You're a sick person.Any good videos of Chop being sent to his death in hilarious ways yet?
You're a sick person.Any good videos of Chop being sent to his death in hilarious ways yet?
Anytime I'm in the mood to rampage, I always use Trevor. Just feels right.This game is fucking awesome. I love trevor. Just the way he feeds of weak mental persons is funny and I love the dialogue between franklin and Lamar.
I'm taking it real slow see, well I decided to drive a nondescript black SUV through the gates of the military base in the desert. Was not expecting instant 4 stars, panicked and stole the first Fighter Jet I saw, now I'm pretty good at ace combat, beaten all of them on Ace and what not BUT THESE MISSILES DON'T DROP LOCK THEY JUST DON'T HOLY HELL. It was like the missiles were single minded organisms and all they were biologically programmed to do was fuck me into pieces. Took a heavy hit quickly and I thought it was all over but my plane stabilized (some how, I was doing this as Franklin who doesn't know anything about planes) I managed to dodge the next 3 missiles by flying low and pulling up last moment, all the mean while I was tying to figure out how to fire missiles back or see if this thing had chaff or anything.
Eventually I figured out how to select missiles so I looped back and fired off two at the chopper tailing me and he blows up, I was celebrating and got careless and took a second missile in the asshole. At this point I decided I had to get the hell out of here if I wanted to enjoy this fighter at all so I started flying low towards the shoreline hoping I could maybe get out of radar range, Well just as I was approaching the end of the danger zone feeling top gun as shit, my engines cut out and my plane is covered in smoke, I am not about to bail out because I am convinced the game will rule this as fall damage so I try and emergency land the plane in the in that one mission as trevor
I'm splash down the impact rips off both my wings and ejects poor Franklin 20 feet forward and splashing into the water. As I reach the surface gasping for air surrounded by twisted metal, smoke, and fire I see the contrails of a missile in the distance heading towards me. In the slowest 2 seconds of Franklins life the missile impacts with the fighter wreckage and the intense heat of the explosion liquifies poor Franklin.
Then he wakes up, back in Los Santos General...was it all a dream?
By the way Franklins slo mo driving doesn't work with planes, also you can use slo mo driving as bullet time if you're in a car and doing a drive by.
Posts like these make me want to cough up the dough that I don't have so I can play this immediately.GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE
I'm taking it real slow see, well I decided to drive a nondescript black SUV through the gates of the military base in the desert. Was not expecting instant 4 stars, panicked and stole the first Fighter Jet I saw, now I'm pretty good at ace combat, beaten all of them on Ace and what not BUT THESE MISSILES DON'T DROP LOCK THEY JUST DON'T HOLY HELL. It was like the missiles were single minded organisms and all they were biologically programmed to do was fuck me into pieces. Took a heavy hit quickly and I thought it was all over but my plane stabilized (some how, I was doing this as Franklin who doesn't know anything about planes) I managed to dodge the next 3 missiles by flying low and pulling up last moment, all the mean while I was tying to figure out how to fire missiles back or see if this thing had chaff or anything.
Eventually I figured out how to select missiles so I looped back and fired off two at the chopper tailing me and he blows up, I was celebrating and got careless and took a second missile in the asshole. At this point I decided I had to get the hell out of here if I wanted to enjoy this fighter at all so I started flying low towards the shoreline hoping I could maybe get out of radar range, Well just as I was approaching the end of the danger zone feeling top gun as shit, my engines cut out and my plane is covered in smoke, I am not about to bail out because I am convinced the game will rule this as fall damage so I try and emergency land the plane in the in that one mission as trevor
I'm splash down the impact rips off both my wings and ejects poor Franklin 20 feet forward and splashing into the water. As I reach the surface gasping for air surrounded by twisted metal, smoke, and fire I see the contrails of a missile in the distance heading towards me. In the slowest 2 seconds of Franklins life the missile impacts with the fighter wreckage and the intense heat of the explosion liquifies poor Franklin.
Then he wakes up, back in Los Santos General...was it all a dream?
By the way Franklins slo mo driving doesn't work with planes, also you can use slo mo driving as bullet time if you're in a car and doing a drive by.
Depends how much $20 is to you and your budget. I went for it because the blueprint I'll probably have framed and put in a game room one day because this game is culmination of a lot of my favorite games.
The steelbook is amazing, looks badass.
20% and some weapons for free is pretty awesome for the beginning of the game as well as 25% faster recharge on special is nice (I use the driving one a lot because it just looks cool).
I'm not a purist, I play games on easy so the bonus weapons and recharge are a plus to me, but depending on your gaming style you may or may not appreciate them.
Blimp comes with everything I think.
Plus there are outfits, haircuts, and such ... but I haven't really checked them out.
