Many early 8th gen games were just upscaled PS3/Xbox 360 games at 1080p with better frame ratesThat's great and all but your point is irrelevant to my post. I was asked by another person why I didnt get hooked on GTA 5 and gave my explanation and personal subjective opinion. Yeah, obviously it was better visually than GTA IV. That doesn't change the fact that the game didn't hook me in. Also, the focus online kind of pissed me off.
Also, I wasn't making a direct comparison between GTA V to Killzone Shadowfall. But Shadowfall was a true next gen game running on a new generation system and that alone was more exciting for me than playing GTA 5 in the PS3. This has nothing to do with Shadowfall being open world or not, you completely misunderstood my point and it went over your head.
The game feeling "next gen" on PS3/X360 is a complete factual lie and just a marketing speech. The game was released on PS3/360 which means it was developed to run on an old generation hardware from 2005/2006.
Your game physically cannot next gen, because it's being forced to work on such a old hardware. It was the swan song for that era just like TLOU was a exclusive swan song for the PS3. But none of these games were "next gen" Yeah, they were impressive visually for how old hardware was/is but that's it. TLOU 2 was also released in 2020 and looked absolutely spectacular, but to call it a "next gen" game would also be a lie, because it was made to run on the hardware from 2013.
A next gen GTA would have been a GTA that released specifically to run of the PS4/X1 hardware as the lowest common denominator, but Rockstar made Resd Redemption 2 instead for that generation while releasing beefed up version of GTA5 on PS4/X1 and even the PS5/Series X.
TLDR, it will be exciting too see GTA6 after 2 console eras.
If you look out here, it says:

Rockstar opens up on decision to keep GTA5 this-gen
There's a new Grand Theft Auto game around the corner so the Rockstar heavyweights are being wheeled out for the media.…

"Grand Theft Auto 4 was our first attempt at a new platform and HD visuals, so the first part of development was seriously difficult. Now we know what the hardware's capable of so it's become a lot easier to move things along and a lot more fun, too. GTA: San Andreas came out at the peak of the PlayStation 2's cycle and we put out a really good game thanks to that."