BSTF said:FFXIII does the same thing, but not quite to the same extent.
Is this more observation on your part or are you defaming a company ethos or something?
BSTF said:FFXIII does the same thing, but not quite to the same extent.
For cutscenes made to look as if they're realtime, yeah. A lot of games do.BSTF said:FFXIII does the same thing, but not quite to the same extent.
SolidSnakex said:It'll ship in 10 days according to them. Although someone posted that it's supposed to ship in a day or two for them. So i'm not sure if a screwed up my order or not. I'm going to call them again today to see if there's any way to speed up the shipment.
On a Saturday?SolidSnakex said:It'll ship in 10 days according to them. Although someone posted that it's supposed to ship in a day or two for them. So i'm not sure if a screwed up my order or not. I'm going to call them again today to see if there's any way to speed up the shipment.
Maybe this is why they're quiet? :OAshes1396 said:btw folks, walked into sainsburys and they had an instore price for ps3 at £199. Did the ps3 suddenly have a decent price drop or something? good deal for those who were thinking about geting a slim or something...
What size was the harddrive? Maybe they are just clearing old 120 GB stock?Ashes1396 said:btw folks, walked into sainsburys and they had an instore price for ps3 at £199. Did the ps3 suddenly have a decent price drop or something? good deal for those who were thinking about geting a slim or something...
painful fart said:What size was the harddrive? Maybe they are just clearing old 120 GB stock?
Hanmik said:Is it just online in GT5 that you can upload Youtube videos..? If it also is offline, then I don´t understand why the guys who have the game film offscreen instead of using the Youtube feature.
But I guess it is only online that you can use the youtube part.
Hanmik said:Is it just online in GT5 that you can upload Youtube videos..? If it also is offline, then I don´t understand why the guys who have the game film offscreen instead of using the Youtube feature.
But I guess it is only online that you can use the youtube part.
swordfishtrombones said:As other have mentioned, I am seriously puzzled by the leaked info - it almost seems orchestrated. People get the game and they make videos of tracks and cars that we've mostly seen before. Going to a car selection screen and ending up at the SLS AMG? Why? If you went through the trouble of getting this game early (and are part of the GT/GTplanet community), wouldn't you show all the stuff that we really wanted to know? Why do we only get bumper cam in arcade mode? Why the Zonda again?
The only real new stuff is the short snow / head-tracking clip and the Cape ring periphery movie, right?
It all smells fishy, like an elaborate attempt to distract the most dedicated GT fans until they are ready to ship/promote it better.
Nevertheless, I want this game NOW.
SolidSnakex said:If it's orchestrated then they've gone through a lot of trouble to do it. They're selling the games through an auction house. Of course the annoying thing about that is that people are buying it for $69. I'd pay more than that for a copy. Hell, I am paying more than for a copy. :/
It was established for one purpose. To serve you the finger.darkwing said:is fingerhut real? or is it like GT5
darkwing said:is fingerhut real? or is it like GT5
darkwing said:is fingerhut real? or is it like GT5
KennyLinder said:Its the 160gb. Very good price, saw it couple of weeks back.
SolidSnakex said:Those assholes at Fingerhut don't have it. I just called them again to switch my order to Express shipping and they said that it'll ship on the 23rd.
SolidSnakex said:Those assholes at Fingerhut don't have it. I just called them again to switch my order to Express shipping and they said that it'll ship on the 23rd.
Ashes1396 said:Did you cancel it though?
Fistwell said:What the hell is a fingerhut??
SolidSnakex said:No, just in case.
Here's a new video
Credit to Leadfoot53 from GTplanet.
It appears to be raining harder than it was in that Zonda R clip.
They are over charging you, lied to you, and it seems you won't get it any earlier form them. If the 24 date is a placeholder that is likely that info these bastards are using for there ship date and if not then will we all have a very good thanksgiving. Whatever the case Bailout man bail out.SolidSnakex said:Those assholes at Fingerhut don't have it. I just called them again to switch my order to Express shipping and they said that it'll ship on the 23rd.
SolidSnakex said:No, just in case.
Here's a new video
Credit to Leadfoot53 from GTplanet.
It appears to be raining harder than it was in that Zonda R clip.
SolidSnakex said:Some on GTplanet think that it's the new introduction when you win a car.
SolidSnakex said:No, just in case.
Here's a new video
Credit to Leadfoot53 from GTplanet.
It appears to be raining harder than it was in that Zonda R clip.
It's been six years. I guess they had some extra time on their hands.Big Ass Ramp said:Is it a screensaver?
Oh. That's quite elaborate for that, IMO.
onken said:Sorry if this is a dumb question but it's only just occurred to me, how does the head-tracking not get confused with someone sitting next to you?