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Guild Wars 2 |OT5| We've got fun and games

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Xeris is the only person I know with more than spy.

I only have 40 characters. One of every race/class combo. Well and 3 or 4 more on my alt account. Only got 22 80's before I quit playing. Although since I averaged an 80 every 3 weeks I'da been in the 30's by now.

Rawk Hawk

Current Signed up Players (I'd like to get at least 10)

  • Rawk Hawk
  • spiritfox

You are going down spirit! Also I have like 50 tables in my inventory for this Ash, so whoever I get paired with I can supply the table for. I sort of wish I could drop a table and let two other people use it, but doesn't seem like that's possible, unless I'm missing something completely.


Meet the Scrapper: Engineer’s Elite Specialization

Hail, allies, and welcome! Today I’d like to speak with you about the new engineer elite specialization coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™: the scrapper. This mechanical master brings damage and disruption to the profession through a variety of ingenious inventions and electrifying abilities.

The noble engineer has always been a jack-of-all-trades; however, this profession has tended to avoid the brawl. Scrappers are in their element in the thick of the fighting, surviving by anticipation and sheer fortitude. That survivability comes from several places, including traits, new toolbelt skills, utilities and their new weapon…

It’s Hammer Time!
This hammer-hefting force brings fresh energy to the battlefield. A few of the scrapper’s shiny new skills include:

Rocket Charge
Dash forward with a rocket-charged hammer to damage enemies.

With this skill you’ll bound three times to your target, allowing you to rapidly enter the thick of battle. This leap finisher will accumulate the effects of any combo field you pass through for an even more devastating arrival.

Shock Shield
Magnetize your hammer, blocking attacks while striking foes in front of you.

This is one of the skills that will allow you to stay in close combat by anticipating when your enemies are about to strike and nullifying their attacks. While blocking attacks you inflict heavy vulnerability on foes in front of you to tenderize them for your next move.

Ionize an area, bringing down the power of lightning to stun and damage enemies over its duration.

Raising your hammer, you call down lightning to stun your foes and leave a pulsing lightning field at the point of impact. This can be used as an interrupt and set up for both damage and dazing when coupled with other attacks like Rocket Charge.

Time-Saving Tech: Function Gyro
Advancing Tyrian technology has freed our time to do other things. The scrapper extends this principle to the battlefield; the new class mechanic changes the way you approach (or do not approach!) allies and enemies during critical times. Becoming a scrapper changes your interaction prompt (usually done with the F key) to summon a multipurpose function gyro to rally a targeted downed ally or finish a targeted downed foe at range.

This allows you to keep the battle going and lock down a foe while your gyro gets your ally back into the fight or ends that pesky enemy before their friends can aid them. You’ll also be able to trait the function gyro so that it deploys with stability, further improving its odds of success.


Meet the Miniature Mechs
Having beaten and welded new creations into existence at the workshop, the scrapper can equip a new selection of utilities: gyros. These tiny machines have been crafted with specialised purposes. Each gyro model has a limited amount of fuel before it detonates or is destroyed in a hail of dazing sparks. If traited, they’ll explode in a larger area while stunning foes. Here’s a sample of their abilities:

Purge Gyro
Deploy a purge gyro to remove conditions from nearby allies.

This little fellow will follow you around, cleansing you or zipping to allies with conditions on them for purging every few seconds. This invention helps cover the engineer’s weakness to conditions giving the scrapper a window to either focus on the offensive, enable a swift escape, or both!

Tool Belt Skill - Chemical Field:
Generate a noxious cloud of concentrated chemicals.

The Purge Gyro’s cartridges of cleansing chemicals are incredibly toxic if not diluted. By shattering one at their location the scrapper creates a pulsing field of poison to damage foes and use for combo finishers.​

Sneak Gyro
Deploy a sneak gyro to provide stealth to nearby allies.

The scrapper’s elite utility provides a pulsing cloak field around it veiling you and your allies from enemies. The gyro itself remains visible.

Tool Belt Skill - Detection Pulse:
Remove stealth from enemies in a large area.

On a short recharge, this toolbelt skill helps ensure that you are the one getting the drop on foes and not vice versa.​


Specialist Supremacy
We’ve mentioned what a few traits will do through this reveal, but to give you a little more information, the specialization traits were built to emphasize three overarching goals: sustainable survivability, concentrated lockdown, and mobile stability.

I’ll leave you with a few traits until the upcoming Points of Interest livestream.

