Damn I post a lot.[/QUOTE]
I'm partially surprised I made it into the top 10.
Damn I post a lot.[/QUOTE]
I'm partially surprised I made it into the top 10.
There are lot of confusing names flying around I know:
-The zone we traveled to and will be again is called the Labyrinthine Cliffs. it's beautiful...
-The massive airship that is landing there is called the Zephyr Sanctum. Its inhabitants are the Zephyrites, who are some of the most skilled practitioners of Air Magic in Tyria, and renowned merchants.
-The occasion/event that they are coming for is called The Bazaar of the Four Winds, basically a trading festival.
my first post in this thread, two little teeny OT tweak requests
Not an airship, a ship! We docked at the base of the cliffs... there was even aon the boat.wind power-up
Internally, any kind of addition to the game is referred to as a "release," as on this page: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/I think I get it now.. like you said, the fact there's so many names mentioned is kind of confusing. What are these things classed as? Just an "event"? An add-on?
You're not mistaken at all, but I'm not sure where I led you wrong, I'm just saying that went we went to the Labyrinthine Cliffs to see the Zephyr Sanctum last time, we used a good old fashioned actual legit on the sea with water ship. We sailed there!Ok I probably am mistaken, but airships aren't unique to the Zephyrites in the lore. The Pact used airships against Zhaitan. Hell there are two parked in Gendarran right now.
I literally learned just this second that we have that.I'd like to add in this regard, the OT mentions a guild twitter account, I was thinking ooh I'll follow it, keep up to date.
Last post July 2013.. xD
my first post in this thread, two little teeny OT tweak requests
That's a good point. It looks cool though![]()
I'd like to add in this regard, the OT mentions a guild twitter account, I was thinking ooh I'll follow it, keep up to date.
Last post July 2013.. xD
I literally learned just this second that we have that.I certainly don't have access to it.
Btw Is mumble down again ?
I think the post got lost in the shuffle; there's a new Port# for the server, though the address is the same. They're trying to stop the DDOS attacks they've been getting and it required a change. Quote the OT to get the new port info.
I did find that post ,changed it , but it is l not connecting .
Haha, I'm in the top ten, despite not having posted in here in quite some time.
Step it up GAFGuild
Hmm.. running latest version as admin? Is it giving you any kind of error or connection message?
Edit: Derp, I had the old Port in the OT, try the new one I just updated.
Internally, any kind of addition to the game is referred to as a "release," as on this page: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/
To be more specific about this type of release, ArenaNet likes to refer to the recurring ones like this, Wintersday, Dragon Bash, etc. as "festivals."
I'm surprised how many people I recognize based on just the way their characters look alone. We have 450+ members, but we really have a great core of ~60 players who are on pretty reliably.
How often do you guys do the guild photos?
Callunah is my favorite girl badmouther.
Posted, subscribed, should have double checked the time, grats to Callunah for getting her account approved.
How often do you guys do the guild photos?
Is there something happening tonight? Guild puzzles right?
Is there something happening tonight? Guild puzzles right?
Offseason Event #3.3 - Masters of ARAH Part II - Friday 5/16 at 9:30PM EDT
Back in the the breech we go... this time for the considerably easier Arah path 2. Have to start relatively late in the evening cause I've got dinner first, but hey it's the weekend. Come take part in another guild run of the game's toughest dungeon. Some advice:
If you're worried about it, you can feel free to look up a walkthrough video or whatever prior to the dungeon, but you aren't expected to be coming in with any knowledge of the path.
- Range, AOE damage, and reflection are very valuable throughout the whole dungeon.
- The ability to stealth, grant swiftness to, or otherwise protect the party while moving is great, because there's a lot of opportunity (and near-necessity) for running past danger.
- Potent or Powerful Potions of Undead Slaying are the drink of choice here.
- A sub-boss that appear in every path, Giganticus Lupicus, is a true skill check. He has three phases, and I consider phase 2 of this fight to be one of the toughest, most demanding encounters in the game. It's not required at all, but if you're wary of your abilities, you may want to read up on his phases a little bit and how to prepare your build for the fight.
- Path 2's hardest boss fight is an undead gunslinger named Alphard. He's tough, but can be handled quite well with reflects. Mesmer traited focus is a godsend here.
