The time of choosing is coming
The time of choosing a guild hall
The time of choosing a guild hall
I have a guardian only and don't plan on switching to a bow I think. Still worth it's specialization? Hmm...
I'm thinking I'll probably do the triggers and bumpers as my skills, with the Left Grip as a shifter to use Utilities/elite, then have Dpad cover my F1-4 (with F5 being shifted and it being one big button). I'll put right click as the pad. From there it's just filling in the rest of the functions.
Question, is there a "hold to walk" or "hold to run"? I know there's a toggle, but I need a hold.
This sounds incredible, please tell me how it works. I really want a steam controller. Wish I had one right now
Also, if I go bow, what's a good secondary. Greatsword is an obvious choice but I reeally wanted to keep a focus. (It's the legendary I am going for. The harp)
Maybe 1 handed sword + focus?
I'm thinking I'll probably do the triggers and bumpers as my skills, with the Left Grip as a shifter to use Utilities/elite, then have Dpad cover my F1-4 (with F5 being shifted and it being one big button). I'll put right click as the pad. From there it's just filling in the rest of the functions.
Question, is there a "hold to walk" or "hold to run"? I know there's a toggle, but I need a hold.
I would probably use mace over sword. Sword's auto is a weird quasi projectile and mace gives you a symbol and heals you AND allies on auto as well as a block that protects both you and anyone near you.
Only thing I miss from sword is an extra blind.
I like sword but I just really wish the auto wasn't a projectile. So many trying to stab something twice but there is a barrier or smoke field or something and you just miss or blah.
That said, be sure to have a scepter handy for ranges encounters since you are using an all melee set.
Did some searching and seems like it gonna take 170 Hero points to unlock skills on traits for Elite Spec..From Reddit Data mining..
Reddit also seems to think the armor pieces tied to each Elite spec gonna cost Hero points and not free like once thought..
There's also some kind of challenges attached to gaining the elite spec. We don't know what they are though.
Really? Before they said you'd be able to unlock the Elite right when HoT launched if you had the points for it.
The datamined reward track uses 250 hero points. I think its safer to assume it's a placeholder number than the actual requirement people. World completion gives 212 points. Now if they release more elite specs, will they
a. reduce the 250 requirement thus enraging those who farmed the points?
b. introduce 30 new maps so people can get more 212 points?
Let's wait and see, but don't act surprised if it's not actually 250.
This is why I don't think they'll go with a limited point system. It would just paint them into a very strict corner. Instead they're going with "overcoming challenges in the jungle to unlock your elite specialization" which sounds a lot different than have X hero points. It sounds to me they're building out specific content for each elite spec which can make for a unique experience and they won't run into issues down the line when making more specs.
I still believe Hero Points will be required to an extend, since we do have many leftovers and they have to be used somewhere. But like you said, I believe the amount will not be too high because it's coupled with in-game requirements to unlock the spec, like doing X story mission or whatever. I don't expect a lore background for each spec, but I do expect a requirement that is not solely hero points.
I haven't really been following things recently but...isn't this the point of Legendary armor? Ascended-level stats with selectable stats like current Legendary weapons?So, I'm of the opinion that I would REALLY prefer that armor prefixes instead be handled a bit more like PvP does it. Reasoning being, if I decide that I want to change my prefix, I have to go through on every single piece of everything ever and reacquire all of my gear. I wish that there was either a (relatively) cheap item that could reapply prefixes to items, so that I could hop around different builds without dumping a huge amount of money into doing so.
Surely I can't be alone?
I haven't really been following things recently but...isn't this the point of Legendary armor? Ascended-level stats with selectable stats like current Legendary weapons?
You're not alone, but it won't happen unless you get legendary armor (you can change the stats on those at will). At least you can change the stats on ascended gear via the mystic forge for a price, and it's account bound. But you still need multiple sets if your builds use different stats, and you can't transfer them to characters that wear a different armor class (light, medium, heavy). It's a bunch of BS honestly, but oh well.So, I'm of the opinion that I would REALLY prefer that armor prefixes instead be handled a bit more like PvP does it. Reasoning being, if I decide that I want to change my prefix, I have to go through on every single piece of everything ever and reacquire all of my gear. I wish that there was either a (relatively) cheap item that could reapply prefixes to items, so that I could hop around different builds without dumping a huge amount of money into doing so.
Surely I can't be alone?
There's also some kind of challenges attached to gaining the elite spec. We don't know what they are though.
You're not alone, but it won't happen unless you get legendary armor (you can change the stats on those at will). At least you can change the stats on ascended gear via the mystic forge for a price, and it's account bound. But you still need multiple sets if your builds use different stats, and you can't transfer them to characters that wear a different armor class (light, medium, heavy). It's a bunch of BS honestly, but oh well.
BTW when you ask about what kits to use on engineer, which weapon did you settle on and what stats are you running? Are you thinking about pve, spvp, what? Most things are pretty viable. Alchemy is popular, and so are kit-heavy builds. Grenades and flamethrower are probably the most common.
So, I'm of the opinion that I would REALLY prefer that armor prefixes instead be handled a bit more like PvP does it. Reasoning being, if I decide that I want to change my prefix, I have to go through on every single piece of everything ever and reacquire all of my gear. I wish that there was either a (relatively) cheap item that could reapply prefixes to items, so that I could hop around different builds without dumping a huge amount of money into doing so.
Surely I can't be alone?
Primarily I just want to have fun though![]()
Anyone had a chance to play around with a Steam controller yet?
Less than a week from HoT launch and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere Maine, it's 40* and raining for two days! The trees are really pretty at least. And on top of all that I'm getting married tomorrow. Wish me luck.
And on top of all that I'm getting married tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Anyone had a chance to play around with a Steam controller yet?
Less than a week from HoT launch and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere Maine, it's 40* and raining for two days! The trees are really pretty at least. And on top of all that I'm getting married tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Messing with it as we speak actually.
So far biggest issue is lack of action cam, since you have to continuously hold a button to adjust your camera. Other than that though it's working great. Will need to relearn the controls of course but aside from that I'm quite liking it.
BUT -- I do currently have it set up such that I can activate and ground target any skill, from 1-10, F1-F5, very easily. Only annoyance is that I set it up with the Action Cam update in mind, so right now I've got my right trigger holding down the mouse, and pressing on the pad to activate skill 1. It actually works awesomely for mortar/grenades, since you basically just mouse to where you want it and press down to fire.
Good luck and congrats!
Nice! Seems like it may have some potential. I'm not in until the November release so I hope things are figured out a bit by then on a number of games. Reaction right now is, predictively, all over the place since it's basically a brand new things.
I still have my Teq's Hoard in my inventory, unused, because I can't decide between GS and staff. Ugh. It's been there forever.
I suppose I could start doing Teq again and hope for one more.
Are we doing Path 3 first tomorrow just wondering? Might not be able to do both paths.:/
Could I get an invite to the guild? I'm trying to remember how to play.
I am actually available for that time. If GAF's putting together a team and needs a fifth man or something I'll volunteer. I don't want to take a spot from one of our veterans since I'm still scrub tier, but I'm pretty comfortable with stronghold (and only stronghold) so I don't think I'll be that much of a liability.