I love the Mexican colloquial expressions when you pull off multi-hit combos. Trivia incoming:
20 Hits: "Vientos"
This is a word play on "bien" (fine), instead using the word "vientos" (winds). Normally used as a greeting to show joy.
40 Hits: "¡Órale!"
Same as above in the game's case, but this expression is used in a lot of different ways, sometimes as surprise, encouragement, agreement, or to emphasize something. It's often compared to "OK".
80 Hits: "¡Toma perro!"
I haven't heard this one often, but there are a lot of variations of it depending on where one lives. I can picture myself saying it while doing a fist pump in celebration, "Hell yeah!" or "Take that, (dog?)!". (Not a literal dog.)
100 Hits: "Macizo"
To be honest, I've never heard it used like this, so I'm going to have to weasel my way around this one. Macizo is used to describe something sturdy, firm, solid. Personally I would have this one switched places with "¡Órale!" in the game.
120 Hits: "Pa'su mecha"
This is a classic, I've heard it since I was born. There are variations like "Pa'su madre" but that's considered profanity so don't use it around kids.

This is the equivalent to "Holy sh*t!" in my opinion.