This is way more deep than I imagined it would be, note I didn't read too many details into online because I wanted to go in sort of blind.
on the initial game boot up you can load straight into multiplayer. Bottom right press prompt, A or X to switch to load into multi.
It depends on how you setup their lifestyle, if you indulge in a lot of criminal activity in the points thing at the beginning then you have marks and cuts.
It's either from make up or having the criminal activity setting set to more than 4 hours a day.
Indicitive of your criminal lifestyle. Comes from the choices you make about daily activities.
Exactly my experience. Happy to wait though.UK PS3 here. Created character with no issues, but failed to join an online match for the first 3 tries.
Played SP for ten minutes, tried again and am now getting the 'Rockstar cloud servers' unavailable' message.
Will try again in a few hours.
sooo the create character was weird. Is it just me or is there very little variation in faces? Controls for it sucked ass as well (at least on ps3) alas i got in a muddle.
Well, if he's using your account it won't be separated. If he has his own account and save then it will be ok
Shit...I guess I'll have to get him to get on his own PS3 user profile? Will his current save be accessible when he logs into his own account?
And every time you get an error (i.e. every time you dare to try playing online) it throws you straight back into SP.
So I went into an invite only game and got it to start up but the first race won't start. I follow the mini map to the race marker(dude waving one of those airplane signal things) but it won't start.
The internet as a collective organism has absolutely zero patience or sense of scale. It's hilarious.
It'll be cool in a couple of weeks, chill.
There's also the possibility of creating two different characters on the online so you can also do that, one for him and one for you
Think of this as an MMO. Because that's the kind of scale they've made with this. It's not just like boring PvP in COD. There's missions, NPCs, story etc. Shouldn't be surprised at this kind of launch.Because you'll never be disconnected or booted from games online ever, right?
This is bigger than the first 2 hours. They've been doing multiplayer like this since 2008, and it's always made the process slow.
Because you'll never be disconnected or booted from games online ever, right?
This is bigger than the first 2 hours. They've been doing multiplayer like this since 2008, and it's always made the process slow.
Ok, first thoughts. Character creation is utter shit.
Ok, first thoughts. Character creation is utter shit.
That's a shame, it really sounded awesome on paper. What's the deal with it?
Wow, hope things are straightened out by the time I get home from work...I believe
it will take days to fix this!
It's actually not that bad.
The choices are fairly large, it's simply that every choice impacts the look of your character so it's hard to get the face you really want.
Just gotta toy with it a lot until you have something that you like.
(albeit not that much diversity, I agree, it's not a full blown Sims creator)
The results are ugly and unpredictable. You might as well just have a single button "random character" and click it a dozen times until you get something that is passable. It's unwieldy which is the opposite of what you want. Sad thing is they probably put a lot of effort into this and just failed. For example If you want to be a criminal which increases you driving ability hugely you have to have scars and bruises on your face.That's a shame, it really sounded awesome on paper. What's the deal with it?
One of the most ambitious online launches for a video game? Any other contenders?