Lmao@ the character creation. What the fuck rockstar?
Servers are shit as expected.
Servers are shit as expected.
I don't think it's "okay" or "acceptable", I just think it's unrealistic not to expect it. It's possible to be too damning as well.
Yeah, I'm stuck at finding the race trigger like so many others (it's not on the map). I hope this isn't game breaking or anything. When I killed myself, it just said "Wasted". I think the game thinks I'm not doing a mission when I really am.
Come on, Rockstar.
Let me put it in perspective: Bethesda can point and laugh at this.
Let that sink in.
Best looking character I've seen so far. Props.Managed to get snapmatic to upload:
Bullet wounds work to full effect in the multiplayer! My back was a riddled mess. Think my character looks nice enough.
How bad is the char creation? Is it possible to create a... uh... beautiful redhead?
Not sure if it's due to the lag causing the high-res textures not loading, but the create your own character faces look awful. I remember GTA IV's faces looking rough but I don't remember it looking this bad. Anyone have any screens of their GTA V character? I'm curious if it's a technical issue or if that's how they actually look.
But if the multi was totally separate, would that not mean you'd have to reload all the assets to jump between modes? Not played it yet myself so not sure how it works yet. Makes sense to be in SP first and then jump into multi as you want though. And to have SP be the fallback position. Doesn't seem too bad, works like it did in IV.
With your parents highlighted, press Triangle for Special Dad (aka Marston). It says it on the bottom of the screen.I randomly got the chance to pick John Marston as an ancestor, but I selected randomize and lost him. It's the worst aspect of the online so far. Eventually, the servers will be up and running, but that so-called create-a-character crap will still be there.
Isn't Cloud technology supposed to have fixed all this type of shit?
All servers are virtually hosted in massive server farms.
Isn't it supposed to expand and contract with demand?
Well, I agree that it sucks. However, its just one of those logistical things that can't be solved short of tossing astronomical amounts of money at it; an amount that is largely wasted after the "new thing rush" is over and you're not worried about millions of people slamming your servers all at once.
So I tried to delete my character since apparently using an invite only server corrupts it and now my PS3's stuck on the deleting screen.
Red head, yes, beautiful, not really.
Look closer, it's not actually loading your character. It kicked back to my Franklin, only I had alot less money than I was supposed to. I had to reload my hard save.Every time I try and fail to get online, it breaks the single player character switching.
Try triangle? That's how you can get John Marston.guys I saw Niko Ballic while creating my character, but I clicked random by mixtake then he is gone !!
any ideas?
So it's predictably broken eh? Did it ruin the single player social club stuff too?
The solo "trick" doesn't get past the race. You can only see the intro.
So it's predictably broken eh? Did it ruin the single player social club stuff too?
It's amazing how the FIRST mission in the game is game-breaking.
Go to race trigger.. But there's no trigger?! Where's the triggerrrrrr * batman's voice
Online in solo, the race guy randomly disappears and reappears and no matter what the mission won't start, lol.
Even in Solo the first Race is not triggering for me. I think I'm out for a while.
I do like my GAF t-shirt though at least.