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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
This patch & beach bum are different, I think.

Still haven't seen an armored car or a crate drop. Level 35. Don't know what I have to do to see either of those..

I'll be relieved when they have all of the bugs sorted out, because I feel like they can then work on tuning the game and improving things, not just fixing bugs or chasing down glitches. Love to see some of the things other have mentioned -- AI partners if you want them, heists, tuning match play, etc. I'd also really like to see the ability for the host to actually set game settings, IE, like what weapons appear in a death match mode, free aim vs. lock on, etc.

Crates didn't start appearing until I did a Trevor missing where you steal drugs from a safehouse.
I hope they fix the tow truck glitch. It's not fun when someone crashes your console several times a night. (My bad luck for getting into sessions with them in it, YMMV)


Parmesan et Romano
I hope they fix the tow truck glitch. It's not fun when someone crashes your console several times a night. (My bad luck for getting into sessions with them in it, YMMV)
I've seen one before but had no idea that they could crash your console with them. That's giving me some gta iv flashbacks now, not good.
Well, I put my PS3 on eBay last night so this is my last week with GTA:O. I had a lot of fun with it, I just wish that it didn't have so many problems so that people would have continued playing. The overall activity of the PS3GAF crew died so fast...

But I can't blame anyone for getting annoyed with the game. So many problems, man...so many problems. I got real lucky as after 54 hours of gameplay I never lost a character or any money. To be perfectly honest, I blame a lot of the GTA:O community for my eventual boredom of the game. Want to race? That's cool, but every room you join you'll either get kicked from, or play the same three races over and over. Want to do a mission? No one does.

The free roam is the only left that holds my interest. All of the glitching, cheating and the constant grinding really put a damper on this game for me. But, for all of the character losses and money losses people had...I can't say think it is wrong.


don't ask me for codes
This thread is dying. No surprise though. Patch notes http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51716/new-gta-online-title-update-105.html

The newest automatic title update for GTA Online is now available for both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. As mentioned previously, this update addresses some residual issues where occasionally people's vehicles or vehicle modifications were disappearing due to a cloud save failure - as well as the other fixes mentioned below:

  • Built in measures to prevent users from losing their progress when there is a cloud outage
  • Built in a number of measures to protect players’ cash balances even if there are network problems
  • Fixed an issue where on rare occasions during network problems the player could lose their Online vehicle or mods after exiting GTA Online
Of course, if you're still experiencing any other technical problems, please visit our support website to contact our support team and subscribe to the GTA Online Launch Status article. You can also shoot us a quick message at the Rockstar Support Twitter.

We also encourage you to send any constructive gameplay feedback you have to us at our [email protected] address, as we continue to monitor it for all the latest suggestions for tweaking and improving the experience of GTA Online.

On a related note, we anticipate the GTA$ Stimulus to be distributed in the next couple of days following this Title Update. The Stimulus will go out over the course of a full day once it's initiated so don't be alarmed if people on your friends list receive it before or later than you do. Enjoy and we certainly appreciate your patience and understanding as we sort out these remaining issues.
(this post isn't all a reply to you, I agree, but wanted to expand)

But I can't blame anyone for getting annoyed with the game. So many problems, man...so many problems. I got real lucky as after 54 hours of gameplay I never lost a character or any money. To be perfectly honest, I blame a lot of the GTA:O community for my eventual boredom of the game. Want to race? That's cool, but every room you join you'll either get kicked from, or play the same three races over and over. Want to do a mission? No one does.

The free roam is the only left that holds my interest. All of the glitching, cheating and the constant grinding really put a damper on this game for me. But, for all of the character losses and money losses people had...I can't say think it is wrong.

Agreed, but that grinding was setup by design in so many ways. People want to go into the game and use weapons other than pistols, and who can blame them? I'm up to Level 35 and haven't grinded or anything, but I feel bad for my friends who just started playing and they're restricted to a 9mm pistol... and that's all. They basically can't compete.

Rockstar introduced leveling mechanics which *can be* a good thing. CoD has leveling, CoD restricts weapons and perks to certain levels, so I thinkt hat Rockstar wanted to do something similar. The problem was the absurd balance issues. In CoD, you still get access to functioning guns from the get go, and a level.. 10 person with skill can easily best a level 40 person with more or less skill. In GTA Online, there was too much of a disadvantage.

