Shit. I need to shut up.
Yikes, I need to step my game up. I am always associated w/ GTA and am not even up there; damn work.
Shit. I need to shut up.
Nobody wants Big Sean on their radios bro
I guess you guys are right.. The internet is never satisfied haha.
Have you played RDR and MP3 yet? I think Rockstar stepped up their game, just from those titles, since GTA IV. They have implemented IMO the best of this gen into GTA V; I just can't see it being a disappointment.
Come and say hello and fill out the questionnaire!
What settings did you use?
I wondered if they explored that. With modern tech, I think they could have made an ocean on one side/most sides/ with an endless desert on the other that basically acts the same as an ocean.. Turning you back when you go to far. The issue is, obviously, planes and vehicles allow you to access areas that you couldn't in a game like RDR.
But, I think with an endless desert of repeating patterns (that eventually turns you around if you go too far) they'd be able to achieve somethign similar to endless ocean of repeating patterns.
Seriously considering the Limited Edition Brady guide.
New pic:
New pic:
Seriously considering the Limited Edition Brady guide.
New pic:
Having just recently played it, that seems much too small for SA. If I'm wrong then goodbye social life for Sept-Oct.
New pic:
New pic:
New pic:
Trevor in a suit ...WAT?
Bought the guide for £7.
It should be a great toilet read once I've finished the main story.
New pic:
I hate his ugly mug so much already.
Sept 17th hype train.
It's gonna leak.
You will watch the leaked footage. And the game will still be a surprise when you play it.
So don't watch any footage. Uplug for a week. 17th will be here before you know it.
Someone posted that you could get £5 cash back if you use Amazon and some other site.
Then it would be £2, dunno if it's legit though.
looks like R* achieved their goal.
So far, I think Trevor will be my most played character.
It is wild that you can do meth; wonder if just Trevor can do it?
its legit you feel me bruv
It is wild that you can do meth; wonder if just Trevor can do it?
which of the guys has that tactical driving ability? he'll prob be my most played
edit: hood gone love it
Oh my. Smoking meth and weed?
Ah man, I am way too uncool for that thread.
Do you watch Sons of Anarchy? If that thread's Jax, I'm Piney![]()
which of the guys has that tactical driving ability? he'll prob be my most played
edit: hood gone love it
It's more realistic! That's why I don't think there shouldn't be a GTA MMO. If there was more than 16 insane criminals running around Los santos, the world would be too different!
People steal from you before you deposit your money in a bank which will typically occur once you've won money from a mission which implies everyone is in the same area having just worked on the mission together.
Plenty of room to go off on my own without a clusterfuck of players everywhere getting in my way and constantly killing each other, as well as plenty of room to stake out and hunt other players whenever the mood takes me. I think it's more than ideal for my needs.
lol more realistic? How is a huge city with only 16 criminals more realistic?
Sad part is nobody would be asking for leaks if Rockstar had released gameplay footage by now. Lol
I have no idea. Please use biscuit analogies or flavours of crisps.
So to clarify:
GTA V compared to SA -
GTA V compared to IV -
I think I'm only going to change Franklins hairstyle.
The other two are perfect already.
I'll leave Franklin and Michael the way they are, but I'm going to put a mask over Trevor's face if I can. I can't stand his face.
Someone has got to get a Chop in a parachute screen put together. I suck at photoshop![]()
I'll leave Franklin and Michael the way they are, but I'm going to put a mask over Trevor's face if I can. I can't stand his face.
It is wild that you can do meth; wonder if just Trevor can do it?
Trevor has feelings too.