Didn't realize how selfish my main Engineer is until I tried out Mesmer. Almost all the Mesmer's skills are support skills.
Engies have a lot of party support with large combo fields and blast finishers.
Didn't realize how selfish my main Engineer is until I tried out Mesmer. Almost all the Mesmer's skills are support skills.
I think Engi's are probably best at setting up combos to heal and buff people and very good at blasting them by themselves so it's very supporty, you just need to be better at game.Didn't realize how selfish my main Engineer is until I tried out Mesmer. Almost all the Mesmer's skills are support skills.
How's OT5 coming along Retro?
I'm 33 and I'm a pet psychologist. I also sell couch insurance and test-market positive thinking part time. I also lead a weekend men's group, where we specialize in ritual killings.
Another interview with Colin with Guild Wars Reporter
I don't know if its new but he confirmed that Mastery points that you already earned from core world would be retroactive.
Nope, absolutely nothing of consequence especially not the guy standing next to me
I understood that reference!God I love that movie so much.....
I tried to talk a friend into jumping in last weekend for ten bucks. He wouldn't bite, claims he doesn't have time... yet every time I look at his steam profile he's playing Warframe. *sigh*
I'm not sure I'm really keen on turning my Holbrook into a druid come expansion. I wonder when they're gonna start releasing more of the specialization details. Did they say when?
Nope, absolutely nothing of consequence especially not the guy standing next to me
Looks like revenant is a wannabe engi.
Well :-/ A DS4 would work fine with our solution, but yeah, it doesn't worth with Windows 8 (yet anyway).
I'm sorry!
You may want to look at Immersive Combat Mode alongside whatever key emulation software (like Xpadder or Pinnacle) is compatible with Windows 8. Some indicate that manually installing the DX runtime might make ICM work.
If you do manage to get anything working for you, please post and let me know! I hate that Win8 players can't experience it, it really works fantastically.
jesus! put that on a spoiler ;-;
Engi kits replace all your weapon skills with kit skills and f1-f4 change depending on your heal+utility skills but yeah, revenant seems to be a mix of ele and engi.But Engineer doesn't change the heal-utility-elite, only the F1-F4 right?
I haven't heard about ICM's compatibility with Win8, but it's possible that is occurring for precisely the same reason our mouse script doesn't workSorry for the late response, I was busy the whole week. Still can't make the controller work, but I can live with playing with KB&M. ICM does work, but I'm having trouble with ground-targeting spell only target at my feet and searching around didn't find a solution. Have anyone had this problem?
Your order is primarily for that reason as you've mentioned, but you do gain access to a specific weapon and armor set based on your choice. You can buy and transfer between characters though (and you can unlock skins for your entire account with the Wardrobe), so it's not a big deal. Definitely just pick the one that meshes with you thematically.Hello all! I just recently bought this game during the 10 dollar sale. I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy the game but so far am loving it. I have a guardian who is level 34 right now. I am mostly running around exploring maps and still am very much a noob. I've also just finished the personal story through the point where youchoose an order. I went priory.I'm assuming the orders are more for flavor? Spoilered in case this is a surprise to any new folks like myself.
That being said, would it be possible to get a GAF guild invite? My game name is Spursian.9870. If accepted, I apologize in advance for any silly questions I may have.
Utility, healing, and most interestingly, elite.http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-01-29-guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-expansion-level-cap-gear-tier
So apparently Revenant legends change their utility skills? That's interesting, and opposite to what most of us thought they would do.
Hello all! I just recently bought this game during the 10 dollar sale. I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy the game but so far am loving it. I have a guardian who is level 34 right now. I am mostly running around exploring maps and still am very much a noob. I've also just finished the personal story through the point where youchoose an order. I went priory.I'm assuming the orders are more for flavor? Spoilered in case this is a surprise to any new folks like myself.
That being said, would it be possible to get a GAF guild invite? My game name is Spursian.9870. If accepted, I apologize in advance for any silly questions I may have.
PSA: Fused tools are 800 gems today only. I think this is the first time unlimited tools are on sale.
these things worth the purchase? It seems they released some of these with each living world update (FYI I haven't played since season 1) and they were attainable by completing something. If I now play through Season 2 are any of these offered as rewards? Or currently the only way to get any of these is buy purchasing them?
Gotcha. Just hit G, "Accept" then "Represent". And don't worry, we love answering silly questions!
After running around for a few days, I think I'm ready and will stick with this game. Could I ask for a GAF guild's invitation? Mine ID is "DSveno.3709". I'm a complete newbie, though. Haven't even played the previous game either.
Permanent gathering tools can only be obtained by the gem store. If they are worth it depends on how much you value convenience. They take a goood time to pay themselves (with the Watchwork Mining Pick being the one with better odds, since it also gives a mat that is hard to find by chance), so only buy them if you don't like replacing your tools from time to time.
Personally, I'll never get one since I get the same convenience through my permanent trading merchant, but it's not something easily accessible.
Still remember when I got the chaos gun for 320g.... It good that something is going to be done with these weapons in the expansion.