I have yet to do any heists above 2 player =/
Heists are made stupidily difficult by how easy it is to die. It's a joke. Armour is pointless.
I have yet to do any heists above 2 player =/
About 33 hours in and I can't help but feel R* has not done well on the radio stations. Talk radio is fine but it doesn't come through in all of Los Santos. When I preview them it sounds like a lot of hip hop and abstract noise.
I usually stick with FlyLo or Rebel Radio just because I know what i'm getting, i've heard some of the songs and like them, and its closer to music I enjoy.
Heists are made stupidily difficult by how easy it is to die. It's a joke. Armour is pointless.
Don't forget you can consume snacks (from the inventory > snacks option in the interaction menu) whilst in cover or a vehicle with no animation for a quick health top-up. You can do the same with body armour as well anywhere once you are a high enough level to carry 10 at a time.
Also, most of the heists and heist set-ups with a fire fight involved go down much more easily with a crew who communicates. Enemy spawns are pretty predictable and most of the fights seem designed so that often approaching from at least two different positions in tandem can help significantly reduce the threat. For example, in the very first heist on the one of the set-ups when, if you all go inyou are stealing the Velum from the Vagos at McKenzie Field.from the hangar side entrance it's going to be a pain but if one or two approach from behind the small building at the road side of the run-way about half way down (just past the Vagos set-up behind a Cavalcade) it makes it a whole lot easier. From this spot the gunner can take out a lot of the gang members who would otherwise catch the main party in a cross fire as well as catching most, if not all, of the Vagos who approach through the fire fight in vehicles across the dirt road to the north
I chose this one as it is a very early mission but the same basic theory of team work conquers all is true for most of the them right through to the final heist.
Good luck getting them done, they're great fun done with the right crew.
Don't forget you can consume snacks (from the inventory > snacks option in the interaction menu) whilst in cover or a vehicle with no animation for a quick health top-up. You can do the same with body armour as well anywhere once you are a high enough level to carry 10 at a time.
About 33 hours in and I can't help but feel R* has not done well on the radio stations. Talk radio is fine but it doesn't come through in all of Los Santos. When I preview them it sounds like a lot of hip hop and abstract noise.
I hope i'm reading this wrong and it isn't some passive aggressive comment about how GTAV has shitty game play. V has the best missions, combat, driving, and other misc stuff than any GTA so far, I actually can't think of anything they didn't improve on. Also regarding the bolded specifically: this is obviously not true, I suppose you've never seen any The Order: 1886 discussions.Perfectly explaining why it is so massively popular imho. Nowadays it's all about immersion and actual gameplay comes second to many.
I'm definitely more negative than positive. I honestly think some of Rockstar's game design decisions are massively detrimental to fun open world play, and despite their acclaim have been bested time and time again in terms of inventive, tightly designed, downright fun open world GTA-like games purely in play. But yeah, for me it's a "museum game" too. It's like the ultimate real time tech demo: a simulated world with outstanding detail and presentation. Something as simple as hiking up a mountain or speeding through the city in the rain is deeply immersing. I just don't give a fuck about the "game" part of it.
[2015-04-19 08:24:42.510] [ ERROR ] Unable to get file version info size for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe
[2015-04-19 08:24:42.510] [ ERROR ] Last error: 2 : The system cannot find the file specified.
How does the stock market exploit work again exactly? I remember doing it on PS4 but I can't remember the details exactly and I'm about to go do the first life invader mission.
I was just thinking about this, last played it on the 360 and was wondering if that's still a thing.
Also sucks that I can't get the Steam overlay to work, I've gotten used to my controller screenshot shortcut.![]()
My favorite addition to the PC release of this game is the Self radio, it's so good not just having to listen to the same songs on the few stations I don't mind.About 33 hours in and I can't help but feel R* has not done well on the radio stations. Talk radio is fine but it doesn't come through in all of Los Santos. When I preview them it sounds like a lot of hip hop and abstract noise.
I usually stick with FlyLo or Rebel Radio just because I know what i'm getting, i've heard some of the songs and like them, and its closer to music I enjoy.
But yes this is annoying. They should have an option for default station in every car. Even if it ruins the immersion. :/Is there a way that I can delete/ignore the other radiostations in a config file? I always want my 'self radio' active.
Yeah teamwork definitely helps, but if you make one mistake you die and then everyone has to restart the heist.
A handy tidbit, but I always seem to die in an instant from a few well placed shots. No time to eat snacks much less dive through a menu to get to them.
How does the stock market exploit work again exactly? I remember doing it on PS4 but I can't remember the details exactly and I'm about to go do the first life invader mission.
You only really need to worry about the stock market during thegivenLestermissions that you do as Franklin and you'll have more money than you know what to do with (single player).assassination
Only one of these needs to be done to advance the story, the very first. In this you are sent to athat rivalshotel to kill a guy from a pharma-corpso invest in them with all characters before beginning the firstBetta Pharmaceuticalsmission.Lester
The rest can be saved until the end of the game whe you have the most money to invest.
That's not the one I think he or she means. It's the one after the LifeInvader mission where you can rack up a couple of billions in about 10 min by buying/reselling stock.
First-time GTA5'er here who just got to Trevor's introduction.
I seriously feel sick to my stomach. Damn.
Great game/port otherwise.
I've been trying to decide what muscle car to use, and I think I've found the one. Really fun to drive and looks nice.
Had a great time messing around with a friend this morning on GTA Online.
What's the name of the PC GAF crew?
We should probably add this to the OP. I'm a member of Bay GAF from the 360 days, but don't think that's it.
Man i really wish that there is hide HUD (Radar) button. Whenever i want to make SS i need to pause game, go to settings, disable radar, take SS, go to settings, enable radar.
it's in the OP
Weird, doesn't show up on iPhone. Only thing that shows is the video clip.
I'll have to log on later via PC. Thanks.
Heists are made stupidily difficult by how easy it is to die. It's a joke. Armour is pointless.
I've been trying to decide what muscle car to use, and I think I've found the one. Really fun to drive and looks nice.
If they release a "remastered" edition of RDR it would be strange to ignore PC. But then, it's Rockstar...
Imponte DukesWhat car?
Offroad tires gives better control when going over sidewalks/cutting corners.What's with the off road tires? Put some muscle wheels on it.
Is it just me, or are randoms in this game really, really bad at this game? I have yet to complete a heist or heist setup with ANYONE because people keep dying. I'm only level 44. If you are at least level 25 then you should have a pretty fucking good idea of what to do by now.
Is it just me, or are randoms in this game really, really bad at this game? I have yet to complete a heist or heist setup with ANYONE because people keep dying. I'm only level 44. If you are at least level 25 then you should have a pretty fucking good idea of what to do by now.