Queen of Hunting
Unconfirmed Member
The hammer looks amazing
Turai Ossa aw yeah!
Warning, raid map size spoiler!!!!
I hope everything isn't underground!
Got to be all 3.I wonder if that's just 1 wing or the space for all 3 wings. It's pretty damn big.
Loved the last Halloween event
Patched up, time to re-learn the game again xD
You moonlighting with Wildstar?
What would people say is the most easiest class to play with btw?
Need to get to grips with the game again
What would people say is the most easiest class to play with btw?
Need to get to grips with the game again
What would people say is the most easiest class to play with btw?
Need to get to grips with the game again
Warrior can be pretty simple and Necromancer's Deathshroud ability (you jump into a state where you have a second health bar) makes a lot of content super easy for survival. During a dungeon wipe you'll be the last one standing, even if a terrible player.
Got to be all 3.
Not quite happy that the only way to explore that area is in a raid. Which will probably throw monsters at us constantly and not actually allow us to explore the area.
I'll clarify this since that's an old text string. You will not be able to revive players that have been completely defeated when a raid encounter is active (originally it was only during enrage). Downed is okay, so you can still get that clutch banner res off. Once a player becomes completely defeated you won't get the interact prompt to res them.
If you die, you ded.
buy all the superior runes of mercy
funny you say that since that is exactly what is happening right now .
Price went up from a mere 3 silver to 1 gold a piece .
Still don't care for guardian shield. Maybe it can be useful in wvw or something.
Read the official forums. Saw a comparison that was stunningly stupid, greedy, and self-righteous all at once. Am very annoyed I cannot call the guy a name fittingly horrible. Need to make up some new stuff.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug in which achievements unintentionally displayed in the Hero panel.
- Fixed an issue in which the Ranger trait Go for the Eyes interrupted pet-activated skills.
(Just have to remember to keep it in the bank until Friday.)
That's one of the coolest characters I've seen. Grats on the design.
Thanks! I just changed to it last night. ^_^
What are the parts? I only recognize the ascended shoulders and Carapace chest (best heavy armor chest).
It will no longer be possible to be in a squad and a party at the same time, but just as in a party your entire squad will be shown on the map, with special icons for your subgroup. You can even use squads to taxi large groups of players across megaservers to ensure that everyones in the right place at the right time.
One day I'll be able to read this thread and know exactly what everybody is talking about.
Sorry, I know MMO lingo can sound like an alien language sometimes, and what's worse is how we slip into it out of habit without really thinking. What's throwing you off that we can maybe explain / clarify?
Shield of the Lion is back?!? Yessss! My favorite shield skin from GW1.
It's less MMO lingo and more stuff that is specific to this game (which might fall into the same realm anyways). Part of the fun for me getting to that point where I have a complete understanding of this kind of stuff, so what I said wasn't meant to be a criticism towards the thread. Like, I don't know what a majority of the currencies are for or what a superior rune of mercy is or what the gif about the shield is about (I'm assuming you couldn't run before with that skill), but I've figured out that when somebody says Icebow 4 that they're referring to the 4th skill/attack for that weapon. Progress.
- Whenever you log into game you will see the MotD broadcast to your chat for that guild you are representing at the time of log in.
- Whenever you represent a guild you will see that guild’s MotD broadcast into your chat.
- Whenever someone in your guild edits the MotD (they will need guild permissions to do this), you will see your guild’s MotD broadcast to the chat.
Yay MotD is finally useful. Who reads that anyway.