  • (Minor) Function Gyro: Gain access to the function gyro, which can be used to finish a foe or revive an ally at range.
  • (Minor) Decisive Renown: Successfully reviving an ally or finishing a foe grants boons to nearby allies.
  • (Minor) Impact Savant: The duration of your outgoing stuns is increased and the duration of stuns applied to you is decreased.
  • Shocking Speed: Using a leap or blast finisher in a lightning field applies super speed around you.
  • Recovery Matrix: Using a healing skill temporarily reduces damage you receive.
  • Stabilization Core: When a function gyro is activated, you and the function gyro gain stability.
  • Rapid Regeneration: Rapidly recover health while affected by swiftness or super speed.
  • Mass Momentum: Gain Power based upon your Toughness. While you are affected by stability, gain stacking might.
  • Expert Examination: Stunning or dazing a foe applies vulnerability and weakness to them.
  • Adaptive Armor: Gain stacking toughness when struck. Reduce incoming damage from conditions.
  • Final Salvo: Gyros create a lightning field that grants super speed upon being destroyed. Reduces recharge of gyro skills.
  • Perfectly Weighted: Hammer skills deal increased damage. Evading an attack grants stability.

There is some strong synergy potential and stacking combinations between a few of these traits, but each trait also stands on its own.

We’re looking forward to further discussing the new scrapper specialization on our livestream this Friday on the official Guild Wars 2 Twitch channel. See you then!


Becoming a scrapper changes your interaction prompt (usually done with the F key) to summon a multipurpose function gyro to rally a targeted downed ally or finish a targeted downed foe at range.



edit: That's not the only Gyro. But what a gamechanger.

LOL we also get a pseudo Shadow Refuge + reveal. RIP Thieves.

Rawk Hawk

Is the F2P solid enough to play? Was eyeing this game for ages when it came out but I couldn't bring myself to buy it.

Absolutely. there are small limits, but by in large you get the entire game for free. We have had quite a few F2P players here for a while, believe some are already max level.


Whoa.. I'm really looking forward to trying this one out.


Completely forgot about the jumping event last night, sorry I missed it. That's one of the more elaborate and enjoyable JPs out there, I remember when we found it during the first BWE, we only got up to the entry gate thinking that was it, then we stepped inside and the real puzzles started.

Is the F2P solid enough to play? Was eyeing this game for ages when it came out but I couldn't bring myself to buy it.

Absolutely; the limitations on free accounts are pretty lenient compared to most free MMOs; there's no limit on your experience / leveling, only a few restrictions on where you can go based on your level (you eventually have access to everywhere in the game, nothing stays locked out permanently) and some chat / trade restrictions to keep spam down, etc.

There's no excuse not to try it anymore other than bandwidth and disk space. =)

I want the Asuran Helm ASAP, hope it's not Legendary..

Every Elite Specialization unlocks a new weapon skin and one thematic armor piece (for example, Dragonhunter gets gloves, Tempest has a shoulder piece). Pretty sure all you have to do is fully unlock the elite spec and that helmet is yours.


Okay. I love bruisers. And I'm going to love the Scrapper. Also, I finally get to join everyone else running Asura's with Hammers without having to make him a heavy armor class. I am happy.


As much fun as the idea of running around smashing shit with a hammer sounds, I am eyeing all those survival traits and thinking about how unstoppable a Flamethrower build could be with them. Especially if Juggernaut (gain 15s of might and 3s of stability every 3 seconds when using FT) and Mass Momentum (gain might when you have stability) stack.

Gotta see it in action, but so far it looks like I'll be sticking with Engineer for a while longer.
Wow, that function gyro is a gamechanger. That sound incredible!
As much fun as the idea of running around smashing shit with a hammer sounds, I am eyeing all those survival traits and thinking about how unstoppable a Flamethrower build could be with them. Especially if Juggernaut (gain 15s of might and 3s of stability every 3 seconds when using FT) and Mass Momentum (gain might when you have stability) stack.

Gotta see it in action, but so far it looks like I'll be sticking with Engineer for a while longer.

Yeah, that sounds perfect for flamethrower.
Classic boring Retro.

The Scrapper seems like a way better engineer for me since I've always enjoyed melee cobat but warriors get boring after awhile.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Teehee, scrapper! But sounds like an awesome class. Function gyro is a true defining mechanic unlike anything you can do on other classes.


