Kind of wonder where that was heh. Eh still looks a bit bleh.
So, these skill point challenges. How come they don't always offer them? Are they on a timer? How do I know I can go and do the challenge?
These are my favorites so far, though they might be a tad long.
You should be able to do all of them, but they're disabled until you reach Level 13.
No, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either.
I'm sure I did some before I was 13, but I'm 14 now and there's this ice wurm cave for the norn's area. Some dude at the bottom with a mead wagon. I talk to him and there's no way to start the challenge.
I think he gives you an item you use to get the skill point.
The skill points aren't always fights.
Can't wait until guild halls roll out, they're sure to add new guild missions.
So, uh, can I not do PvP until level 22? I was under the impression I could do it as soon as I was done with tutorial things, but the thing in the top left of my screen is grayed out until 22![]()
You can get into the PvP lobby before that through the gates at Lion's Arch.
We had a picture together but Wolf being camera shy threw himself off the platform![]()
Guild collections. Do it anetWith the way they talk about guilds in HoT, I get the impression there's going to be a lot of stuff for us to do. That we're not going to only be doing guild stuff on the weekends because there may be a lot of stuff we might be able to trigger as small 5 man groups. We may be running guild content every day of the week. I think they're going to have stuff where you can do guild progress from 1-100 people, that there will be a wide range of content for many different group sizes.
Where are those?
South of Fort Mariner WP.
That for some reason still hasn't been restored.![]()
In my continuing efforts to get some alone time with the more pivotal members of the GAFractal friends, I got Levyne into Arah P2 this afternoon to see how well we could manage just the two of us.
Our playstyles share some similarities (a full Berserker approach, using practiced weapon blocks and dodges to mitigate damage), so it's interesting to see just how the other handles each challenge. Duo dungeons are a good chance to compare notes and make observations on why we do things the way we do.
Here's our Lupi kill, and hopefully it's not the last. Co-op mode dungeons are the best dungeons.
Also want Charr to be suspicious of Revlock's super convenient new magic he just happened to find in the mists while he was on a job. #Discord2015
Can't wait until guild halls roll out, they're sure to add new guild missions.
Hai guys, prospect-player here. I got some store-credit that's about to expire and I've been browsing the catalog a bit, and nothing of my usual gaming tastes came up. I noticed Guild Wars 2, and I remembered playing the first one back in the day. Before I toss in my credit and buy this, I'd like to know two things; is it casual friendly (I only have about 8 hours per week free time) and is it sensible to jump in at this point or will I be overwhelmed by high level players leaving no room for a young aspiring adventurer such as myself?
Hai guys, prospect-player here. I got some store-credit that's about to expire and I've been browsing the catalog a bit, and nothing of my usual gaming tastes came up. I noticed Guild Wars 2, and I remembered playing the first one back in the day. Before I toss in my credit and buy this, I'd like to know two things; is it casual friendly (I only have about 8 hours per week free time) and is it sensible to jump in at this point or will I be overwhelmed by high level players leaving no room for a young aspiring adventurer such as myself?
There's a downleveling system that keeps every zone challenging for all players, regardless of level, so you won't ever feel overwhelmed by other players. come on in and playHai guys, prospect-player here. I got some store-credit that's about to expire and I've been browsing the catalog a bit, and nothing of my usual gaming tastes came up. I noticed Guild Wars 2, and I remembered playing the first one back in the day. Before I toss in my credit and buy this, I'd like to know two things; is it casual friendly (I only have about 8 hours per week free time) and is it sensible to jump in at this point or will I be overwhelmed by high level players leaving no room for a young aspiring adventurer such as myself?
Hai guys, prospect-player here. I got some store-credit that's about to expire and I've been browsing the catalog a bit, and nothing of my usual gaming tastes came up. I noticed Guild Wars 2, and I remembered playing the first one back in the day. Before I toss in my credit and buy this, I'd like to know two things; is it casual friendly (I only have about 8 hours per week free time) and is it sensible to jump in at this point or will I be overwhelmed by high level players leaving no room for a young aspiring adventurer such as myself?
working from home day
I'm assuming we're in the same storm... snow up to my flippin knees and the university refuses to close. Seriously. Every school in a 200km (maybe more, probably not UofT though) radius is closed but NOT US! They didn't even shovel the sidewalks next to the bus stop. Buncha dicks they are.
Yeah, I am by the lake so we got even more snow according to new stations, still snowing. Wife usually walks to work (10 min), drove her because sidewalks are full of snow.
What uni is still open. McMaster in Hamilton and Sheridan College in Oakville closed for day classes at least.
Uhhh I don't wanna outright say where I live on a public forum but I'll give ya a hint, we have a Google office a stone's throw away and we make STEM grads like it's nobody's business![]()
No idea.
In Toronto we got 3 main unis, uoft, ryerson and york. Unless there is new ones now.
Might sound incredibly weird , but i wished it snowed up to my knees here , Had not any this year yet :/
My brother is getting into this game. I bought it for him when it was on sale over the holidays. He's not a gaffer but, he's a pretty big MMO guy. Is there any chance of him getting an invite to the guild?
Just post his account name (the name followed by four numbers) and one of us will send an invite posthaste.
Doesn't sound weird to me. In my area we either have snowy and stormy winters, or boring winters with practically no snow at all. This one has been a no snow winter so far. I am just eager for spring now.