The cadence of being able to "do stuff" in online was wrong too. You don't get interesting missions for ~20+ levels. It's insane and then the RP and money payouts on those missions just aren't enough. Every mission for people level 18 and under is Gerald drug bust mission, and it really gets stale. Then, you get to level 20, 25, etc., and you actually start getting some interesting missions... but it's a big committment to ask people to put in 20 hours into a game before they can play something enjoyable. And, if you're playing with your buds and only have access to a TMP or 9mm pistol, those missions are impossible.

Beyond that, many of the missions are poorly designed. I played Crooked Cop the other day with 6 people, and it's fun... but frustrating and messed up. You shouldn't have to lose the cops to deliver the package, it totally throws the game out of whack. The game ended up becoming a ~20 minute grueling experience as anybody who tried to get the package ended up with 3 stars. Finally, my team won after we got lucky... a teammate died and was able to get the package without the police heat, so the match ended, i got my $2000 and 1000 RP, whatever it is, and the other team? Zero. Zero dollars. Zero RP. For playing a match for 20 minutes. If those other people wanted to they could have played 10 straight "The Commute" races and made $50,000 and gotten 20,000 RP in that time frame.

So, while I get so angry with the people playing it constantly only grinding the same 3 races or doing the same three match types, I also have to blame Rockstar... it's how they designed it.

Almost every mode and match needs tweaking, except (IMO) races. Races are really, really good. But, everything else is pretty screwed up.

  • Deathmatch: No weapons... it makes it so that a level 10 will never be able to compete with a level 25, ever. No "radar off" mode or "lock on off" option for the host? Makes it even worse. No interesting guns in any deathmatch ... no interesting scenarios. The few interesting ones like plane vs. plane DM and the tank DM are so rare to play.
  • LTS: Why is the radar on all the time? Who EVER thought this was a good idea ...? Why isn't there an option to turn it on or off for the host? Again, the same weapon problems... there aren't any weapons so every level 10 is at a disadvantage to a level 25. And you shouldn't have to grind a game just to have a chance at winning a competitive mode.
  • Missions: I think missions are great in this for the most part. Except.. the rewards need to be tweaked and more people will play them. Nobody plays missions now because the rewards are really imbalanced... It's winner take all and some of them can take 15, 20 or longer to complete.
  • PvE Jobs: Not enough of them, not enough variety, not enough good ones. I was hoping for some missions similar to single player except instead of me switching between Trevor or Michael, my online guy is doing the "Michael-like action" while my buddy is doing the "Trevor-like" action. Who cares if that means that they have to give you guns or give you certain vehicles (choppers, etc) for a specific mission? It should be that way.

There are a lot more grievances... tghis is all I can think of at the immediate moment.


Some guy in a midnight purple/pink bugatti randomly chases me down and kills me near the Pay n Spray south of Vinewood. Tank time. He heads to the beach on the west coast. I start exploding him to smithereens over and over which is terribly easy since he keeps spawning out in the open. avoiding personal vehicles when possible. He spawns back on the street and since I want to minimize the number of personal vehicles I destroy — and damage to the tank — I back off for a bit.

I notice him driving back to the beach. I check his level and he's high enough to use a tank, so I head out to the beach just in time to see him running toward his own ordered tank. I fire, blowing him up and eliciting angry yelling from him. A few more kills, this time with a few tread kills. Either by selecting a mission on his phone or going to the in-game store then backing out, he teleports elsewhere in the city. my tank is smoking, so I swap with his, then blow up my old one.

I catch up to him as he's buying supplies from the Ammunation near the east-most pay n spray. I sit outside for a moment, carefully line up a shot and fire through the doors, killing him.

More killing ensues. A group of his friends roll up in a riot truck, valiantly trying to divert my attention.I nudge them every time they approach, sending them tumbling. While I was trying to maneuver around the cops I'd attracted, the guy climbs onto the side of the riot truck. I drive into them before they can flee and knock him off the side. Before the others realized he fell, I blew him up again.

He flees to a scrapyard next to the LA/LS river and engages passive mode once I arrive. Ass I'm circling, someone in a helicopter flies near me and lands. I get out and ride in the chopper's passenger seat. The guy flies to another spot along the river where a guy is sitting next to a helicopter underneath a bridge. We hover there for a few moments until I realize this guy wants help with killing the guy under the bridge. I use the helicopters camera to aim a rocket at him, fire and blow him up. my pilot then heads back to where my old friend is and attempts to land on a nearby roof, yet fails. We crash and explode.

A friend of the passive mode guy joins him. He exist passive mode and blows up the tank I left. I shoot back and forth with his friend while cops close in around them. I run around the scrapyard manage to kill the friend, but get killed by the friend after he respawns. They advance on me as I hide under a bridge. A third dude drives down the la river doing a drive-by at me in a golf kart. I shoot him, but get killed for the second time by the guy who started it all. i then see the the kill counter which reads "2 vs. 25".

