I think I might buy another copy of the game specifically for Gta Online. Usually multiplayer mode have visual compromises, and that plus the pop-in issues I'm having with the PSN version will just screw up my day.
I *WILL* choose John Marston as my parent depending on the other options available. If all the other options are lame, I'm going for Marston.
When will it be ready??
Hmm. Well thats like 6AM Est for MS i believeTomorrow morning. It's dependent on Microsoft and Sony releasing the update, which is usually fairly early in the morning in the US.
Yeah, that's a major bummer. I will probably wait for the PC version then instead.
So you won't pay $10 for Gold, but you'll wait god knows how much time and pay $10 for PC version with all the expansions and bonus content included? Good choice.
How do R* social club crews actually work? Is it a overlaid clan system like halo 2, or do you actually need to be xbl friends with crewmates to get in the same game?
Sweet, I hope that works !To my understanding you do not have to be on each others friends list. First the game will pull from your friends list, next it will look for people in your crew, lastly they will dump you in with rocket spamming noob tube randoms.
FOOK IT... Looks like I'm taking tomorrow off
In GTA4, free roam was basically the only thing to do if you didn't want to play competitive stuff.
The Ifruit and Social Club stuff has sketchy since launch... I really fear that GTAO is going to be a complete mess...
As long as I can somehow make my GTA Online character look like Chad Warden, I'm set.
Yeah, I really hope we can chub them up a bit. It's gonna be a blast either way, but it'd be great to have some extensive body type customisation options in there.Good luck! From the pictures, it looks like we're only going to be able to make fairly lean characters. I just hope the facial features are a little more distinct than what they've shown.
Can't wait. Purposely held off exploring a lot of the world so I could do it with my own create-a-dude who I harbor no ill will toward.
Time to go biking off of mountains.
Any word on how creating a character will work?
Not sure how psyched I am about your looks being defined by a combo of two characters. I thought we'd be able to define facial features ourselves. That Marsten offspring looks like some inbreeding was going on.
Not sure how psyched I am about your looks being defined by a combo of two characters. I thought we'd be able to define facial features ourselves. That Marsten offspring looks like some inbreeding was going on.
Next, you adjust a set of lifestyle variables which help determine your characters appearance and starting stats. Decide how much sleep he/she gets, how much partying they indulge in, how much honest work versus illegal activity, and more. Essentially, you can adjust the genetics to wind up with a fresh faced lad or lass or a grizzled, haggard degenerate or anywhere in between! Youll also be able to preview your end result in real time all throughout to ensure youre satisfied before putting your character on a direct flight to LS. Of course, once youre out and about in the open world, you can further customize your character with haircuts, clothing and accessories to suit your tastes.
Not sure how psyched I am about your looks being defined by a combo of two characters. I thought we'd be able to define facial features ourselves. That Marsten offspring looks like some inbreeding was going on.
What are all the collector's edition parents? Niko is the one on the image for it so I know that one.
How can you fly the jumbo jets? I press triangle by them and nothing happens.
Ive read that there is a passive mode that allows you to explore the city without being killed or being able to kill anyone else.
If i am in passive mode and i see some players trying to commit a robbery or some other job, will i be able to drive a car and slow them down or ram them off the road or will i just pass through them?
You need to be standing by the landing gear in the middle of the hull if I'm not mistaken.
Also, you can only pilot the ones sitting directly at a right-angle to you as you enter the airport from the Flight School entrance (one white, one yellow). You can't hijack the ones moving on the runway.
This kind of question should probably go in the original OT, btw. You'll find plenty of similar info there.
I hope there aint triplets and twins running around because of how you make the characters