I seriously recommend getting custom versions of the main racing cars.
Entity XF
and others I can't remember.
If you put some money into the cheaper ones, it can go a long way to helping you win races that allow custom cars (which in my experience is most of them)
Is there any reason to get a turbo or transmission upgrade if you're able to hit max acceleration with just the engine? I'm guessing at that point it's just throwing money away.
I'd also like some consensus on whether armor slows your car down and tire type makes a difference.Is there any reason to get a turbo or transmission upgrade if you're able to hit max acceleration with just the engine? I'm guessing at that point it's just throwing money away.
Space Docker from single player.
You have to use out-of-game means to get it into Online, but once you have it, you can dupe it easily to give it to anyone else. More and more people are duping them for their friends, so they are starting to spread.
You need high level mods for it to reach that?Been making 90K with my Zion.
I've got everything I need now and have 5 mil left over so I'm done.
You need high level mods for it to reach that?
Just got kicked from the session by other players. Wasn't even interacting with them and was doing my own thing.
Get kicked to single-player? Who the fuck came up with that?
It's the end of the week now, and there's still no update on what happened to the supposed stimulus package?![]()
Rockstar did patch the first exploit or three. This one's still working though. Maybe until next week? There was talk about cheaters getting pooled together. Not sure if that actually was/is the case.So is Rockstar not going to do anything about the glitchers? Playing the game honest, I get the feeling like I'm playing on hard mode, while others are playing on easy.
Yeah, that's happened to me on several occasions. Last time I was just in free roam after spending a long time in several jobs. Decided to just get my character a haircut, having not interacted with any other players on the map, and I got booted out to single player. Made no sense.
As far as I can tell, having loads of money's only really advantageous if races allow for custom vehicles. Freeroam is an unbalanced shitfest regardless of anything, so it doesn't really matter.
Pretty annoying how you seemingly cant shoot someone through the rear window of a supercar.
Amen brother, we get a better sense of accomplishment though when we do finally get good shit..its just damn hard especially when your not happy with some of your paint jobs on cars and keep on wasting money like I do. I can never seem to get cash.So is Rockstar not going to do anything about the glitchers? Playing the game honest, I get the feeling like I'm playing on hard mode, while others are playing on easy.
I'm not sure of everyone's GAF name from GTAO, but I had a great session with JellyBean, ScapeGoat and 'toritoni?'. Just blowing up everything, bailing into lakes, stealing planes and fighting off the cops for close to 30 minutes. That's the kind of stuff that keeps me playing this.
That was a great time! (I'm MrJellyBean). For as much as I've played this online, I haven't really messed around a lot in Free Roam and stuff like last night makes me want to do it more. It was great having 5 or 6 crew members in the lobby and having a bounty on the one other random person there and all of us going after them. Should have set my mic settings to everyone to hear if they were saying anything. Good times.
Also, I can't believe my Buzzard survived that collision with your Luxor. Those things can take a beating.
Whaaa? I've never seen that many of the GAF Street crew in a lobby, I've probably only seen a maximum of two others besides myself. Free aim lobbies on Xbox are a ghost town for Gaffers.
I mean no offence to your taste, but what is usually a pretty sweet looking car is made quite ugly with the that carbon hood instead of a normal coloured one.
two days in a row that I jump into a server after a mission and people are cruising around in tanks just blowing people up not giving two damns if they destroy your car or not. Just waiting around the insurance garage and blowing the cars up again. Then going down the street and blowing up the cars in the impound lot.
its like they know they getting banned or punished soon so they don't even care. I pretty much walk around like mad max now, you come 50 feet near me and I will kill you. No more will I look at people thinking they friendly.
That 6 was the most GAF dudes I've played with so far at the same time. In general though, I'll see one or two others in a lobby. I tend to see the same 10 people from the crew a lot.
The turbo is a definite! The first car I bought it for was the Elergy RH8 and it goes like a goddamn missile now, not only in top end speed but also acceleration too.Is there any reason to get a turbo or transmission upgrade if you're able to hit max acceleration with just the engine? I'm guessing at that point it's just throwing money away.