I spawn on top of the bridge with a clear shot of jerk prime after he was killed by cops. I see him take aim with his sniper, but I headshot him. I call for a car, get in and leave the scene managing to hit the friend along the way. after calling for another tank, I notice the jerk following me. I start dropping grenade as he follows along the highway, but he crashes into me, I stick his car with a sticky bomb and blow him up, but it totals my car too since he was too close.

we're two blocks away from my tank. I shoot him, run for a bit, then kill him again with blindfire around a corner. he stops following and once I get to the tank, he leaves, his name no longer showing up in the lobby list.

I send a friend request to the guy who tried helping me earlier. I continue driving around in the tank, buying ammo and stuff for another half hour and get ready to quit as I pass by the insurance company building where cars respawn. I notice a purple car with hotpink secondary color parked outside, similar colors to the infamous bugatti driver that started this all. I didn't think anything of it at the time since it wasn't a bugatti. I notice some dots moving toward me, suspecting they're going to get their car back.

I decide to just sit in the road and ominously point the tank cannon at them as they pass by. As they approach, I see my old friend's username above his car. I blow it up, hear him yell and I quit for the day


And that's why you don't kill people minding their own business.

This is the shit I love the most... These stories.
What you describe is essentially my MO, just don't fucking fuck with me. But I'm at the point where it's one of the few things I actually enjoy. I'm practically begging for someone to look at me wrong.

So how long until R* patches the jerry can trick to blow up people's cars without getting bad sport points or having to pay for it?

I'm by no means a griefer but I had a lot of fun doing this to the dipshits who camp outside LSC. I'd wait til they go to get ammo or just kill them while they're driving and douse their rides. The process takes a good ten seconds or so, so when you pull it off without them catching you it's pretty satisfying.



I feel like online is dying. I think the fact that the game is segmented into autoaim and freeaim exacerbates the matters. I'm probably going to be occupied with Dragons Dogma, but I do hope R* can do something to give this game some legs. So much potential.
(this post isn't all a reply to you, I agree, but wanted to expand)

Agreed, but that grinding was setup by design in so many ways. People want to go into the game and use weapons other than pistols, and who can blame them? I'm up to Level 35 and haven't grinded or anything, but I feel bad for my friends who just started playing and they're restricted to a 9mm pistol... and that's all. They basically can't compete.

Rockstar introduced leveling mechanics which *can be* a good thing. CoD has leveling, CoD restricts weapons and perks to certain levels, so I thinkt hat Rockstar wanted to do something similar. The problem was the absurd balance issues. In CoD, you still get access to functioning guns from the get go, and a level.. 10 person with skill can easily best a level 40 person with more or less skill. In GTA Online, there was too much of a disadvantage.

The cadence of being able to "do stuff" in online was wrong too. You don't get interesting missions for ~20+ levels. It's insane and then the RP and money payouts on those missions just aren't enough. Every mission for people level 18 and under is Gerald drug bust mission, and it really gets stale. Then, you get to level 20, 25, etc., and you actually start getting some interesting missions... but it's a big committment to ask people to put in 20 hours into a game before they can play something enjoyable. And, if you're playing with your buds and only have access to a TMP or 9mm pistol, those missions are impossible.

Beyond that, many of the missions are poorly designed. I played Crooked Cop the other day with 6 people, and it's fun... but frustrating and messed up. You shouldn't have to lose the cops to deliver the package, it totally throws the game out of whack. The game ended up becoming a ~20 minute grueling experience as anybody who tried to get the package ended up with 3 stars. Finally, my team won after we got lucky... a teammate died and was able to get the package without the police heat, so the match ended, i got my $2000 and 1000 RP, whatever it is, and the other team? Zero. Zero dollars. Zero RP. For playing a match for 20 minutes. If those other people wanted to they could have played 10 straight "The Commute" races and made $50,000 and gotten 20,000 RP in that time frame.

So, while I get so angry with the people playing it constantly only grinding the same 3 races or doing the same three match types, I also have to blame Rockstar... it's how they designed it.

Almost every mode and match needs tweaking, except (IMO) races. Races are really, really good. But, everything else is pretty screwed up.