And stunt plane trials/missions. But I haven't really done any of that stuff.
I only see that option once in a while when I'm in a taxi. Am I doing something wrong?
I'm taking it real slow see, well I decided to drive a nondescript black SUV through the gates of the military base in the desert. Was not expecting instant 4 stars, panicked and stole the first Fighter Jet I saw, now I'm pretty good at ace combat, beaten all of them on Ace and what not BUT THESE MISSILES DON'T DROP LOCK THEY JUST DON'T HOLY HELL. It was like the missiles were single minded organisms and all they were biologically programmed to do was fuck me into pieces. Took a heavy hit quickly and I thought it was all over but my plane stabilized (some how, I was doing this as Franklin who doesn't know anything about planes) I managed to dodge the next 3 missiles by flying low and pulling up last moment, all the mean while I was tying to figure out how to fire missiles back or see if this thing had chaff or anything.
Eventually I figured out how to select missiles so I looped back and fired off two at the chopper tailing me and he blows up, I was celebrating and got careless and took a second missile in the asshole. At this point I decided I had to get the hell out of here if I wanted to enjoy this fighter at all so I started flying low towards the shoreline hoping I could maybe get out of radar range, Well just as I was approaching the end of the danger zone feeling top gun as shit, my engines cut out and my plane is covered in smoke, I am not about to bail out because I am convinced the game will rule this as fall damage so I try and emergency land the plane in the in that one mission as trevor
I'm splash down the impact rips off both my wings and ejects poor Franklin 20 feet forward and splashing into the water. As I reach the surface gasping for air surrounded by twisted metal, smoke, and fire I see the contrails of a missile in the distance heading towards me. In the slowest 2 seconds of Franklins life the missile impacts with the fighter wreckage and the intense heat of the explosion liquifies poor Franklin.
Then he wakes up, back in Los Santos General...was it all a dream?
By the way Franklins slo mo driving doesn't work with planes, also you can use slo mo driving as bullet time if you're in a car and doing a drive by.
It happens afterwards. Not sure exact time, but you get an email from the person later on.Holy shit lol
I got nothing for mine wtf
All of these posts and pictures just make this game sound genuinely incredible. I didn't hype this or anything but I just want to go out and buy it. Everyone on my campus continues to talk about it too, almost literally everyone. I've never felt such a phenomena from a single game before.
So, I just switched to Franklin, and I see him with a marker and writing this on the fucking wall...
I am going to look into this some more... Too fuckin cool
Also, why is the thread title like that? Why not something witty, like, "You ain't gotta like it cause the GAF gon' Love it."
Yes I am.Maybe, lol, I am able to instant travel every time without issue, are you selecting somewhere first and letting the driver start the journey?
I have no idea why you don't own this game, it's fucking next level man. Just buy it, now. People "holding out" for PS4 or PC, lol I'll just buy it again.
I've got 28 hours into it so far and I got 5x my moneys worth, this is the business.
There are going to be some really cool Easter eggs to uncover for sure. The attention to the finest of details in this game is staggering, and there are weird little hints everywhere.
how do you end a walk with chop? I know how to take him for a walk, but can't get rid of him
Oh, wow. Pro-tip: if you run into one of those events where someone's wallet/bike/car gets stolen, while I might be tempting to keep it... Return it. I just got $100k in stock for returning a bike.
how do you end a walk with chop? I know how to take him for a walk, but can't get rid of him
Decided to ride a jetski right out into the ocean to see how the game would handle it. Was cool seeing the city disappear behind me and soon being out on the open sea with nothing but water in every direction, but... well, it ended badly!
For anyone who wants to know, this is what happens:You can go pretty damn far, way off the map, but eventually the jetski slows down and then sinks. You can still swim around, but then... the sharks come. And eat you.
Hey, I was just gonna ask about this. I've been doing the right thing and returning people's stuff, but have never been given anything in return. Was starting to think it was pointless, but it's good to hear it does pay off in the end.
So does that one cheating website actually work? It wants you to pay $500 but it doesn't seem to actually pull any money out and the girls you message on there don't seem to ever get back to you even though it says keep an eye on your email.
Or am I the only one really digging deep into the game's internet? lol
L2 then r1. Certain activities will also make him leave.
The radio stations are pretty crappy this time around. I like maybe a quarter of the songs. Too bad because the Vice City and San Andreas ones were basically perfect
Yeah, that made me sad.Jeeesus,. I was not expecting that. Trevor is hilarious.Johnny Klebitz got Warfed so hard
You're a sick person.
The radio stations are pretty crappy this time around. I like maybe a quarter of the songs. Too bad because the Vice City and San Andreas ones were basically perfect
Anyone know a good spot to find a helicopter? :