Metalmurpy or mush to the rescue!weekend_warrior said:I'm going online now to put up some practice laps, it'll be a public room for now. If someone wants to add me on GAFsuperGT I'd be thankful.
Metalmurpy or mush to the rescue!weekend_warrior said:I'm going online now to put up some practice laps, it'll be a public room for now. If someone wants to add me on GAFsuperGT I'd be thankful.
Toxa said:you can switch in cockpit view during online replay ?
Metalmurphy said:On normal replays yes. On online saved replays you only get the default replay view.
Metalmurphy said:On normal replays yes. On online saved replays you only get the default replay view.
MikeDub said:I really don't see how changing damage to light will make the league any less 'professional'. We still have everything else that we have now but we remove the issue of some drivers not being as strong as others. Who knows, 5 races in we see very little incidents as everybody relaxes and concentrates on the driving and we could turn it back on. The fact is some of the racers in the league aren't as good as others and damage doesn't benefit either groups right now.
Toxa said:bumping on the wall and still leading a race looks professional to you ? IRL when you hit the walls your race is over.
Professional = Clean drive and when you make a mistake you payed it
Toxa said:bumping on the wall and still leading a race looks professional to you ? IRL when you hit the walls your race is over.
Professional = Clean drive and when you make a mistake you payed it
Mush said:
weekend_warrior said:I'm firmly against using light damage. For me, race day is business day, no holds bar, put up or shut up. The chains come off, the damage comes on. It's why we have practice sessions, and why we spend all that time working on starting methods. Without the prospect of heavy damage looming over every corner it loses that excitement. It would feel no different then the practice races leading up to the race.
Maybe I'm just in the same boat as Toxa, and don't feel like we should change the league to appease the "casuals".
I agree.weekend_warrior said:I'm firmly against using light damage. For me, race day is business day, no holds bar, put up or shut up. The chains come off, the damage comes on. It's why we have practice sessions, and why we spend all that time working on starting methods. Without the prospect of heavy damage looming over every corner it loses that excitement. It would feel no different then the practice races leading up to the race.
Maybe I'm just in the same boat as Toxa, and don't feel like we should change the league to appease the "casuals".
UFRA said:I agree with both you and Toxa, that I would rather keep things the way they are - I just don't feel that will work.
Toxa said:I really want to raise the league and the drivers and not see it flying low.
I'm sure when Mush created this league he wanted to recreate the feel and the thrill of the real competition .
Mush said:Oops.
Mush said:Is it just me, or was Qualifying screwed up again?
Kaz, if this upcoming patch doesn't deliver chocolates and roses to my house on race day I'm going to rage so hard.
Mush said:Is it just me, or was Qualifying screwed up again?
Compromise: turn TC on. That would mean less experienced drivers would have it easier to control their car, less spin outs which for example would have avoided gutter's hit with Konosuke.UFRA said:This isn't real life, and this league was meant for anyone/everyone, so people of all skill levels joined.
Not everyone in the league can handle the professional/realistic/hardcore settings we have now.
Very true. Keep your distance in places where it's impossible to overtake anyway (like Toxa did) or stay 3 feet behind like Gutterboy and I did and pay.Dibbz said:Race day is where everything counts. We get caught up with back markers we pay. We hit a wall we pay. It's what makes the actual race exciting and nerve wreaking.
Now I wasn't in the last race but so far I've enjoyed having full damage on even if it has cost me some good points on the way.
I can't help but feel that sometimes people put more blame on the backmarkers than is called for. It's not always their fault and as a racing driver it's your responsibility to deal with what happens in front of you. Let me put it this way. If you are overtaking someone then it is your responsibility to get by without causing a crash.
I think back to SSR5 where I had two crashes and they were both my own fault because I expected the back marker to drive as I do but not everyone does or can.
