Yeah, that's what China got. I dunno that it's better, but it's pretty cool too.
I prefer the original one but it is pretty cool. It looks better in the first shot with the moody lighting than it probably would on a shelf.
Guild Missions tomorrow! Eeee! We need to have a guild photo so that I am in one! And also, Hawk get your butt in gear, I want to gamble away my money on the lottery.
Considering Hyomin Seo and Seda Khold are in it, that IS pretty old.
Considering Hyomin Seo and Seda Khold are in it, that IS pretty old.
pft, i hop on here and there. waiting on new season. I've already killed the bosses last time.
Have you seen the new outfit in the gem store? It's so cute!
i bought it, actually. needed something to do with 500g.
I'm having a hard time choosing between ranger and engineer as a new player. I want to like engineer, but they seem like they're just more work to get the same thing done, whereas ranger makes me feel like I'm playing easy mode, with the pet taking most of the hits and me not having to really learn to dodge that much. No idea how either one would play in a proper group. With the engineer I just try to do the explosion thing that gives might when around a big group of people. That seems helpful.
I never got a guild invite. Do I have to be guesting and online on Stormbluff Isle for it to be sent to me? Also, is there a way to search for an officer online besides adding all of them to my friends list? Haven't found a /who function or a way to search guilds. I'm VandalD.9823.
If they made precursors craftable will precursors become cheaper?
Thanks for the invite! Starting to see why it was suggested for me to change servers though. Seems I only earn and gain benefits on my home server (Gate of Madness) even when I'm guesting, and can't see missions if there are any. I can see why this makes sense for the game, but it's a bit of a bummer. At least you can be in multiple guilds.Sorry, I totally forgot to add you last time. I just logged in and sent the invite.
I suggest you stick with Engineer because I play and engineer. You get way more respect as an engi rather than a ranger.
Once you accept the invite make sure to press the "Represent" button in the guild window so you can see the guild chat.
I really want to start playing again for season 2. Where is the best place to start? What is everyone currently doing / working on?
Sorry, I totally forgot to add you last time. I just logged in and sent the invite.
I suggest you stick with Engineer because I play and engineer. You get way more respect as an engi rather than a ranger.
Once you accept the invite make sure to press the "Represent" button in the guild window so you can see the guild chat.
Right now people are enjoying the Festival of the Four Winds and the Crown Pavilion, as that's the "active" content right now. The Festival and Pavilion give Favours which can be exchanged for past Living World rewards. The meta is pretty easy to finish, and gives you an item needed to get one of the new rewards, like a Panda Mini (which is adorable).
Living World season 2 only starts July 1st, so there is time to finish up loose ends (like levelling up to 80, getting all exotics or ascended, etc). There isn't any one main focus for people right now, since it's a kind of calm before the story. So finishing your Personal Story, exploring the dungeons, or perhaps doing 100% World Exploration, are decent goals to have if you've not done them already.
Hey thanks for this!
Hey thanks for this!
On Saturday nights (9PM EST) GAF Guild also does the full compliment of guild missions, like puzzle, rush, bounty and challenge. Those are a lot of fun to join in on.
Offseason Event #4.10 - GAF Boss Blitz - Saturday 5/31 at 7:30PM EDT
Time for GAF to run the table in the Crown Pavilion! We're going to assemble for, coordinate, and run as many Boss Blitzes as possible in the hour(ish!) before our weekly guild mission frenzy. We'll split the guild up and tackle every boss at the same time while keeping each other updated on the status of the fight. Feel free to read up on the bosses a little bit beforehand if you like (though it's not required to participate). Please do come on Mumble for instructions and tips even if you don't have a mic!
Hope to see you there!
- Officers that can attend (and anyone else that wishes to help organize), let's find our map and start putting the strategy together at 7:15PM.
- If you've got a commander tag, bring the character that has it to the Pavilion
- The key to making the even as easy as possible is whittling the bosses down to kill them at about the same time. The longer that any boss is alive after any others die, longer the total event goes by a considerable amount. Be ready to back off damage if you hear calls for it in Mumble!
