Took me a few sign in/outs before the update showed but its there now in the UK on 360
The graphics look really bad.
It's weird. I loved the SP but i have zero hype for the MP yet.
In a weird situation myself. Hyped as fuck, but due to my internet connection & my region ... doubt I'll be able to play at all! Like there is a this small sliver of hope that my connection won't suck like it does for every game I've tried ever ... hope!
In what way? Do you mean they are not the same as the single player graphics?
No US update for PS3No luck yet in Australia on PS3, anyone else?
Rockstar gave us ample warning that this would be a 'beta' of sorts, y'all need to keep your expectations in check.
What´s with the horrible pop in?
No luck yet in Australia on PS3, anyone else?
But a poster above said it was terrible. Who am I supposed to believe?WTf @ the GTAOnline intro being a better "LA" intro than the singleplayer.
But a poster above said it was terrible. Who am I supposed to believe?
But a poster above said it was terrible. Who am I supposed to believe?
Me neitherNo luck yet in Australia on PS3, anyone else?
WTf @ the GTAOnline intro being a better "LA" intro than the singleplayer.
But a poster above said it was terrible. Who am I supposed to believe?
The intro itself is better, the pop-in is ten times worse.
When the textures (eg. Buildings, trees etc.) appear out of thin air all of a sudden. It's been an issue ever since GTA3.Everyone is talking about "pop-in"...what does that mean??
Everyone is talking about "pop-in"...what does that mean??
online has dat pop-in
character creator had me like
So how does this work? You have an instanced world and during missions you can add other players? Or are these other players also available in free roam?
Character creator had you like what?
Is the creator any good? Is a hot, stripper character, out of the question?
I liked the single player intro better, it showed the perspectives and backstory that would make up a lot of the story.
GTA Online showed streets literally popping and a tennis match. Not bad for the online component, ambitious type of intro, but it wasn't as good as the single player intro.
I'm not talking about pop-in or any technical stuff, just how it introduced the setting. Way better camera angles and classic "Los Angeles in movies" lighting.
I'm not talking about pop-in or any technical stuff, just how it introduced the setting. Way better camera angles and classic "Los Angeles in movies" lighting.
Judging from the mini map, your character in GTA Online has a much larger meter for armor and possibly more health. The special ability meter has been replaced for a longer armor meter, probably meaning you are more protected in GTA Online.
pro-tip: just keep pressing random until you get a character that isn't a monster