This confused me so much looking at off-topic.
How has this not been moved to Gaming?
Edit: Or why was it moved to OT?
Ask Rockstar
Is GTA not considered a game anymore?
Turns out you can't eat anywhere the game because R* couldn't figure out how tipping works
Post off topic jokes. Somebody post the airplane. I need to go ly dow. etc.
... the system for saving cars. I like getting cars and customizing them, but I occasionally lose them when doing missions. Sometimes they spawn near me after the mission's over. Some are impounded and some just disappear. I'm scared of taking them out for open world fun because walking a few blocks away can make them vanish. I usually steal cars to progress through the story. Not because it's fun, but because of these issues.
I wish the Insurance/Anti-loss system in Online was in the main game. It's meant to protect your car from other players, but your single-player cars shouldn't just disappear either. I should be able to park it properly without having to go to my garage everytime. Even the personal mechanic would be a crucial addition.
Do these problems only exist for stolen cars?
Is there a reason why I can't seem to buy a slot on the Marina or the Helicopter pad near it? The prompt comes up, I "confirm" but nothing happens. ?_?
You have to sit there and do nothing for a good 10 secs after you buy it. Don't move, don't use the phone, nothing. No idea why, but it works.
hi there. wanna buy some DRUGS? you've got a nice figure, you wanna have some FUN?ew @ all these weird people I avoid purposefully by not going on gaming side now being on ot side
Kenny Loggins is awesome.