Thanks for the nice OT! Looking forward to playing with Gaf Street!
Call me when the heists are actually in the online.
One per gamertag I believe.
Well, hopefully you can save different character appearance loadouts, like you can in SRIV.
All your clothes will probably be stored in your wardrobe.
I'm talking about physical appearance, like gender and all that.
Yeah, I was confused about that as well. So these won't be up day 1, then?
Jobs: Los Santos and Blaine County are ripe with opportunity for the ambitious and criminal minded. Take on Missions and an array of other Jobs as a lone wolf
I still have to beat the single player, lol. I am spending way too much time just messing around.
So there will be single player missions as well?
Same here man; I am in no rush honestly. I will play online and SP now![]()
Please have Mafiya Work and Cops and Robbers!
One per gamertag I believe.
You can be in 5 crews max
BTW how are people playing this? Special invite by R* to test it out or just modders unlocking the files?
I can't wait to create my Gangster.
She's going to be so BOSS. Some crazy combination of those legacy characters!
Will money you earned in the single player carry over to the online part?
Did you get the collectors edition? I want to run around as my boy Niko!
I did brother! I didn't realize we could run with older characters as our gangster- I thought it was some legacy thing, like we could select them to create our character's face.
Shit, I honestly have no idea how this is going to work- that's probably why it's the most exciting aspect of GTA !
GTA Online introduces a new spin on traditional character creation with the hereditary-based creation system. Select your character’s appearance by choosing your parent’s heritage, then use the gene dominance meter to dial-in which parent your appearance favors more. Additionally, you'll customize your character's daily activities - everything from family time to illegal work and sports to couch potato hours all have an impact on your character’s appearance and skill set (and you can always rank up your skill stats more via gameplay). As part of the Collector’s Edition package, you'll get Niko Bellic, along with both Claude and Misty from Grand Theft Auto III to use as parent options within the character creation system.
Isn't the |OT| a little early? The game won't be playable for another 3-4 weeks right?
Don't hit me, you know it's true!
No. It's been said that money is earned faster and purchases are cheaper than single player.
The most expensive property is apparently 400k, etc.
is it going to be a download or a simple unlock?
Isn't the |OT| a little early? The game won't be playable for another 3-4 weeks right?
Don't hit me, you know it's true!