I want chrome, how many wins you need?
I was racing some freeway race with two guys in chrome Feltzers last night, it was like being in Dubai.
Setting up a crew only race, invite only server. Matchmaking is closed.
Boom. Randoms join. This has been going on since day 1 and is still not fixed.
This is *so* annoying. I sent this issue to R*. Everyone else should do the same. It is annoying as both the host and as a random who ends up in another groups closed session.
[email protected]
I rearranged and kind of decided on my final 9 of 10 cars yesterday. Left space for a supercar and/or to use to re-arrange again. I think it is more likely to be the latter as I'm not sure I will ever be able to afford a super car!
The following, including mods, a lost fully modded gauntlet and mods to the Elegy now replaced, according to my stats is about 2 million in terms of spend:
Akuma (bought):
Blista (stolen):
Sultan (stolen):
Gauntlet (stolen x 2):
SandKing XL (stolen):
Baller (stolen):
Injection (bought):
Debauchee (bought):
Sentinel XS (stolen):
And I reckon I need to spend another 100 - 150 K to get the rest fully modded.
I've been pretty good at ensuring I always have a baller to sell at LSC and have done a shit load of racing and co-op missions but without the unsolicited gift of 500k from some random guy I would never have been able to even fully mod the Debauchee (100+ k car, 50k for a turbo!).
How much is a turbo for a supercar?!