  • Deathmatch: No weapons... it makes it so that a level 10 will never be able to compete with a level 25, ever. No "radar off" mode or "lock on off" option for the host? Makes it even worse. No interesting guns in any deathmatch ... no interesting scenarios. The few interesting ones like plane vs. plane DM and the tank DM are so rare to play.
  • LTS: Why is the radar on all the time? Who EVER thought this was a good idea ...? Why isn't there an option to turn it on or off for the host? Again, the same weapon problems... there aren't any weapons so every level 10 is at a disadvantage to a level 25. And you shouldn't have to grind a game just to have a chance at winning a competitive mode.
  • Missions: I think missions are great in this for the most part. Except.. the rewards need to be tweaked and more people will play them. Nobody plays missions now because the rewards are really imbalanced... It's winner take all and some of them can take 15, 20 or longer to complete.
  • PvE Jobs: Not enough of them, not enough variety, not enough good ones. I was hoping for some missions similar to single player except instead of me switching between Trevor or Michael, my online guy is doing the "Michael-like action" while my buddy is doing the "Trevor-like" action. Who cares if that means that they have to give you guns or give you certain vehicles (choppers, etc) for a specific mission? It should be that way.

There are a lot more grievances... tghis is all I can think of at the immediate moment.

agreed. I want to like GTA online because of how amazing the map is, and because of how strong the core mechanics are (driving, shooting), but it's just hampered by bad design in a lot of ways. I have more of an itch to play GTA 4 online tbh.
I don't have a ton of free time for games these days. But since GTA:O was released, I have been doing everything possible o cram as much playtime in as I can. Since 10/2 (I started a day late), I have logged over 110 hours online. I am currently level 55. I have spent the majority of my time (at least 2/3) in free roam, messing around with other Gaffers. I've had more fun than you can shake an Entity at. Im in EST, and usually see 8-15 crew members on every time. If you don't go out and find your own fun, then I feel that you are truly missing out on what makes Grand Theft Auto really amazing. Below is a vid of Torontoml (flying), Catdefelix (taking pictures in the buzzard), and myself (driving). This is just a little bit of the 25 gb of video I've gotten! Not always with gaffers, but it's always a blast!
BF Injection fun


I agree that you're missing out if you don't play with friends, it's the definitive way to play for sure. But when you can't play with friends it shows some of the problems the game has. I'd play more death matches if they were available, same with races(and they weren't in autoaim lobbies).

I think R* should add a pvp gang war in the same way that you initiate a death match. Say you get griefed by someone a few times and you recruit others to help you fight. I suppose you could already do this by texting randoms for help though. But adding some semblance of structure could help. Maybe you could even put money up to be split amongst those who help you.


Decided to solo the mission where you had to steal a briefcase from the construction building rooftop for a reward of $3,500.

Last month I completed it with another player and got $7,000.
We both thought it was a paltry sum at the time for our efforts and they decided to reduce it by half?...

Seriously thinking about taking a break from online until heists come out.


So, is there a good way to take out Tanks?

I was in a room with 2 people driving around in them earlier to the point where there wasn't much to do besides everyone running away from them, which is fun in itself, but we couldn't get close to planting any explosives and the damn things can aim so quickly it makes trying to take them out from helicopter rather futile.


So, is there a good way to take out Tanks?

I was in a room with 2 people driving around in them earlier to the point where there wasn't much to do besides everyone running away from them, which is fun in itself, but we couldn't get close to planting any explosives and the damn things can aim so quickly it makes trying to take them out from helicopter rather futile.

Call Lamar for a mugger, wait for it to jack the guy from the tank and then snipe him.
So, is there a good way to take out Tanks?

I was in a room with 2 people driving around in them earlier to the point where there wasn't much to do besides everyone running away from them, which is fun in itself, but we couldn't get close to planting any explosives and the damn things can aim so quickly it makes trying to take them out from helicopter rather futile.

Go into passive mode and ram your insured vehicles into them :)


Unconfirmed Member
A friend and I had a little romp last night that was supposed to climax with a jetski trip to the end of the world and an eerie, yet unsuccessful hunt for sharks out in deep waters. We were thinking of calling it a night when some other crew members joined us out at sea, and we all dived down to the bottom of the ocean. We came across a kind of Spongebob Squarepants world and met a big blue whale, who was kind enough to give us a job.

He wanted the red bones of a rare talking fish that was supposedly immortal.

After a hectic mission we somehow got the goods, and the trip back was a huge hassle. After lots of shouting, laughter and close calls in our submersible van, we transported the prize back to big blue.

He seemed happy, and invited us through to the lounge and bar in the back. We had a couple of cocktails before saying goodbye and leaving blue to chat with his new fishbones friend (who it turned out had a really creepy voice).

