Got back my old Coquette and Bati when I moved back to a 10 car garage. Surprised with all the save issues it had remembered I still owned those. Super weird that it doesn't tell you this when you switch to a smaller property though. Thought they were gone forever and I got nothing in return for them.
I'm just hanging out in my garage when I notice the random's blip zoom past my building. I follow him to a Suburban, where apparently he's doing some clothes shopping. I steal an NPC car and park it in front of the Suburban store to block him in. Then I start laying on my car horn and turn my mic on to let out a wicked cackle. The random says, "I bet you think this is pretty funny," to which I reply, "Yup, I do." He then leaves the free roam. Win for me.
I mean, I guess you can't complain about people griefing when the game's basically designed to encourage and reward it. Doesn't prevent it from being annoying though. Let me do my thing you assholes. Which is currently to make loads of money by selling my Baller over and over because that other glitch won't work for me. Had to move since people sometimes camp the more popular LSC's. As more people get the idea of moving they'll start camping this one too.
I wasted quite a bit of money setting bounties on one guy over and over again for my own amusement. I noticed he has a dunce cap now sucks for him lol.
I did that once too. The guy deserved it. One of the aforementioned LSC campers. Getting killed isn't much of a setback though if they have too much, or no, money. Unless it happens, like, constantly. Just 15 seconds then they're back at it. Still, fun to spectate these hunts every once in a while I suppose. Like watching The Running Man.
Got a great chase when I set a bounty on a guy camping outside my apartment. Guy in a Buzzard showed up as they guy fleed in panic in his stupid little Blista.

Heli chase cam is awesome.
Such a chore to call Mors (under 10 seconds) and then you mechanic (again, under ten seconds).
You also might need to jump up on something and enable passive mode to prevent getting killed again while fumbling around with the phone. Also, if the mechanic brings your car, what's to stop people from blowing it up again? So you have to get back to your property. or just give up and quit to a different session that's hopefully less bad.
Getting punished or hassled at all for someone blowing you up is dumb. Should be the other way around. But as mentioned, public games are designed for griefing.
My mechanic keeps on driving vehicle's away from me it's damn annoying.
When on like the fourth call he finally delivered the damn car I chased the fucker across Sandy Shores, knocked him to the ground, kicked him to sleep and set him on fire.
I used to just punch him, but apparently he doesn't learn from that.
I kind of like that he's an unreliable shithead though, gives him personality.