I wanted to know this as well.. I haven't upgraded my cars past the max, but if it makes a difference I'll have to spend quite a bit more.
We should probably set up a GAF chat room on PS3 to organize everyone into one lobby.
That was really fun! (I'm ScareGoat)
First time I've ever actually messed around in free roam. I normally sit there until I get a job or race invite.
My favorite part was when that dude in the small airplane (mallard?) smashed right into our helicopter and every one ragdolled to the ground.
That 6 was the most GAF dudes I've played with so far at the same time. In general though, I'll see one or two others in a lobby. I tend to see the same 10 people from the crew a lot.
You're SOLID_SNAKE or something like that, right? I remember you in the lobby. I think Imm0rt4l (GODHAND something or other I think) was in there too for a little bit.I think I joined that lobby with you guys. Made 18k from the bounties you set before I got bad sported. Oh well, I'll just wait until Saturday night.
What's the best way to get a lobby with a bunch of crew members? I'd actually like to do that tonight when I get on. Not a full lobby of crew members though. Need to have a few randoms to put bounties on.Just about every free roam lobby I join has at least 1 crew member in it. The most I've played with at once in free roam was 3. We certainly need to do more of that. Makes free roam infinitely more fun.
You'd probably have to have people added to your PSN list, because I don't believe you can invite by username in-game unless they're in your crew or on your friends list.How would this work? Invite only session?
I haven't tried invite only sessions so I'm unsure of the logistics.
What's the best way to get a lobby with a bunch of crew members? I'd actually like to do that tonight when I get on. Not a full lobby of crew members though. Need to have a few randoms to put bounties on.
Agreed, and it'll be because that mission sucks. I managed to do it a couple of times with 2-3 people, just because they made for good distractions and I was able to escape with the photo. I now avoid that mission at all costs.Death from Above is freaking impossible on solo! And no one wants to play with me! UGGGHHH!!!!!
Nice. I'll give it a shot tonight to see how it goes. I'll probably post before I try sending invites to the crew.Yeah, I'm SOLID-SNAKE04.
For the lobby, we can use invite only or "crew session". I don't know how well crew only works, but invite works fine as far as I can tell. It would be a lot easier if we actually stayed in the same lobby after each mission, though.
I'll send a friend request tonight when I get on.I'm not going to be able to play tonight. Got a bunch of stuff to do tonight. But you should add me on PSN same name as here. That goes for anyone playing on PS3 in the Gaming Age crew. FFS though put a message in the friend request otherwise they go straight into the trash.
The turbo is a definite! The first car I bought it for was the Elergy RH8 and it goes like a goddamn missile now, not only in top end speed but also acceleration too.
That stats bar can kiss my ass.According to the stats bar, there's no way to improve top speed.
Done.Oh, and since this thread gets more traction than the PS3 crew thread we have some openings still in Gaming Age Fam so if you are interested go to the link and follow the instructions to join.
Oh, and since this thread gets more traction than the PS3 crew thread we have some openings still in Gaming Age Fam so if you are interested go to the link and follow the instructions to join.
Death from Above is not impossible on Solo sir. I've done it on Solo and hard. You have to strategically use your lives and be very fast and directed. Go to the main entrance gate, kill everyone directly in front of you around the parked cars, then make a beeline for the path to your right that leads to the target. As long as you kill the three or four guards defending the target you have enough time to take a pic of the body. Then you die and in your new life drive to Martin's with no wanted level.Death from Above is freaking impossible on solo! And no one wants to play with me! UGGGHHH!!!!!
You're supposed to get into the mansion by air, but no one ever does.Why is Death from Above called Death from Above? Most of the other mission names make sense, but I can't find the pun/link with this one.
Yes, the suggestion is you infiltrate the property by either helicopter or parachute but everyone bowls in through the front gate.You're supposed to get into the mansion by air, but no one ever does.
Why is Death from Above called Death from Above? Most of the other mission names make sense, but I can't find the pun/link with this one.