You know, thinking about this even more, it's a very tough situation.
If we were to go with a proposed idea of a pace car and steward, we're talking about sacrificing 3 spots on the grid on
every race.
-One for the pace car driver (who has to stay in the race and can't spectate)
-One for the spectator to monitor and issue penalties
-One for vissione to stream the race
If we were to have all teams participate, we couldn't even use this system anyways. :/
At some point we just have to say we're SOL, and GT5 has limits on us when it comes to trying to make every aspect of this league work.
I think at the very minimum, when we're back in the forums after a race, if someone has a complaint about an incident we should
all view the replay and vote on the incident as either needing a penalty or not. It would be nice if everyone would save their replays so that we as a community could vote on the incidents (excluding the involved parties). If you don't like taking up space with replays just save them for a week and delete them once we start the next race weekend.
