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Grand Theft Auto V: Announcement Trailer Nov. 2nd

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Meadows said:
One thing people seem to have forgotten about was the shooting aspect in GTA: SA. It kinda sucked, you just locked on and pressed O, whereas in GTA 4 it was a lot more tactical and, IMO, enjoyable. I did prefer GTA: SA though.
Ye I also preferred the shooting and the guns on this one. I hated the noise on SA, I hope they add most of stuff from SA, but touch it up and also add stuff from IV and touch it up.

Ploid 3.0

Feature said:
WE NEED CHEATS BACK!!!! I mean all the cheats from SA!

- Invulnerable
- no cops
- agressive drivers
- agressive peds
- peds all have guns
- all out war
- ...

GTA4 would've been so much better with all those.

Yep this too. GTA3s were the king of cheats. I should make a vid of my attempt at fun session with GTA4 console (without mods). Start car explosion chain reaction. First car blows up and alert the cops, activate no wanted cheat. Second car explodes alerting the cops again, rush to pull up phone to reactivate cheat. Cops are getting close now so I'll have to take out time to witness the awesome chain I'm creating to safely disarm the wanted level each time a car explodes.

Meadows said:
One thing people seem to have forgotten about was the shooting aspect in GTA: SA. It kinda sucked, you just locked on and pressed O, whereas in GTA 4 it was a lot more tactical and, IMO, enjoyable. I did prefer GTA: SA though.

Yeah this is true. One of the reasons I was excited for GTA4 was that it seemed to have better shooting control. The PC versions enjoyed good controls but the console was stuck with an outdated one. GTA4 had to step it up for console, especially after other 3rd person shooter games had great controls that worked.


Angry Fork said:
Lack of fun/weird vehicles, no crazy pedestrian cheats, no infinite health/invincible vehicle cheats, no parachute (until BoGT which was awesome and so much better than 4), lack of indoor environments, no ways to spend your money except on clothes/guns, no ambulance kind of missions, etc. and so on.

See, the lack of fun/weird vehicles didn't bother me. The cheats, like I said in an earlier post, weren't even on my mind for whatever reason. Indoor environments, I mean you had the nightclubs, comedy clubs, bars, fast food, sports bars, strip club to name a few to go into. You had plenty of options as far as clothes actually; you just usually had a ton of money to work with. Did you try any of the police car missions?

Angry Fork said:
I realize the reason they kept a lot of this out might have been because it wouldn't coincide with the story/character they're trying to do, but I completely disagree with that design. Choosing story over fun gameplay is ridiculous in a GTA game. The story can still be meaningful and interesting if you're allowed to have fun in your own spare time, it has nothing to do with what the cutscenes tell you. It's like Rockstar is so scared of just giving people tools and letting them have fun. Red Dead Redemption suffers the same problem.

I don't necessarily think they chose the story over fun gameplay; only they can truly answer their motivations. I can just say that I feel they did what they did because of the protagonist they chose. They wanted to stay true, some say to a fault, to him and his persona. I felt that from the beginning and especially on a second playthrough so it never really bothered me that there weren't jetpacks, planes, pedal bikes and the like. I understand the complaint but personally it didn't bother me at all.

Angry Fork said:
And I'm still waiting for the day where you can go to an airport, go on a plane and actually sit on the plane with other passengers and shit on board. That would be so damn cool although it would garner controversy obviously since you'd have the freedom to hijack it as well. This is what I wanted in San Andreas but at least they let you drive the planes. I would agree that GTA4's world was too small for planes but I hope it's not the same in 5.

I believe they will get planes back in this title.

Angry Fork said:
I want this game to let you interact with everything the way you can in a Fallout game. If you see a building you should be able to go inside and see people. If you go into a casino you can use every slot machine, you can bet and play games, you can rob the vault ANY time you want (and from banks too) and not just have it be part of a mission. They should let you choose how much of a criminal (or good guy) you want to be. How awesome would it be if you could rob a bank like the mission in 4 but you can do that ANY time you want? And it's not relegated to a scripted mission. I don't know if that's possible but that's the kind of shit I'm always hoping for in new GTA games.

I think those things are definitely possible. Don't put it past Rockstar to deviate from a successful formula - they did it from SA to GTAIV.


Meadows said:
One thing people seem to have forgotten about was the shooting aspect in GTA: SA. It kinda sucked, you just locked on and pressed O, whereas in GTA 4 it was a lot more tactical and, IMO, enjoyable. I did prefer GTA: SA though.

