I will be on around 2pm central US time. I'll play for a couple hours and stream on Twitch.
I will be on around 2pm central US time. I'll play for a couple hours and stream on Twitch.
I will be on around 2pm central US time. I'll play for a couple hours and stream on Twitch.
Is anyone looking to do heists today on the PS4?
We have 3 ready to go, looking for 1 more to fill the group. Will be on most of the day, at least for the next 5-6 hours, starting with the last heist and then go from there for whoever needs what.
Please have a mic
Not looking to do any hardcore stuff, just doing the heists for trophies and cash.
Your reaction, mixed with Xeno's laugh, is priceless. I love it when random shit like that happens.I wasn't planning on playing GTA O last night but I saw Xenorevlis and a friend on. Glad I did. We ended up player hunting in freemode on my Twitch stream, experiencing all sorts of general hilarity.
Wat!? Nooooo!!!My TV is busted and i don't think i'll be reparing it anytime soon, so, it's been fun guys. Thanks for all the great games and laughs!![]()
Freemode Events in Grand Theft Auto Online are a new advancement in open world gameplay, giving players access to a range of seamlessly integrated games and challenges in GTA Onlines Freemode. Taking full advantage of the latest generation of consoles and PC hardware, there are no menus, lobbies, or load times just an open Freemode session filled with Friends, Crewmates, rivals, and randoms where spontaneous and chaotic new games and challenges will appear.
One of these events can kick off at any given moment while in Freemode, and you can customize your session to decide exactly which ones will happen so you can play as much or as little of this new content as you like. With countless variations on each Freemode Event, there are tons of unique new experiences, each offering new opportunities for reaping GTA$ and RP in GTA Online.
Feeling locked and stocked? Look out for King of the Castle an every man for himself turf war where youll need to ascend and claim the designated castle as your territory and then fend off everyone else as they go all out to dethrone you. Form fragile alliances and work together in modes like Hunt the Beast, where one volunteer is temporarily transformed into a faster, stronger, beastly character who must escape relentless pursuers. Freemode Events also take the shape of insane stunt challenges, such as popping the longest wheelie, catching the most air in a land vehicle, or performing the most near misses in a vehicle without crashing.
Also included with next week's update are two brand new Adversary Modes. First, Hunting Pack: youre part of a team tasked to deliver a priority vehicle rigged to explode if it drops below a minimum speed, while your opponents race, ram and batter to take it down. Or try Cross the Line, where heavily-armed squads face off across a neutral zone with the goal of having all team members strategically penetrate their opponents territory to claim victory. The Freemode Events Update also brings the Rockstar Editor to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with new features (also being added for current PC users as well) such as an ambient audio and sound effects library, Snapmatic integration, Director Mode updates and more.
I played GTA Online for many, many hours after release but due to other obligations I dwindled away before heists were released. I once again have time to spend in Los Santos, so if anyone is in need of player for heists, I'm all in. I'm not into mayhem in public lobbies, I prefer co-op fun with friends. If any of that sounds fun, my PSN ID is same as GAF.
I'm still trying to put together a reliable team to complete the Criminal Mastermind challenge if you are interested. Where are you located?
I'm still up for that, by the way.I'm still trying to put together a reliable team to complete the Criminal Mastermind challenge if you are interested. Where are you located?
I'm still up for that, by the way.
I'll be on tonight, streaming on twitch. Trying to get a group together to hide out in LS Customs, throwing bounties on each other to drive the randoms in freemode nuts.
Edit: Stream's over. Thanks for hanging out again, MADGAME. We'll run some serious heists next week after work hours. And maybe finally pick up that hearse.
Update is out in XB1, 709MB.
Ed - oh servers done (obviously)
Pretty disappointing that you can't just trigger free roam events, you have to sit around waiting for one to start and it seems there's about a 20 minute wait between events.
They could have been a little more generous with the rewards as well.
What is the problem?Rockstar: 13min ago: "and others asking about missing Contact Missions, we are currently investigating the issue for a fix" sweeeet!![]()
Oh and this isn't update related, but don't start missions from a chopper.
I'm interested in completing the heists in order with the same crew to obtain the $2M bonus. If anyone else is too and dedicated to the task, let's link up. My PSN is same as GAF. Maybe if we get a good group together and go through them all we could consider going for Criminal Mastermind.
I'm in if you got room. I'm in MT time zone, only went through Heists once as leader. Good almost anytime.
First attempt using the Editor on PS4 feedback is welcome.
Bit too frenetic with all of those shot changes. Consider cutting down on the number of shot changes and stick with one about twice as long as you did in the video. Some cool shots in there, but not enough time to appreciate them or soak in what's really going on in the video.