I don't get this. When we all migrated from the first open lounge to the GAFSuperGT lounge I said that qualification starts immediately. We were already 45 minutes behind schedule and it made no sense to start with (another) practice session. That's why I didn't do a track reset. And that still doesn't explain it. I did a 1.37 lap and expected to start in the middle, but got placed in last position. Same for Toxa - he joined late, set an ok'ish lap time - but got placed in 8th. Toxa won and I placed 3rd (with a nice start in the pits to boot), so I don't think our lap times where among the worst. In fact I would go so far as to say that there's no chance in hell my lap time was the worst.TheSeks about qualification said:It was fucked up, I said that after the race. I didn't mention it here but they didn't clear the "practice"/waiting for people times by changing tracks and changing back. So that's how I was 4th.
Absolutely agree! Realizing that you're among the slowest guys around and still sticking around for a 20 lap race? That deserves all the respect you can get in my book. Especially as we have seen others drop out because they saw they couldn't get a podium...Mush said:I have the utmost respect for the err... "slower" cars. People like Chem (RIP), Seks and whatnot, who continue to show up even they know they aren't quite as quick as everyone else and (try) to have a good time. We should try at the very least to give some of that respect back, at least for this season.
What the fuck am I trying to say again?
Niks said:As the rules stand right now,
they are only harming the hardcore crowd.
Put in mild damage, and slow drivers are still going to be slow and good drivers will drive the same up until now.
The only difference is their races will not be determined by slower cars, but by speed as it should be.
A little less hardcore?? Definetively!!
But is it more fun for everyone? YES!
Niks said:Toxa Im just going to say you and I have a difference of opinion and approach when it comes to racing.. Certainly I will not justify my actions to you.
However, I do wonder what tune would you be singing had you crashed lapping a limping car while on the lead
Anyways I think Ive said enough about the subject and Ill respect Mush decision regarding the matter.
I agree that everyone needs to take it easy and wait for an opportunity to pass. I know you sometimes come up against a back marker and you feel you should get passed him as soon as possible but mistakes happen here and I don't think putting damage on light will really solve our problems.Toxa said:Sometimes you must question yourself, after so many practice with you I'm disappointed![]()
Niks said:Aggressive? yes. Had the momentum going in.
and if I remember correctly, I didn't touch him at any point now did I?
I forced and error on his part, unfortunately it backfired and I got involved...
anyways, sorry to your team Seattle, racing incident.
You are sure this is simulated in the game? I had no idea. I know it happens in real life but didn't think they had that in the game.Toxa said:yeah you didn't touch him, force him to make a mistake was the right course of action
but you were too close and when you follow a car too close to your car understeers and you were caught in the incident.
you have to brake much earlier to keep a safe distance
Angst said:You are sure this is simulated in the game? I had no idea. I know it happens in real life but didn't think they had that in the game.
gutterboy44 said:Remember folks, this is going to be a disaster at The Ring in three rounds. I definitely thing we need light damage on for The Ring. Getting smashed by someone in turn two and having to limp around the entire Nordschliefe will have folks rage quitting in a heart beat.
ashk said:I was worried about this too, but the pit entrance is where it normally is on the GP track - just before you get onto the Nordschleife. So you have about 6-7 corners where it won't be so bad if you get damage, and then about 150 where it's ragequit time
Anyway, I'm against going light damage on the 'ring. It should be a track that separates the men from the boys, where you have to be 100% confident and careful to get a good lap time. If we go light damage it takes that away from it - you can just push like hell with little (well, a lot less) consequence. I completely agree with the point about getting crashed into, but IMO that is a minor thing compared to what I've just said.
Couldn't we use the thing that makes cars into ghosts when they lose control (I think that's heavy penalty)?
Lol. I imagine throwing a Driving Force GT into the TV isn't the best option. Better keep a DS3 close at hand instead.MikeDub said:There have been a couple of instances of people saying this, it's such a poor excuse of ' Well yeah, you turn the damage off and I'll just throw myself into walls/other drivers because it won't matter'. If we go light damage are you guys really going to act like that, really? Oh and so far it would appear that every track has seperated the 'men from the boys', the ring will seperate peoples controllers from their hands.
MikeDub said:There have been a couple of instances of people saying this, it's such a poor excuse of ' Well yeah, you turn the damage off and I'll just throw myself into walls/other drivers because it won't matter'. If we go light damage are you guys really going to act like that, really? Oh and so far it would appear that every track has seperated the 'men from the boys', the ring will seperate peoples controllers from their hands.