Oh, the shooting was much improved; no question. I prefered the shooting and driving as well as the shooting while driving in GTA IV to SA as well.


@youngmaylay ( Voice of CJ in San Andreas ) is retweeting a bunch of GTA related stuff.


Might be another hint towards Los Santos.


GlamFM said:
@youngmaylay ( Voice of CJ in San Andreas ) is retweeting a bunch of GTA related stuff.


Might be another hint towards Los Santos.

Good find! That is a little odd.


Ploid 3.0 said:
SA had some amazing missions. From burning crops, to hijacking a plane.

This is the thing that distinguishes SA from 4 for me. Yeah SA had a LOT of things to do on the side and I need that too, but the missions were just off the charts crazy and fun.

They didn't give you 40 basic missions that served as a tutorial over a 10+ hour stretch like 4 did. This is also why I'm not immediately thrilled about Saints Row 3, because I don't know if the missions will be crazy fun or just basic shooting ones like in the other SR games.

Ploid 3.0

The shooting controls in GTA:SA PC

Derrick01 said:
This is the thing that distinguishes SA from 4 for me. Yeah SA had a LOT of things to do on the side and I need that too, but the missions were just off the charts crazy and fun.

They didn't give you 40 basic missions that served as a tutorial over a 10+ hour stretch like 4 did. This is also why I'm not immediately thrilled about Saints Row 3, because I don't know if the missions will be crazy fun or just basic shooting ones like in the other SR games.

I'm watching mission videos on youtube from SA now. Woozie!!! That guy was awesome. GTA VC and SA were just so good.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah if they could pull off a mission like when you chase that train on a dirtbike or the "gspotlight" mission from vice city but with all the current gen bells and whistles id just about die from excitement.


Jtwo said:
Yeah if they could pull off a mission like when you chase that train on a dirtbike or the "gspotlight" mission from vice city but with all the current gen bells and whistles id just about die from excitement.

People talk about how the bank mission in 4 was great but really all you do is just run around gunning cops down with a rifle. I think you might shoot a heli down but I don't remember for sure.

The casino mission in SA was much better. You had to parachute between buildings I believe, and then use that heli with the giant magnet to move the truck away. I really should have purchased SA on the steam weekend deal but it doesn't fully recognize my 360 pad.


Derrick01 said:
People talk about how the bank mission in 4 was great but really all you do is just run around gunning cops down with a rifle.

In terms of gameplay it wasn't anything special; it just had awesome atmosphere/presentation that was missing from most of the other missions.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Don't forget the heist in the casino. That was fucking awesome, and parachuting out.

That whole set of missions was awesome, stealing the plans, the bikes, the helicopter and dating the one who had the security key.

EDIT: forgot about parachuting onto the dam to sabotage the power supply! Kickass.
I'm hoping this co-incides with a HD trilogy of Gta3,VC and SA with a feature allowing either character to travel via plane teleport to the other cities.


"If this is what cowboys listen to, no wonder they invented the electric guitar. K-ROSE" ^^

Seriously, San Andreas had the best radio stations by a mile. DJ Hans Oberlander was amazing. "GET UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS IT'S TIME TO DANCE!" :lol


Junior Member
“You can make anything fun, or anything boring,” he added, cryptically. “Particularly in the high-definition era, it may be more about making random things seem fun, and putting a weird variety of things in there. Games aren’t supposed to be reality. They’re supposed to be the reality if reality was what you see on TV, and listen to, and how advertising is. It’s the reality of the media, not the reality of the reality
Needs Xzibit reality.pic

offshore said:
"If this is what cowboys listen to, no wonder they invented the electric guitar. K-ROSE" ^^

Seriously, San Andreas had the best radio stations by a mile. DJ Hans Oberlander was amazing. "GET UP YOU LAZY BASTARDS IT'S TIME TO DANCE!" :lol
I'm not a big house/techno guy but I even liked that station.

I think Vice City gets the crown but San Andreas' radio is criminally underrated.

Very diverse and awesome. And the talk radio was godly.


I think its time they move the location outside the USA. I guess they did china already with china wars. Still though, I think somewhere like Europe would be cool.


Buckethead said:
I'm not a big house/techno guy but I even liked that station.

I think Vice City gets the crown but San Andreas' radio is criminally underrated.

Very diverse and awesome. And the talk radio was godly.

