You are not flying in this game, you're "falling".
Lol, I've noticed that some always feel the need to correct others on this. We're well aware of that, but sometimes we just want to say "flying" lol
You are not flying in this game, you're "falling".
The first one I mentioned? It's inPleajeaune where Aki has you follow this girl's boyfriend because she think he's cheating on her.
EDIT: Beaten!
Lol, I've noticed that some always feel the need to correct others on this. We're well aware of that, but sometimes we just want to say "flying" lol
Net_Wrecker is flying.
Everyone else is falling.
What made me laugh was when I saw a post saying the game should've been cheaper. On what grounds lmao
Net_Wrecker is flying.
Everyone else is falling.
The game almost feel like 2 games pasted together. It has a considerable amount of content with a very lenghty campaign.
How gamers can perceive sometthing like Infamous: Second Son, which is like half the length of this as full price and not this is beyond me.
Well, I can only hope that we're going to get a Gravity Rush 3 on PS5. The market doesn't deserve it, unless the next protag will have guns and a more realistic style.
Can I take a moment to say how much I love the "finisher" sequences in this game? They're always so beautifully choreographed/animated and shot with terrific effects work.
(I figured this was safe enough to post, but if anyone thinks I'm spoiling stuff let me know and I'll edit).
And while I'm on the subject, that finisher theme.
Yea, it really adds to the whole spectacle. And they only get flashier lol
Woke up to see that the tanktop/shorts were unlocked. Still a long way to unlock everything, but many thanks to all of the Shorts Army. Let's keep it up![]()
There's some pretty amazing ones in there. The final one is really something.
I also noticed in the credits that the cinematics were done by the same studio that did the "Gravity Rush: Overture" anime project, which I thought was interesting.
No big deal, everything's clashing in Q1 2017 anyway. Savour all of it!
Woke up to see that the tanktop/shorts were unlocked. Still a long way to unlock everything, but many thanks to all of the Shorts Army. Let's keep it up![]()
I got mine yesterday! Thanks shorts army! Next step, outfit 1.0, then the world mouahahahaha!!!!
Yeah, it's a bloody busy period. I'm playing Bloodborne, and then I'll move on to Gravity Rush 2, and then I'll probably go straight to Horizon (maybe with a small game in between as a palette cleanser) and then I'll focus properly on Nioh. And on top of all that, I'm tempted to pick up Yakuza 0 and Nier Automata as well!
There is actually a safe route, but I had to look it up on YouTube.Jesus christ at this photo taking stealth subquest. The place is completely covered with soldiers, there is no safe route, and the only way I'm getting through this is that this is the stupidest AI I've ever experienced (they're blind and forget everything as soon as you move a bit away).
There's definitely too many stealth quests in this game, but so far, honestly none of them have been that annoying to me. (Although apparently there's one I have yet to do that may make me regret saying this) The only one that came close to bugging me technically wasn't even the typical stealth sidequest, and it was only frustrating because I was accidentally doing it wrong the entire time lol
I'm sort of confused by the mining sites thing. I don't understand the stats screen for them, what I get by killing the big flying navis, and what the purpose is other than getting small amounts of currency from the ore deposits or whatever.
Am I missing something? Also why do half of the items under announcements not have anything, yet there are things that fit those categories under All Announcements?
Episodes 1-12 are basically "Gravity Rush 2" while the rest is "Gravity Rush 3 + epilogue DLC".
Ha. Well you're not wrong. It certainly improves by thinking of it that way, though I still wishJirga Para Lhao got a better send off.
There's definitely too many stealth quests in this game, but so far, honestly none of them have been that annoying to me. (Although apparently there's one I have yet to do that may make me regret saying this) The only one that came close to bugging me technically wasn't even the typical stealth sidequest, and it was only frustrating because I was accidentally doing it wrong the entire time lol
I don't mind stealth, but don't put stealth if the mechanics are not made to support it in the first place. That's how we end up with this...
Same, I could never play the first game again after this.
Anyone fought rare nevi? in the statistic it says rare nevi = 0
How can I encounter them ?
I'm still early in the game.
when do we get to upgrade our gravity gauge?
also, tips on beating those annoying giant Navi in the mining areas?
I'm still early in the game.
when do we get to upgrade our gravity gauge?
also, tips on beating those annoying giant Navi in the mining areas?
when you revert to normal form from jupiter all i can hear is "pogchamp"
There is actually a safe route, but I had to look it up on YouTube.
It's funny, because the game's mechanics leave it poised to tackle stealth in unique ways. But then they have to be fucks and have all these people patrolling the skies and under the buildings as well, they went overboard lol
Ok GAF, it's been a few days. What are your feelings towards GR2?
It looks gosh darn gorgeous, but how is it better than GR1? Does it take any steps backwards?
I don't think I have encountered any, but if it's anything like the first game, they're probably hiding somewhere.
Btw, is it normal that there's some kind of "lag" to go from Lunar to back to normal mode? I click the panel but sometimes the game straights ignores me lol
Anyone fought rare nevi? in the statistic it says rare nevi = 0
How can I encounter them ?