after such a long time, (6,5,3 years are all sufficient) but the simple fact is that a huge proportion of people that bought the game have been disappointed.Metalmurphy said:GT5 proved to me there is great hope for GT and that PD actually cares what we think.
Let's not forget that they have been adding on the previous updates EVERY SINGLE THING that people have been requesting like they made up a huge to do list and just have been ticking the boxes one by one.
(well, logical at least, xp complainers make no sense to me tbh, yes I do agree that the endurance races have stupidly low rewards, but I still don't get the "grind" hate. You unlock pretty much everything at level 20, the rest of the levels are just there to differentiate the drivers. Or is it just because of the freaking trophy?... )
Every time I read through this thread while banned I kept facepalming... Do people have short memories or something?
PD has done for GT5 more then any other developer has done for any other console game, EVER.
Bu bu bu... the game was shit/incomplete when it released... So freaking what? It was what it was, you bought it for what it was, yet they still kept, and will continue to improve it.
It's amazing how we are getting new A-spec events every single week, FOR FREE, when any other game company would just charge for them.
I'd say it is exactly up to use to decide what features should be there. If they are not there, people will not buy their next game in the same numbers, so they have to account for that.GTP_Daverytimes said:I have to agree with MM previous points. PD has been supporting GT5 like crazy, they have done more than any developer would have done fore a console game. What i don't get is people that use the excuse that "it should have been there in the first place" to dismiss the effort that PD have made to bring those updates. Its not up to us to decide whether certain features should have been there day one. Lets say after Forza 3 released that Turn 10 decide to update it by adding weather effects, will everyone start moaning that the feature should have been there in the first place? if something isn't on the disc when you bought the game then anything added afterwards is new whether you think so or not.
I've been trying to say this for ages. I don't think some people want to listen ^_^Dead Man said:I'd say it is exactly up to use to decide what features should be there. If they are not there, people will not buy their next game in the same numbers, so they have to account for that.
Yes, the G27 "works", but it doesn't have an accessible profile and you can't configure the buttons, making the 4 additional buttons on the wheel useless. Using the GT Force (or whatever) profile doesn't work either.Metalmurphy said:1.01 was a day one patch. It basically enabled all online functionality. It probably had something to do with the delay.
G25 support is there. No idea what's going on with the G27 since I don't own one. I thought it did work, and even the LEDs did? oO
Dead Man said:I'd say it is exactly up to use to decide what features should be there. If they are not there, people will not buy their next game in the same numbers, so they have to account for that.
You're looking at it backwards. Was weather a feature in simulation games when FM3 shipped?GTP_Daverytimes said:Lets say after Forza 3 released that Turn 10 decide to update it by adding weather effects, will everyone start moaning that the feature should have been there in the first place? if something isn't on the disc when you bought the game then anything added afterwards is new whether you think so or not.
Driving Force Pro. All the buttons work and are reconfigurable on the G25, kinda weird they don't on the G27.brotkasten said:Yes, the G27 "works", but it doesn't have an accessible profile and you can't configure the buttons, making the 4 additional buttons on the wheel useless. Using the GT Force (or whatever) profile doesn't work either.
To me they have taken a rather broken game and improved it to where it should have been at a minimum before they shipped it. As I said, I don't know why it happened the way it did, but it did. I am not going to give kudos to people for fixing something that should not have been broken.GTP_Daverytimes said:But you see thats the problem, How many games have you had an influence over the development time, not many developers listen to their fans. COD doesn't get better but a flock of goose are still buying it (Millions of goose), How many times have Turn 10 updated their game? in fact how many console games has received this amount of post release support? i can only count a few. It seems to me that a lot of people are downplaying PD simply because they feel like it.
Active Aero and Backfire were in GT3. Only Forza 4 is getting it now, and people are praising Turn 10 for it (as they should). Are you saying they should be giving them crap instead like people are doing to PD?offshore said:You're looking at it backwards. Was weather a feature in simulation games when FM3 shipped?
No it wasn't. GT had never supported it, bar for some "wet" tracks in previous. But now GT5 has weather and "proper" night racing, look what's happened. You've now got Forza players saying night racing and weather need to be in FM4 - which they do.
The point of a lot of players here is that Forza 3 has features that GT5 does not - features which some players, like me, are now expecting. Thing like a really deep level of car customisation and the superb online features FM has...people now expect these features in GT games.
It's called standardisation.
But they're not there. And if PD don't respond, they're going to fall even further behind than they are now.
offshore said:You're looking at it backwards. Was weather a feature in simulation games when FM3 shipped?
