*looks over longingly at my bottle of capsaicin and vinegar*

Got a bag of these babies
*looks over longingly at my bottle of capsaicin and vinegar*
Yeah I agree in general. I think it's mostly successful in that respect, and it works well. I don't think the hero point grind or mastery grind are doing a great job of following in that spirit, but given the grindy nature of the genre I think most people will be fine with it.That's fair, like Kanik pointed, MMOs use grind techniques by default. But even then, when you consider the genre, I think it's safe to say that GW2 is very successful in making these grinds up to you, and not part of the game experience itself, which is my original point.
This is how I read it too. It sounds like for many people, they'll be able to unlock the traits and skills immediately on characters they've played a lot, but they'll have to play in the jungle to finish out the runes, skins, whatever other junk they're locking behind training. It doesn't sound super awful, although I question why they even bothered with all this. Must be some design considerations to try and keep players playing.Now what can invalidate the previous comment and what's missing from much of the rage comments is something already brought up, that Anet said you didn't have to unlock the whole thing to get the skills and traits. If you unlock those with 60 HP or close to it, it's not going to impact much at all and people will quiet down.
Newsflash: MMOs are grindy. Guild Wars 2 does a better job than most because almost anything that requires actual grind is aesthetic. Legendary weapons, skins, certain achievements, etc. The only thing that requires grinding that actually gives you an advantage is Ascended gear but even that isn't absolutely necessary for any content.
The issue here is that acquiring elite specializations will 'feel' grindy to some because gamers have already played the hell out of their toon and just want to try out the new specialization for a spin on how the class plays. They have theory crafted and want to tackle the new content with their new build. Instead they will have to hunt for hero points en masse to quickly get that new trait line. Many will ignore much of the content to farm HP for this reason. Now what can invalidate the previous comment and what's missing from much of the rage comments is something already brought up, that Anet said you didn't have to unlock the whole thing to get the skills and traits. If you unlock those with 60 HP or close to it, it's not going to impact much at all and people will quiet down.
I want spicy food
Some of ya'll complaining about grind, have no idea what grind is, trying creating 5 Legendaries in 1 year, all of them one after another...to me this Elite spec thing is nothing..
Got a bag of these babies
Those have no spice ;-;
I need ghost chili to fufill my near-insatiable desire for spicy foods.
I have crazy high tolerance for spice and need to eat like 30 chips in 10 seconds for it to give me a kick. But it is a kick.
I generally stick to Indian or Thai food, asking for it to be very spicy, if I'm seeking spice.
I-is it weird family was at trader joes and told me they picked these up for when I come home >_>
5 hours ago
Just did a pre-expansion culling since we were at 489 members. Trimmed it down to 400 even, the cut-off was about 3 months inactive. As usual, if you're reading this and are no longer in the guild, please know that it's nothing personal, just housekeeping. Post your name.#### in the OT and we'll invite you right back, no questions asked.
RIP IHazSoup
I literally thought to myself "Wait, wasn't I supposed to do something special for HazSoup?" right after I kicked them, then asked Zeroth and he reminded me what it was. Sorry I stole your fun. =(
Its 400 points total to unlock everything in an elite spec training line I just cant remember off hand how many points folks have currently if they have done all the existing ones, but its right around 200. The rest youll need to earn in jungle to unlock the deeper skills/traits/etc. in the training line.
You only need 60 hero points to begin using your elite spec, the points you spend after that continue to unlock more skills, traits, skins, etc.
Again, hero challenges are worth 10 points each in the jungle. So no you dont need to go do 200-400 jungle challenges.
Which means, that if you have zero hero points when you enter the jungle you only need to do 6 hero challenges (each rewarding 10 pts). Only 6. And then you can equip the new weapon/mechanic. That to me is the big deal about all this. I think people just want to be able to equip it. I don't think people mind working a bit longer to specialize for the deeper traits/skills in the elite spec.
So I am very happy with this![]()
Only in an MMO is it possible that I've run out of keys to keybind the new GW2 skills (F5, action camera, snap ground target, etc). I use an Orbweaver+Naga combo and I don't have any spare keys left over. I could buy a mechanical gaming keyboard but I just bought a compact 60% mechanical keyboard just for using the chatbox...argh. The other problem with using a full keyboard for both movement and chatting is that I would have to rebind all the skills (typically 1 through 0) to keys on the far right-hand keys to minimize redundancy. How are other people using MMO mice binding the F5 skill?
One option I haven't tried is to replace all my cheating macros from my thumb hatswitch (/wave, /bow, /s ty, run CoF1). I've only really used the last one over the past two years.
Could I get an invite back into to the guild, returning to the game for HoT.
Deus Omnia, or Cronnie.5261
Unlocking the new Specialization is basically the same thing as leveling from level X to level X+10 in any other MMO to unlock your new skills brought by the expansion.
I really don't see how it is that much of an issue.
1-5 for weapon skills and Shift 1-5 for right side skills for me. I can't reach past the 6 key and really don't even like reaching for 6.
I'm using a keyboard and I'm running out of usable keys myself. I have small hands and everything needs to be around WASD so I can reach them, so everything right of 5 is nearly impossible to reach in combat. I might need to have another round to changing around keybinds after HoT launches.
Got a bag of these babies
Confirmed I have 386 HP with Mes so could master Chronomancer with the quickness. I might do that at some point but definitely focusing on Rev first.
Headed to bed, having a lot of fun working on the new OT. I love it when ideas cascade into each other and something you thought was just "sort of neat" ends up being really awesome just by coincidence.
It's going to use the coloring book theme again, but there's a lot of new stuff I want to do and one of them is just... fantastic. Can't wait for you guys to see it, I'll probably make the new thread on Thursday, early in the morning or something.
Ash... your Funyuns may be Flamin' Hot, but I promise you, they've got nothing on these babies. lol http://i.imgur.com/w2oaijR.png