- The storylines in play in the explorable paths here are a cut above those found in other dungeons. If at all interested in the lore of GW2 and especially various threads that connect back to GW1, it's worth paying attention to or at least reading the dialog from the cutscenes.
Hope to see you there!
He can join the WvW crew though! Assuming they tolerate filthy sniveling uplevels when I'm not around ;DTonight is just Hawkian's Arah run. Arah is a level 80 dungeon though, sorry =\.
Wvw power hour. All missions take place at 9pm Saturday, with Sunday afternoon makeups.
Tonight is just Hawkian's Arah run. Arah is a level 80 dungeon though, sorry =\.
What did I do!?!?!
I'm up for that. The bit of WvW I've done in EotM was really fun if slightly confusing at first.
You guys pick the ones I can't do on purpose, go on admit it :'(
Just got one of those blavk lion chests open and got a mini hologhrapic Scarlet.
I checked and it is worth 3 gold on the trading post .
Keep it or sell it ?
Nothing! You just make me laugh!
They're not especially rare and there's been no mention of them being removed yet. It really comes down to whether or not you care about minis. I kept one and have sold any others I've gotten. If you're hard up for cash, 3g can be really useful.
nuh uh didn't you see ceres' new weekend event!!
Youre never around any more... surprised you can remember!!! *thats a hint By the way.. get yer butt BACK IN GAME!*
but I gotta make games... it's my job
Can you only make 6th level crafting mats once per day? I'm doing it right...
- Launch day ratio of male to female characters is 2:1
- Launch day choice of profession: guard 14.9%, ele 13.01%, ranger 11.56%, mes 10.7%, necro 9.4%, thief 11.74%, war 22.38%, engie 6.3%
- Launch day choice of race: human 53%, norn 15%, asura 12%, charr 10%, sylvari 10%
- Number of times downed players got revived on launch day: 2,191,573
- Player Xfire锟 from server Lion's Arch reach level 50 within 14.13 hours, and level 80 within 2 days. He's also the player with most achievement (points?).
- May 2nd, 22h30m: Shadow Behemoth became the first world boss killed. He dies an average of 4 times a day since.
- (About) 50,000 players completed Wall Breach Blitz. The toughest JP(s) claimed a total 167,327 lives thus far. (Not sure if the second line is referring to just Wall Breach Blitz, or all JPs. I believe it's the latter, since Wall Breach is hardly the toughest, and it's kinda hard to die from that JP anyway.)
- Only 1 out of all 500,000 "beta" (which is equivalent to our headstart) players completed Shattered Ice Ruins JP.
- 1 particular player bought 20 makeover kits.
- A total of 5,290,000 hours played across all players within first 2 days of launch. (So, about 10.58 hours per player. The chinese version by law requirements has some "anti-addiction" features for players under the age of 18, as well as for other players with unverified IDs. After 3 hours of gameplay, progression speed gets reduced to 50%, and 5 hours, 0%. So that's something to consider for the seemingly "low" hours-per-player.)
- A total of 10,432,445 player deaths thus far. 3,346,543 player deaths are from WvW. 1 particular player killed 14,976 players.
- Average world completion progression is 30%. There are player(s) already with 100% world completion.
Overall, happiness on the forums have increased 23% since 2012. Either the angry ones have left, or the people still here are getting happier, or both!
Engineers are the happiest profession not only in May 2014, but also in December 2012 AND overall! The reason they scored so high was their absence of complaints, combined with many OPs saying things like my engineer is my favourite to play, and best profession in the game. Engineers clearly take the cake in May. Congratulations Engineers!
Seriously. Eye of the North is such BS. Walk five steps outside town, group of three mobs wipes entire party. Repeat 50 times until you get lucky enough to get past. Get wiped by next mob.
Either I really just don't know how the hell to play, or something's wrong.
EoTN is step up in enemy AI and skills, Arbor bay is one area you can be steam rolled by the mobs, they have mesmers/monks/Necro/Ele in one group and they cast skills like a pro team, if your heroes suck expect to die..
I just wish the combat would at least pretend like I have agency, or that me being there matters - instead of just being trial and error. Nothing in GW1's comabt ever feels like there's any wiggle room - you either rotflstomp enemies with stupid builds, or they rotflstomp you because you chose poorly. And setting up seven heroes before heading out, a total chore.
*grumbles and tries for the Nth time to reach the green quest marker*.