Vice City kills it; if you are even remotely into the 80's it absolutely nails it. Talk radio on GTA IV is really underrated. I loved the stations in GTA IV - tv stations especially. I can't tell you how many times I would load up GTA IV, turn on the TV and realize an hour went by. Watching "Republican Space Rangers" or "I'm Rich"..I still enjoy them. If you haven't tried watching the TV shows you should really give them a chance. Even the damn commercial within the TV shows are gold.


This is not my type of game, though, I really loved Vice City. Cause of the 80's. My decade of growing up.

How about Grand Theft Auto V: Paris?
I don't think that we'll see GTA from non-American or Western Europe locales, an even Europe is a stretch. The story telling elements would really be torn at as they try to appeal to Western sentiments. And a major part of the GTA games is poking fun at subtle humor of those areas and times, and while Toyko or something might be interesting from an architecture point of view, relatively few of GTA's fans would be interested or would get subtle jabs at native Japanese culture.

The same can go for almost any region other than English speaking former British colonies (London, Dublin, or Australia could work). Even if it were set in Paris or another major European continental city, most of the jabs at French culture or what have you would be cheap jabs.. Hairy armpits, snooty attitudes, and so on.

Frankly, I wouldn't mind if GTA scaled up in scope. I know that we're used to the city method now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they expanded out... As much as it would be a diversion from the GTA landscape of stories told within a single locale, I wouldn't be that surprised if they wanted to mix things up with multiple distanced locales. But, it might just not be feasible to the typical Rockstar scope on this generation.


The Albatross said:
I don't think that we'll see GTA from non-American or Western Europe locales, an even Europe is a stretch. The story telling elements would really be torn at as they try to appeal to Western sentiments. And a major part of the GTA games is poking fun at subtle humor of those areas and times, and while Toyko or something might be interesting from an architecture point of view, relatively few of GTA's fans would be interested or would get subtle jabs at native Japanese culture.

Nope; we won't see a GTA game other than the US. They love poking fun at the culture; it is just a comfort zone with endless potential.

The Albatross said:
Frankly, I wouldn't mind if GTA scaled up in scope. I know that we're used to the city method now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they expanded out... As much as it would be a diversion from the GTA landscape of stories told within a single locale, I wouldn't be that surprised if they wanted to mix things up with multiple distanced locales. But, it might just not be feasible to the typical Rockstar scope on this generation.

Not sure if they would do this considering the level of detail they did for NYC(Liberty City). They would have to definitely sacrifice little details if they do multiple cities; you would think at least.

Kydd BlaZe

Can't wait for this! Couldn't care less about the GTA IV backlash. Damn near flunked out of my sophomore year in college messing around with that fucking game LOL. Was crazily addicted to it at the time...loved every second of it.


RPGCrazied said:
This is not my type of game, though, I really loved Vice City. Cause of the 80's. My decade of growing up.

How about Grand Theft Auto V: Paris?
I personally wouldn't like paris. It would be too monotone, with the colours. It would get boring really quick.


GTA is more than just dumping the character in a city you have to take into account it's popular culture and history. What could people pinpoint in places like paris that would lend itself to satire that everyone would get. Same with people who want it in japan.

Sam Houser has said that other countries had been considered before. but that the R* team felt that they did not know enough of the general culture in those countries to build a game around it.

The first way the idea of GTA in another country falls apart at the first hurdle is how would you do radio adverts for instance?
Buckethead said:
GTA will never be out of the USA.

That's the point of the franchise.


Hopefully there's no impossible or near-impossible missions. I couldn't, for the life of me, get passed the "cop wheels" mission in San Andreas.
Can we just throw something out there for the rest of time:

When somebody says, "GTA will never be in a foreign city," or "GTA will never do this blah blah," Can we stop posting links to fucking PS1 and PC era Grand Theft Auto 1 & 2, and just accept that what came out in GTAIII is completely different than what game out in GTA1 & 2 and their subsequent add-ons.

Those games were completely different, and the project took a marked turn in a totally different direction with GTAIII. And it's stupid to be like "well, in GTA1 [made FIFTEEN YEARS AGO], there were three cities, so who's to say there won't be three cities in GTAV!!!"


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Grand Theft Auto IV was my first GTA game, and I really enjoyed the realistic aspects of it. With that in mind, do you guys think I'll enjoy San Andreas?

Oh, and are there any recommended mods for SA on PC?
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