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Guess the game


Gold Member
#GuessTheGame #540

🎮 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬜ ⬜

I never even played the game but got it! I had to guess a few times which version it was but eventually got it.
#GuessTheGame #540

🎮 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬜ ⬜



Gold Member
Just found this game thanks to this thread and compulsively did the first 30. Neat idea and scratches the Wordle itch I've been missing since I quit when they sold to the NYT.

I know it's a few months old but thanks for making this thread. I'll be doing this over coffee all the time.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
#GuessTheGame #571

🎮 🟥 🟩 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜


Wooo. One of my favorites. I feel like I could have gotten that in one if I didn’t just go with my initial and obvious thought.


#GuessTheGame #577

🎮 🟩 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜


Robert Downey Jr Yes GIF


Gold Member
#581. Total failure.

#GuessTheGame #580

🎮 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬜ ⬜


#GuessTheGame #579

🎮 🟥 🟨 🟩 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜


#GuessTheGame #578

🎮 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬜ ⬜



This is great! A nice way to retread old gaming memories and also a terrible waste of time if you happen to discover this while at work. But then again, i was already browsing NeoGAF while at work when i stumbled upon this.
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#GuessTheGame #598

🎮 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜


I could have got this on the first hint, but when I put in the name, it defaulted to another game in the series, so I figured it wasn't it. Then after the third hint, I just scrolled through the list and found it. Anyways, as for the first screen shot, I'm pretty sure I even know where that exact spot is at.
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