- Instructions will be in Mumble and map chat rather than guild chat. We want not just to succeed on our own but do our best to guide any random players present to success as well and help them improve for future encounters.
- Please do not feel pressured to attend if you do not enjoy the Boss Blitz event or are interested primarily in the associated rewards. We don't know how many people we'll have to work with or how the rest of the map will do at first. Our goal isn't to farm this (though we'll certainly go for as many golds as we can by 9:00!) but to do it, and failure is not out of the question.
As in all content of this nature, it's about herding cats- our first couple attempts may be frustrating!
- General strategy: those with tags will post up at each gate entrance and we'll shuffle people around to have a roughly equal number at each. Kuraii, Boom-Boom and Sparcus benefit from having the fewest. Frequently call out boss percentages in map chat and adjust your DPS to keep things as equal as possible. Boom-Boom should be more or less the first to die.
I opened my WvW chest before.. is any of it random or is it all pre-determined? I think I got a couple rare trash, some boosters and 350 WvW ticket things. I didn't have any time to give it a proper look so, how much are things that you can buy with them?
You need 300 WvW Tournament Tickets, on June 3rd a vendor will be added that lets you buy Mistforged Hero weapons:
I've not had a proper look at them but I'm not a fan of many of the weapons. Do we know how much they cost? I'm guessing we can get one or maybe two at best?
I'm in the boat too, Miktar.In other news, I'm getting a bit worried. Still haven't gotten my WvW Season 2 reward chest. And judging by the forums, it's a widespread issue that they are aware of.
You need 300 WvW Tournament Tickets, on June 3rd a vendor will be added that lets you buy Mistforged Hero weapons:
If they made precursors craftable will precursors become cheaper?
Seems I only earn and gain benefits on my home server (Gate of Madness) even when I'm guesting, and can't see missions if there are any. I can see why this makes sense for the game, but it's a bit of a bummer. At least you can be in multiple guilds.
I really want to start playing again for season 2. Where is the best place to start? What is everyone currently doing / working on?
The best way to handle precursor crafting is to make it a big, involved quest that takes you all over the world for rare, exclusive materials. If it's just "8000 Orichalcum", that's easier to do but boring as hell. Legendary weapons should feel legendary.
In other news, I'm getting a bit worried. Still haven't gotten my WvW Season 2 reward chest. And judging by the forums, it's a widespread issue that they are aware of.
I've said it a few times near launch when I played most, but I still believe completing the personal storyline should've rewarded a single, souldbound precursor of your choice. They kinda dropped the ball on the Zhaitan story reward (and fight!).The best way to handle precursor crafting is to make it a big, involved quest that takes you all over the world for rare, exclusive materials. If it's just "8000 Orichalcum", that's easier to do but boring as hell. Legendary weapons should feel legendary.
I've said it a few times near launch when I played most, but I still believe completing the personal storyline should've rewarded a single, souldbound precursor of your choice. They kinda dropped the ball on the Zhaitan story reward (and fight!).
Got mine when I went into WvW.
Or an item used to forge a pre-cursor, at the very least. So, for example, Personal Story Item + Map Completion item + whatever = precursor. Getting one should involve all parts of the game, or a lot of luck. The latter is all we have to work with now.
map completion is already used for the lengendary gift, no need to make a player do that twice..
I'm having a hard time choosing between ranger and engineer as a new player. I want to like engineer, but they seem like they're just more work to get the same thing done, whereas ranger makes me feel like I'm playing easy mode, with the pet taking most of the hits and me not having to really learn to dodge that much. No idea how either one would play in a proper group. With the engineer I just try to do the explosion thing that gives might when around a big group of people. That seems helpful.
Excited for guild missions and blitzes tonight!
Stayed up waaaaaaaay too late last night though.
jeezmiktar said:
then i read on crapchat:
" what server is good for WvW "
i wanted to punch him in his face so fucking hard.
Excited for guild missions and blitzes tonight!
Stayed up waaaaaaaay too late last night though.
tybalt back > all other backs