I always wished for Rockstar North to release an immersive mode where the mini map will be disabled for everyone in the free mode allowing for deep exploration. Imagine driving in free mode then see someone just drive past you. I know the mini map can be disabled but what I'm talking about is forcing everyone to have it disabled.
Yeah, that would be pretty awesome.
But you can create games at least with willing participants in invite only servers (or if you really want chaos amongst randoms but that is if you really want a lot of luck and randomness being inserted into the "game") to the same effect. Well as long as you can get enough willing players (That you trust will stick to the rules the group sets).
I mean I've seen GTA used (or at least proposed to be used) amongst willing participants to do games such as manhunts where everyone turns off their minimap and stay in a forest and hunt each other. Or one person against many (I think the one I saw said they found the best rules was that the person had to stay within a certain limit, for them it was within the city limits, to make it fair. They also set rules that the hunters had to exit their cars to shoot the person. I think they also turned off labelling of players so you could try to blend in with the NPCs. They couldn't unfortunately turn off the "you can race another player" messages it gives you if you get near another player but not as big a giveaway as a name over your character).
Could do capture the flag missions as well that way (two teams, minimaps off, names over players off. I think they set up that the teams were on different crews so each team could talk to each other without the other team hearing the communication. With them they set up a hostage situation where they had to free the hostage so some one had to play hostage too. They also did one where one side was trying to grab a money truck from the other side).
You can have all sorts of fun with GTA (at least if you are playing with non randoms or willing participants) doing this kind of stuff.
But it would be fun if you don't have a lot of people to play with and have to play with randoms to have servers that turn off the minimap (well, more like turn off letting you see the other players on the minimap) and don't let you see who is another player (and also make it a little easier to set up games like this and make it so you don't have to just rely on trust that people are being honest).
Looks like passive mode is actually full proof now even when in a car, when activated you become transparent.
I may actually enter a 30 person lobby after all!
Yeah,I'm kinda wary about 30 person mode, 16 already was enough to deal with when most just wanted to shoot you regardless of if you were in the mood to get into a gunfight. But this would make it so I might show up a lot more (and then when I am in the mood for a gunfight I can just turn it off
