Bad decison to call it Taunt.
- Revenant's design was influenced mechanically and narratively around GW1 concepts.
- New legends are unlocked via skill points.
- Healing skill cool-downs aren't carried over when switching legends.
- Jalis utility skill --> call rune from sky, damaging & weakening enemies along the way, knocking them back when it hits the ground.
- Jalis elite skill --> Rite of the Great Dwarf: turn player and party members into stone, boosting power and defense.
- Revenants are anti-heroes, using whatever legends are necessary, no matter if the legends are "good" or "evil". (I.e., revenants are Batman.)
- Mallyx utility skill --> Unyielding Anguish: jump to target spot, knocking back enemies.
- Legend and weapon skills consume energy.
- Each legend should have at least one upkeep skill.
- No weapon-swapping for revenants.
- Revenant preview on Twitch 2/20/2015 (Friday) @ 12 p.m. PST.
Uhh like what. When you jump do you make the thumbs down sign with your left hand and then ram it into the keyboard? Or is your keyboard made of rocks.It's official, jumping puzzles are the worst >_< My left thumb hurts like hell from all the excessive jumping
Still, this ain't no Super Mario, that's for sure :/ Infuriating experience all around.
Still, this ain't no Super Mario, that's for sure :/ Infuriating experience all around.
Still, this ain't no Super Mario, that's for sure :/ Infuriating experience all around.
Let's be clear here. The Taunt will likely be a 5-7 sec effect in PvE, once its over mob will then focus on someone else based on XYZ threat tables. Like Retro said it's a reverse fear or slow pull, it's meant to take pressure off of an ally much like stuff like knockbacks/pulls/fears already do. You won't be able to chain it and keep a mob only on you forever.
That shit's already in the game? Damn we suck
Looking forward to taunting enemies off walls in WvW. All those obnoxious rangers who stand right on the edge and just barrage? Gonna be fun when they run senselesslysinto the waiting arms of the enemy below.
oh man that sounds awesome
I had to put off getting him for months (I bought materials for Sunrise/Twilight instead), so I'm super happy to finally have the best mini.
You can kind of already do this with pulls. Engis, Mesmers and Necros. Not sure if guardian can chain and pull from the ground some one that's high up.Looking forward to taunting enemies off walls in WvW. All those obnoxious rangers who stand right on the edge and just barrage? Gonna be fun when they run senselesslysinto the waiting arms of the enemy below.
Slow isn't like Cripple or Chilled, it's like reverse Quickness! Mesmers should have a specialization or whatever to be able to use Time Warp defensively to cause it (to enemies) instead. Chilled doesn't slow actual skill use at all; it extends skill cooldowns (Cripple obviously doesn't affect skills in the first place).
so RIP guardians?
Ragnarok Online had taunt but no one seems to remember. Fuck WoW.
it does. it's like being in "slow motion" or "fast motion" anytime you activate a skill. Time Warp should just be updated to do it, seriously.Yeah, I don't expect Slow to affect your movement speed, just the rate at which your actions are performed. The only thing I am not sure about are actions that cause movement, like Warrior's GS Beyblade thing; I'm pretty sure haste currently does affect the speed at which those travel.
Wonder if skills like Defiant Stance will be updated with the new boons. And are these 3 all the new statuses?
Resistance seems like a good way to keep condis from being too powerful in PvP and WvW when they buff them up for PvE.
Adding a new control effect should make stability, and consequently the class that best imparts AoE stability, even more RIP guardians?
Why this doesn't in any way negative impact the guardian more than any class. I would argue it impact the RIP guardians?
Ragnarok Online had taunt but no one seems to remember. Fuck WoW.
Probably not because I assume its high cooldown is tied to the fact it can't be stripped, and changing that would bring balance issues which just screams "don't fix what isn't broken.
And tell me more about these condi buffs Colin
[*]Taunt. I have a feeling just the implication that there's a snap aggro ability (spoiler: it sounds like a reverse fear / knockback or the world's slowest pull) is going to be met with cries of "fuck the trinity!" and "you sed no tanking!". Which are both sentiments I can honestly get behind, but in this case it's just not true. We'll have to see how it plays out, but anyone who reads this and thinks "OMG, GW2 has Trinity now" is over reacting. I'll be sure to stay off Reddit for a few days until cooler heads prevail... maybe make that a few weeks.
On that note though, it does mean there's a new form of control in town which is cool, and using the familiar terminology (even if mechanically it is only slightly similar) will be a nice way to shut up the people who get all "OMG, GW2 combat is too chaotic, I can't process more than one thing at a time while watching youtube videos, reading tumblr and stuffing doritos into my gaping, unshaven orc maw!"
I also highly doubt that 'Taunt' will be Revenant exclusive, or any other new conditions they talked about for that matter.
If the new Mesmer weapon really is a shield, I will bet 20 gold right now that one of the new Mesmer abilities is summoning a clone/phantasm that taunts.
Hahaha not quite xD It's just that I did three jumping puzzles back to back for around 2 hours straight.Uhh like what. When you jump do you make the thumbs down sign with your left hand and then ram it into the keyboard? Or is your keyboard made of rocks.
Edit: that's how I'm jumping from now on btw
I knowI was going to offer helping you do the JP but then I remembered you are in the EU![]()
Yes, I did chaos crystal cavern just before that one last night and the one in Fireheart Rise as well. I've also done maybe 3 to 5 other easier ones. I probably got all fired up and stressed out from the fallingHave you done any JPs besides Not So Secret? It's not a great place to get the hang of it if not. I don't recall being annoyed by the jumping there, whatever feel for it I'd developed on other JPs kept working.
That's a neat idea actually, will try that! I should move dodge to the mouse anyway as well.If you're having timing issues, I'd recommend getting a tonic that lets you jump, like Charr Toy Soldier, or Ghost. Then, lower ALL your graphical settings (except resolution), so you get the best (60+ fps ideally) framerate possible. Then try it again.
If you have a mouse with two thumb buttons, try putting jump on a thumb button there (I have dodge and jump on my right thumb).
(Also, don't play Super Mario Bros again today - you might discover there is way more lag between pressing jump, and Mario moving up, than you remember. I hit that recently, was a surprise.)
Revs skills sound really cool. Reminds me of when we were learning about GW2 professions. HYPE!MACE: Searing Fissure Youll slam down, creating pulsing area of burning fire. Essentially, its like an actual crack in the earth that burns a ton of enemies in front of you, and leaves a burning condition on them as well.
MACE: Echoing Erruption With this the player jumps into the air, slamming into the ground, and creates a shockwave that cascades out from the landing point into waves with each wave doing damage. Like Searing Fissure and other Mace skills, this is about lining enemies up and blasting them with finishers.
HAMMER: Drop the Hammer This one is a ground targeted AOE knockdown. You target a large area, swing your hammer, and then a giant Mist hammer comes swirling out of the nether knocks everyone in that area down. Its only got a 15 second cooldown for now, but a higher Energy cost still, imagine this in WvW?
AXE: Frigid Blitz This allows the player to hurl an ice axe through the air, chilling everyone (slowing them), and when it reaches the actual highlighted target you teleport to him and do a melee spinning attack that ends up behind the enemy, chilling him too. A key thing Jon noted is that you can use one Axe skill mentioned in the blog to pull together a clump of enemies, and then use this to go through them all and wind up at the rear-most one.