No it wasn't. GT had never supported it, bar for some "wet" tracks in previous. But now GT5 has weather and "proper" night racing, look what's happened. You've now got Forza players saying night racing and weather need to be in FM4 - which they do.
The point of a lot of players here is that Forza 3 has features that GT5 does not - features which some players, like me, are now expecting. Thing like a really deep level of car customisation and the superb online features FM has...people now expect these features in GT games.
It's called standardisation.
But they're not there. And if PD don't respond, they're going to fall even further behind than they are now.
Maybe you don't, but Polyphony absolutely have to. You have to keep tabs of what's going on out there. But they're not. And it shows badly.Metalmurphy said:Also I'm sorry, but I don't look at other games when buying one game... Otherwise I would... you know, buy that other game.
And there's a reason why those other sims aren't as big as GT and FM. That's because most players don't care about raw simulation, they care about the game and its features.Metalmurphy said:And for the record, yes weather was indeed a feature on many many other sims. There's not just FM and GT
Yeah like I said, GT has had "wet" tracks before, but not full on dynamic weather.GTP_Daverytimes said:There were features in GT3 that Forza 3 didn't have, and i don't see Turn 10 receiving flank for it (Am gonna stop before this becomes all out war lol)
gutterboy44 said:I am consistently baffled by design decisions that made during a 6 year period. I can't believe at no point did it come up that knowing what cars you already owned would be an incredibly helpful feature to have from day one. It seems PD lived in a cave (their own asses, what better place to enjoy the smell of ones own farts) and only when they received the mediocre reviews and fan back lash did they realize... oh, wow, holy shit, other racing games exist out there and have surpassed is in many categories.
Even my non GT fan friends know jokes at the expense of PD. If you expect something logically to be in a game and it is not there...thats a PD move.
Pretty sure most of those "stupid" things had to do with a rushed out release and not exactly an oversight.gutterboy44 said:I am consistently baffled by design decisions that they made during a 6 year period. I can't believe at no point did it come up that knowing what cars you already owned would be an incredibly helpful feature to have from day one. It seems PD lived in a cave (their own asses, what better place to enjoy the smell of ones own farts) and only when they received the mediocre reviews and fan back lash did they realize... oh, wow, holy shit, other racing games exist out there and have surpassed us in many categories.
Even my non GT fan friends know jokes at the expense of PD. If you expect something logically to be in a game and it is not there...thats a PD move.
gutterboy44 said:Most people who still post in this thread no, but for the sake of some new faces (which is great!) I will say the obvious one more time.
I am not a hater, this frustration just stems from the fact that I have been a huge GT fan since playing the import of GT1 on my moded PSX. Oh man, how I remember grinding high speed ring very early on till I got the 500,000 to buy the black Castrol Supra JGTC...oh awesome.
Metalmurphy said:Pretty sure most of those "stupid" things had to do with a rushed out release and not exactly an oversight.
No-one should.captscience said:I don't buy this excuse of a rushed release.
gutterboy44 said:Most people who still post in this thread no, but for the sake of some new faces (which is great!) I will say the obvious one more time.
I am not a hater, this frustration just stems from the fact that I have been a huge GT fan since playing the import of GT1 on my moded PSX. Oh man, how I remember grinding high speed ring very early on till I got the 500,000 to buy the black Castrol Supra JGTC...oh awesome.
Listen to this man, PD. A massive overhaul to the series is desperately needed.gutterboy44 said:I would like to see GT get a full overhaul. The only thing I would want to keep in terms of the single player campaign are the license tests. I have always loved them. First thing I do in a GT game is gold all of them.
offshore said:Listen to this man, PD. A massive overhaul to the series is desperately needed.
Speaking of license tests and golds, they need to make this car from GT2 premium and make it a reward for golds again. Awesome machine.
I'm still missing a handful. I think like 12 that I'm stuck on silvers. Not to say I try doing them very often...gutterboy44 said:I would like to see GT get a full overhaul. The only thing I would want to keep in terms of the single player campaign are the license tests. I have always loved them. First thing I do in a GT game is gold all of them.
brentech said:I'm still missing a handful. I think like 12 that I'm stuck on silvers. Not to say I try doing them very often...
Usually if we've been practicing a certain track for one of the leagues -- I go back and do any full lap license tests on said particular track and gold it on first try. I actually have more problems with their tests that are just certain sections.
And I'm still totally stuck on that fucking slalom cone drill in the Toyota....fml