Speaking of EotM, it amazes me how little I've played there. It's so beautiful, but it feels like PvE. I really want to party with GAF next time we're the same color; perhaps y'all can show me how to EotM properly.
I had to leave early last night because of my cat. Woke up to green scoreboards. FA really came out in full force last night to kick our ass.
This is not good.
Don't hate on JQ's strong Oceanic presence. Regardless, we showed up for coverage wars this week.This is my biggest issue with WvW, Anet fucked up when they allowed any time zone to go to any region, it's fucked up when you see 70man Asian guild blob attacking you with 10 Golems and all you have is 15 people to defend because the working class and college/high school gamers went to bed, and you can't fight off these timezone bastards..
This is my biggest issue with WvW, Anet fucked up when they allowed any time zone to go to any region, it's fucked up when you see 70man Asian guild blob attacking you with 10 Golems and all you have is 15 people to defend because the working class and college/high school gamers went to bed, and you can't fight off these timezone bastards..
This is my biggest issue with WvW, Anet fucked up when they allowed any time zone to go to any region, it's fucked up when you see 70man Asian guild blob attacking you with 10 Golems and all you have is 15 people to defend because the working class and college/high school gamers went to bed, and you can't fight off these timezone bastards..
This is my biggest issue with WvW, Anet fucked up when they allowed any time zone to go to any region, it's fucked up when you see 70man Asian guild blob attacking you with 10 Golems and all you have is 15 people to defend because the working class and college/high school gamers went to bed, and you can't fight off these timezone bastards..
Don't hate on JQ's strong Oceanic presence. Regardless, we showed up for coverage wars this week.
#TCtears just don't do it for me like #BGtears.As someone on TC I absolutely am going to hate on JQ's Oceanic presence.
It's surely not a coincidence that Sunday night into Monday (an american holiday) JQ commanders decided to pull 24 hour shifts, queue all 4 maps, and win the matchup in one fell swoop while no one was around to stop them.
I would like to see more gameplay options for aquiring points in WvW.
If it takes a whole zerg to capture everything, couldn't they make other ways for the scattered groups who are fewer in numbers and more spread out to get significant points?
All you do is capture buildings, kill guards or Dolyaks. Where are all the NPC inhabitants, and NPC mercenaries the losing side can send to attack SM when they are significantly outnumbered?
If WvW tries to replicate giant warfare I think there should be more managing SM and defend it, not just from players but from other things as well.
Alternatively, imagine if they just added ladders. Just easy ladders for players to scale wall, but scaling a wall leaves you vulnerable. It would basically mean that every keep you had would have to be constantly defended. Or at least the territories that was important. And if that's important then you cant have one side in a big zerg. It's the Roman Empire paradox. The more territory you have the more spread out your forces will have to be, and that's how it goes with a small uprising suddenly getting the upper hand when the main zerg army is steamrolling.
Ladders wouldn't be used in sieges with a lot defenders as people would die before climbing up. But it would have its place.
It could be cool to have a set number of NPCs always around trying to push and stuff, and as more people log on the NPCs disappear. But then they'd have to be at least Veteran status to not just be rally bots. So maybe 1 Veteran for every 5 players who aren't around or 1 Elite for every 10 players you are away from population cap.
As someone on TC I absolutely am going to hate on JQ's Oceanic presence.
It's surely not a coincidence that Sunday night into Monday (an american holiday) JQ commanders decided to pull 24 hour shifts, queue all 4 maps, and win the matchup in one fell swoop while no one was around to stop them. I logged in on Sunday afternoon and put up one hell of an effort to stop the bleeding on TCBL, but it was too late.
It seems to be my fate to lose matchups while I'm not around to make a difference, and by now I am getting kind of salty about it. SoR used to win every single weekend and dominate during NA every night. Go to sleep Sunday night, get home Monday evening to see the matchup lost. I call total bullshit! All these Asians need to go play GW2 China!
nah I don't actually care that much, but coverage wars is a huge issue that needs to be addressed but never will because...well because Anet
Several TC guilds did try during this tournament. [vX] I believe was a major one. It was cute.My friend is in a 50man strong WvW only guild and they have no plans next tournament to follow this BS 2v1 crap that bored the living hell of many gamers, they plan to attack JQ head on and they don't give a fuck about what the other commanders on TC say, if the guild leader hold true to his word I will rep them for the next tourney..
Several TC guilds did try during this tournament. [vX] I believe was a major one. It was cute.
I was like, it's not really over, is it? Then I checked the scoreboard again. :\/Too bad about WvW, it was fun and we almost did it! Well at least tonight I won't have to sleep at 2am or 3am.
So the WvW fight is over then? I logged in and saw the scoreboard, but I wasn't sure if that was recoverable or not.
Yes, their score is pretty high compare to ours and every keeps and towers must be pretty upgrade by now. It would be too hard to get our stuff back and BP stuff too. We don't have enough manpower for that.
WvWintel.com is showing every keep is WP'd, including Stonemist. They can respond to any attack almost immediately, even when simultaneous attacks are conducted to try to make them split their forces. All we can do is pick at camps before the tick because they swarm in and take them right back as soon as RI drops.
Really. Fucking. Depressing. I think I'm just not going to play tonight at all.
It sucks that WvW will end on a downer. Ahh well, I had a fun trip down to London for the day!
When does the reset happen tomorrow?
#TCtears just don't do it for me like #BGtears.
No, it's no coincidence that many on JQ decided to put in hardcore shifts on the final weekend of the tournament. But many of us were NA pulling crazy hours. If you feel no one was around to stop us, that's on y'all.
They said they'd stay and fight with us but ended up transferring to TC for the tournament so you can see where they stand as a guild.
https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/wuv/wuv/Placing-of-tied-servers-Spring-TournamentIf two worlds tie, both will receive the better reward.
For example, if there are two worlds tied for 1st place, both will receive 1st place rewards. Then the next world would receive 3rd place, and so on.
Btw I think I may have asked you this before but never checked back: Do you rep [GAF] a lot on JQ? I sometimes see a warrior with that tag in WvW. Or what guild are you in / who do you follow?
Since we will get the same amount of points as IoJ, we will get the 4th place rewards.
Unless FA decides to be a dick and let BP take everything they own unopposed while stopping SBI from sweeping in on freshly-papered objectives. That's what Yak's Bend did last season, to purposely drop SBI from second to third place on the last day. I think BP might be too far behind to catch up at this point, but if it starts happening early enough tonight I think it could happen if they get uninterrupted 500+ ticks.
Why do people hate us?
I don't think they would do that, they don't hate us enough to do that. On http://www.gw2wvw.net/ they seems to respect us for pushing them against the wall.
Which is fair enough, they played a good game and they put in the hours and manpower SBI couldn't. They deserve the win, that doesn't mean we have to be happy about it.
Iron marches complete! really liking leveling via ascalon, never done these zones before. Fireheart rise is next.
Katoki, is this your thief?
Can't be, that's light armor. Probably an ele, but it could be a necro.
Unless FA decides to be a dick and let BP take everything they own unopposed while stopping SBI from sweeping in on freshly-papered objectives. That's what Yak's Bend did last season, to purposely drop SBI from second to third place on the last day. I think BP might be too far behind to catch up at this point, but if it starts happening early enough tonight I think it could happen if they get uninterrupted 500+ ticks.
Since we will get the same amount of points as IoJ, we will get the 4th place rewards.
So.. if I interpreted the rewards chart correctly, enough for one mistforged hero`s weapon and 25 obsidian shards?
It's a shame that we can't break 400 for two hero weps that could then be upgraded to mistforged, but it's still pretty damn nice.