Patting one another on the back and relishing our success, we all head outside and check out wallets to find $250k each.

Wait a minute... 250,000... that's half of 500,000... which is half of one million...

We all look at each other... "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Then we all cheer at once, "STIMULUS PACKAGE!"

Then I woke up this morning.
Am I enjoying this game too much, or not enough?
Go into passive mode and ram your insured vehicles into them :)

Someone did that to me even though I was mostly minding my own business except for the dude in another tank that I took out who was the reason I called for a tank in the first place oh and I guess some dude who parked a helicopter on the street to rob a store... I'm a bad sport now.


I think R* said that the underlying stuff like cloud saving,chracter loss etc was what they were working to fix first.

I don't think we'll see a fix for LSC glitches and all that other stuff until the beach bum pack is near release.


We were thinking of calling it a night when some other crew members joined us out at sea, and we all dived down to the bottom of the ocean. We came across a kind of Spongebob Squarepants world and met a big blue whale, who was kind enough to give us a job.

He wanted the red bones of a rare talking fish that was supposedly immortal.

After a hectic mission we somehow got the goods, and the trip back was a huge hassle. After lots of shouting, laughter and close calls in our submersible van, we transported the prize back to big blue.

He seemed happy, and invited us through to the lounge and bar in the back. We had a couple of cocktails before saying goodbye and leaving blue to chat with his new fishbones friend (who it turned out had a really creepy voice).

... the fuck did I just read ??

E92 M3

Kinda sad to see this thread dying along with Online. R* really had a winner on their hands with this game. If anyone can turn it around, it's them.
Guys, I think my friend stole the stimulus package.

Seriously though, he said some guy just gave him it. I don't even. Even if somebody handed him the money, how would it be possible to give that kind of amount? The maximum he could give me was ~$1950. I know my friend didn't do the car duplicating exploit.


Guys, I think my friend stole the stimulus package.

Seriously though, he said some guy just gave him it. I don't even. Even if somebody handed him the money, how would it be possible to give that kind of amount? The maximum he could give me was ~$1950. I know my friend didn't do the car duplicating exploit.


Kinda sad to see this thread dying along with Online. R* really had a winner on their hands with this game. If anyone can turn it around, it's them.

There are still a ton of people playing; maybe GAF has moved on somewhat but I haven't noticed a drop in traffic.


Kinda sad to see this thread dying along with Online. R* really had a winner on their hands with this game. If anyone can turn it around, it's them.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've stopped playing because of how much of a frustrating mess Online is. It's taken R* far too long to get the mode into any kind of decent shape and even then it still has a lot of problems that only serve to bug the fuck out of you.

I doubt I'll go back unless I'm really freakin' bored. Even if we get the stimulus... I'm at the point now where I just don't care about it. There are much better online experiences to be had in other games. Online had potential, but it's been such a blunder that I don't have the patience to wait for R* to live up to it.


Kinda sad to see this thread dying along with Online. R* really had a winner on their hands with this game. If anyone can turn it around, it's them.

I haven't noticed the death of online. It's always full online when I play. GAF and this thread is not an indicator of anything.

E92 M3

There are still a ton of people playing; maybe GAF has moved on somewhat but I haven't noticed a drop in traffic.

I haven't noticed the death of online. It's always full online when I play. GAF and this thread is not an indicator of anything.

I have to refresh a few times to get a full lobby -- so I spoke from personal experiences.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've stopped playing because of how much of a frustrating mess Online is. It's taken R* far too long to get the mode into any kind of decent shape and even then it still has a lot of problems that only serve to bug the fuck out of you.

I doubt I'll go back unless I'm really freakin' bored. Even if we get the stimulus... I'm at the point now where I just don't care about it. There are much better online experiences to be had in other games. Online had potential, but it's been such a blunder that I don't have the patience to wait for R* to live up to it.

Yes, they need to change a lot of things to turn everything around. As of now tons of people glitched their money, and a ton didn't. A new equilibrium should be established - or wait for everything to resolve itself once the holes are patched.


I'd probably still be playing if it wasn't for Football Manager 2014. I'm balls deep in trying to make Celtic a European power again, gta can wait.


Junior Member
I have to refresh a few times to get a full lobby -- so I spoke from personal experiences.

Yes, they need to change a lot of things to turn everything around. As of now tons of people glitched their money, and a ton didn't. A new equilibrium should be established - or wait for everything to resolve itself once the holes are patched.

Mathematically, finding more smaller lobbies would be an indication of more players.
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