See one stream where it looks like they've got a full session:
But he's about to go eat food.
But he's about to go eat food.
I'm so excited to create my gangster!
Well, the inevitable connection problems means I can try (try) to make a character that doesn't look like a sack of shit. Back to the character creation... Shudder
Edit: Actually, scrap that. Now I'm stuck on the deleting character screen :/
No? It uses the same option you chose for the singleplayer. So you played the singleplayer with lock-on?
I wouldn't get too excited about that. The choices range from 'ugly' to 'even uglier'.
Whoever said the character textures in the creator were iffy compared to the game were quite right. Finally got online and she looks pretty good I think.
Can you make them balding?
My guys hairline was far back, and he was 36. So possibly.
Can you make them balding?
Imagine 4 of the ugliest people on the planet, these are your parents and grandparents, adjust sliders to choose how much you resemble grandmama, grandpapa, mama & papa. Then in lifestyle, don't choose criminal activity because it will make you look like a meth addict because criminals can never be attractive.
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
'Hey you're suppose to go the other way!'
Imagine 4 of the ugliest people on the planet, these are your parents and grandparents, adjust sliders to choose how much you resemble grandmama, grandpapa, mama & papa. Then in lifestyle, don't choose criminal activity because it will make you look like a meth addict because criminals can never be attractive.
wow they should have made a classic mp mode instead of this
boring as fuck thank god the bf4 beta starts friday
Yeah, it's a shame that few have come close to APB's incredible character creator.-.- This must be the dumbest c.a.c ever. Why can't they make something like APB, WWE, or even fucking Saints Row?
I wouldn't get too excited about that. The choices range from 'ugly' to 'even uglier'.
The fact that I can't host my own private lobby with just friends is making this entire experience completely unplayable and completely fucking garbage for me.
Fuck people on this game. This is some Hyper-Darwinist bullshit in this game.
Infinite power of the cloud servers are down now.
Wait, so you can't have a lobby where it's just you and your friends doing things co-op and messing around?
Best one I've seen by far! What kind of settings did you use?
I wouldn't get too excited about that. The choices range from 'ugly' to 'even uglier'.
Yeah Xbox is working, if you were one of the lucky ones who got in.
Are you on PSN or LIVE ?
Xbox seems to be up and running:
Yes you can. See link above. He just invited them into his game.
Can you make them balding?