Prepare for a whole 'nother level of Freemode chaos in GTA Online this weekend. To help you gain an edge in the array of new games and challenges in this week's Freemode Events Update, retailers across Los Santos and Blaine County are slashing prices on a whole host of goods and services, including fast rides, heavy weapons and assistance from the likes of Lester Crest, Merryweather and Pegasus. There's also a new GTAV gear sweepstakes to enter at Social Club and exclusive in-game t-shirts to unlock each day this weekend. Read on for the full breakdown of everything going on in GTA Online this weekend:
In case you missed it as part of our announcement earlier this week, if you complete any five of the brand new GTA Online Freemode Events or Challenges by Sunday, you'll get GTA$50,000 bonus in-game cash plus the exclusive Vapid t-shirt for your in-game character. The GTA$ and t-shirt will be awarded to your GTA Online character by Friday, September 25.
Your vehicle choice during the Freemode Events and Challenges can be the difference between winning or losing, surviving or perishing. Whether you're being shunted out of contention in Penned In, nailing that Longest Jump you scouted out last week, or in a race to bag your place in Kill List Competitive, you'll want a vehicle that will give you the best possible chance of victory. Pull out your iFruit and place an order for some of our recommended vehicles, which have been handily discounted by 25% for this weekend only. Full list below:
Adder, Buzzard, Insurgent, Savage, Annihilator, Dubsta, Lectro, Seashark, Armored Kuruma, Entity XF, Mallard, Vestra, Bati801RR, Frogger, Marshall, Zentorno, Besra, Hakuchou, Sanchez
To make sure you're properly prepared to wreak havoc in Freemode Events like Hot Property, King Of The Castle, Hunt The Beast and others, Ammu-Nation is bringing out the heavy artillery this weekend, slashing prices by half on the Heavy Sniper, Micro SMG, Carbine Rifle and Minigun, as well as all ammo. And protect yourself from insidious onslaughts this weekend with half off on Armor, Bulletproof Helmets and Bulletproof Tires.
With the action coming thick and fast, sometime the best way to get by is with a little help from your friends. You may need to lose a pesky Wanted Level or call for a Helicopter to chauffeur you to the Freemode Event location. You also want to maximize your chances in Hot Property or King Of The Castle by arriving on the scene in a Lazer - or perhaps have your Buzzard Attack Chopper delivered nearby to ensure you've got the best perspective on the runaway Beast. For these possibilities and more, all Pegasus and Merryweather Phone Services are discounted by 50% this weekend, along with Lester's Remove Wanted Level service to guarantee you're never hindered in taking part in the next Freemode Event.
To celebrate the launch of the Rockstar Editor for PS4 and Xbox One, three new t-shirts featuring some of Vinewood's biggest blockbusters will be made available this weekend. To grab them, all you need to do is log on to GTA Online once per day throughout the Event Weekend - every day you log on you'll get a different t-shirt added to your character's inventory:
Friday, September 18th: Vinewood Zombie
Saturday, September 19th: I Married My Dad
Sunday, September 20th: Die Already
Specifically for Xbox 360 & PS3 players this weekend, we're increasing the frequency on all kinds of classic Freemode occurrences, including Armored Trucks, Kill Targets and High Priority Vehicles - with lucrative rewards upon completion of each. Amidst this mayhem, special Event Crate Drops will also be descending from the skies on Xbox 360 & PS3, with exclusive t-shirts that you might have missed out on in previous Events.
The celebrate the world-spanning nature of these GTA Online Freemode Events Update, our Social Club Weekend contest features a collection of GTA merch that's representative of what Los Santos and Blaine County has to offer. It includes a Merryweather T-Shirt, Los Santos Lifeguard T-shirt, GTA V Epsilon Paperweight, GTA V Loneliest Robot Greeting Card, GTA V Lifeinvader Mouse Pad and Rockstar sticker packs as well. To enter for your chance to nab the gear, head over to the Social Club Events Page and hit the Enter Sweepstakes button in the lower right corner.
And for all the prospective new auteurs on PS4 and Xbox One inquiring about the next Rockstar Editor Contest, we're giving you this week to get familiar with the tool before launching the first multi-platform Editor Contest later this month.
For those looking forward to the next official Rockstar livestream – stay tuned as we’ve got an epic one lined up for you next week Tuesday September 22nd at 3:30-4:30pm Eastern with some very special guests from the GTAV soundtrack to be announced very soon... For now, mark your calendar, and follow Rockstar on Twitch and YouTube Gaming.
Also stay tuned for the first Rockstar Editor contest for PS4, Xbox One and PC to be announced sometime next week - giving all the new budding directors on PS4 and Xbox One some time to polish those editorial skills before the gauntlet is thrown down.
I got a quick question about tuning cars: When you add a Turbo most cars (at least those which are decently fast) have a filled up Acceleration bar. Does it still benefit speed adding Engine and Transmission upgrades?
That's pretty great. Thanks!Yeah it does. When it comes to vehicle stats the In game bars mean absolutely nothing I'm afraid.
If you would like more info on the actual stats of all the vehicles in GTA 5 check out this spreadsheet.