Live Free or Die
Awesome game. I'm really enjoying it. 
This is the part I'm struggling with.
Going by that guy's tactics I clearly don't need to do the blue-rush move at all, which is nice. I'll give it another go tomorrow when my hands un-cramp.
what's better this or shadow complex
Found it. Spoiler warning.
Be warned though, it may just make you feel sadder if you got the other ending. It sure did for me.
Drinkbox have posted on Twitter to remind people that the NA PS+ discount ends tomorrow, and PSN will be down later apparently. Buy the game!
I didn't watch on after the initial few seconds, but I did the saw part with goat fly almost exclusively.
Why in the hell do people make games today with only one save slot? My kid started a new game and it erased my game :/
why did I watch this?
This makes the tree look easy![]()
I'm playing the PS3 version from my Vita and it's lacking the sound effects. I checked in my PS3 settings for cross play and it has PS3 selected for sound output. Anyone else having this issue?
Maybe you have the cross play set to the multiplayer version (one guy playing on a vita as controller and watching on TV, the other with ps3 dual shock on a TV).
Okay, so I'm in Forest del Chivo (dark version I believe), and I came across a skull lever thing. I pull it, it starts ticking, but I have no idea what it did. Its over a pit of poison and you have to turn into a chicken, then jump on some small platforms to reach it.
Anyone know what it does?
This is the part I'm struggling with.
Going by that guy's tactics I clearly don't need to do the blue-rush move at all, which is nice. I'll give it another go tomorrow when my hands un-cramp.
The guy is making the same mistakes I did: using goat fly for the buzzsaw portion. To make your life easier simply jump. The advantage is that you can use press X+R2 to jump and warp at the same time to pass the trickier parts. By the time I realized that it took me one try and a few seconds to pass that area.This is the part I'm struggling with.
Going by that guy's tactics I clearly don't need to do the blue-rush move at all, which is nice. I'll give it another go tomorrow when my hands un-cramp.
The guy is making the same mistakes I did: using goat fly for the buzzsaw portion. To make your life easier simply jump. The advantage is that you can use press X+R2 to jump and warp at the same time to pass the trickier parts. By the time I realized it took me one try and a few seconds to pass that area.
Jaguar Javier fight is terrible. Apparently they made this game for a different person, who is not me. I got him down to half health after 10 tries. Call me when they patch this fight. I'm not going to bang my head against that mess. I loved the game up to this point, but games that are this unbalanced are not worth any more of my time.
I'm not going to defend that decision since I'm against it, but why not have a sub account for him? I usually don't let anyone in the house use my account on either console because this has happened to me more than once.
If you're playing on Normal: A lot of people recommended lots of wall-hugging and a bit of patience. By merely breaking his colored shield he loses a bit of health. When you're not hugging the wall always be jumping+dodging like a lunatic, to avoid most of his regular attacks plus his fire charge. The only one you have to be wary of is the fire pillar. I personally didn't have much of a problem with him on my first playthrough. By the time I reached him I had collected almost every heart and stamina shard available, and I kinda enjoyed rushing him. Took him down in one try.Jaguar Javier fight is terrible. Apparently they made this game for a different person, who is not me. I got him down to half health after 10 tries. Call me when they patch this fight. I'm not going to bang my head against that mess. I loved the game up to this point, but games that are this unbalanced are not worth any more of my time.
I didn't think about exploiting the start-up, good point. Either way, jump+warp made the portion a piece of cake, so no complaints here.I found the goat fly to be easy. There is some start up frames that allow you to switch dimensions once you initiate it.
In other news I got my platinum! Hard is incredibly challenging. Even some of the arena battles proved difficult. Really enjoyed this game, easily my favorite of the year so far. Better than Infinite and Fire Emblem IMO.
If you're playing on Normal: A lot of people recommended lots of wall-hugging and a bit of patience. By merely breaking his colored shield he loses a bit of health. When you're not hugging the wall always be jumping+dodging like a lunatic, to avoid most of his regular attacks plus his fire charge. The only one you have to be wary of is the fire pillar. I personally didn't have too much problems with him on my first playthrough. By the time I reached him I had collected almost every heart and stamina shard available, and I kinda enjoyed rushing him. Took him down in one
Why in the hell do people make games today with only one save slot? My kid started a new game and it erased my game :/
Made some avatars, feel free to use
I'm going to yell, please understand.
I took Juan. Thanks!Made some avatars, feel free to use:
Bought it out of boredom and I'm loving it. Feels a lot better on the Vita though, it's tighter.
I love the game on the vita dpad. Platinumed it on vita.I do love playing it on Vita too overall, I did have problems later on though, when you get the the really challenging platforming sections my thumb accidentally touches the right stick and dodges totally fucking me up.
I need some to tips to defeat the 2ndCalaca battle, damn giant is killing me and I don't ever have time to even damage him =_=
Really enjoying this game. Why on Earth can you not have multiple saves though? I can't even let my friend try out her own fresh game without deleting my progress.