Neo Member
UGHHHHHHH I completely forgot...=*( I think Im gonna have to set reminders on my phone.... I could have easily been there, instead I was knitting away at *gasp* winter mittens.

Thanks to everyone who came to tonight's jumping puzzle. It's one of the best ones, or at least I think so.


So i tried this a bit when it went f2p and thought it was rather fun and refreshing. For some strange reason this gave me a sudden urge to get back to wow after 2 years so i uninstalled GW2 and got WoD+gametime. Now 5 days after getting WoD i realized why i quit in the first place so i got a refund and now im downloading GW2 again haha
So i tried this a bit when it went f2p and thought it was rather fun and refreshing. For some strange reason this gave me a sudden urge to get back to wow after 2 years so i uninstalled GW2 and got WoD+gametime. Now 5 days after getting WoD i realized why i quit in the first place so i got a refund and now im downloading GW2 again haha

Welcome back.


Hopefully nothing like the original GW2 launch trailer.

Of course it won't be lol. It's very likely going to be like the Fractals trailer or end of season trailers. You know they're going to leverage their art team with a mix of in game footage.
It sounds like the Scrapper is basically a PVP specialization, focusing on stomps, stability, speed, and stealth.


Yup, a lot of the specs seem to have PvP as a focus.

Doesn't mean they won't be good in PvE too. There's new PvE content coming and we have no idea what that entails. Maybe we'll need some of the stuff that the new specs are bringing. :3


Yup, a lot of the specs seem to have PvP as a focus.

Doesn't mean they won't be good in PvE too. There's new PvE content coming and we have no idea what that entails. Maybe we'll need some of the stuff that the new specs are bringing. :3

Too many people seem to ignore this. It's almost safe to say a lot of the elite spec designs are BECAUSE of said content.
It sounds like the Scrapper is basically a PVP specialization, focusing on stomps, stability, speed, and stealth.


I don't really agree. Sounds like PVE spec to me, but until we see the PVE content in HoT, I guess it's open to interpretation. Not that PVP isn't being considered in the specs, but I've found GW2 isn't as focused on the PVP as the PVE.
It sounds like the Scrapper is basically a PVP specialization, focusing on stomps, stability, speed, and stealth.


Some of them are kool, but also flawed, the final grand master traits for Daredevil is tied to dodging, they really wanted to make him a half ass Daredevil..

Rawk Hawk

I sort of hope we have to stomp more enemies in HoT.

Also today I found out that there is a Killer Whale Quaggan Backpack?! This must have come during my hiatus.. needless to say going to use a makeover kit on Lucy tonight and revamp her look specifically around it.

Are there bad side effects of changing the skin on Mawdry? It won't prevent me from infusing later will it?

EDIT: Google tells me there isn't anything to worry about, transmute away!


I only have 40 characters. One of every race/class combo. Well and 3 or 4 more on my alt account. Only got 22 80's before I quit playing. Although since I averaged an 80 every 3 weeks I'da been in the 30's by now.

Are you coming back for some HoT? I enjoyed the fortnightly Xeris Reviews.

I like how I afk'd and still made it into the photo.

AFKdriaaa taught you well.


They were careful not to mention whether the scrapper's gyros can be destroyed by regular damage or not. They say they have limited fuel (which I guess just means duration), and that you can self-destruct them like turrets. But they also mention a trait that triggers when one is destroyed, and they never say anything about them being unattackable or immune to damage. Didn't something mention sharing boons with them? I can't find that part though.

If they're similarly vulnerable as turrets, then scrapper is a LOT weaker than if they're immune to damage. What did you all infer about this? I mean I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but I'm just wondering.

At the very least, I assume the function gyro (reviving one) will be able to be attacked and such. That's the one that gets stability from a trait.


Whats with Elementalist burning damage? Ele Scepter & Focus are probably the weapons I have the least experience with across all classes. Since I'm cleaning out my bank, I tossed an ascended Scepter & Focus on my Ele and bounced around Silverwastes. I wasn't doing much more than playing with the skills, but at one point I had 3300 burn ticks (zerk-celestial mix). Wut. I've played with/against burn guardians to know the condition is crazy right now, but this was so effortless. Just how high a tick could a full condition dmg ele get?

Somewhat concerned about the Scrapper. I feel like Engineers are just now in a 'good' spot to fight against, and a lot of these new traits sound like they're giving back all the stuff that used to make me rage when fighting one. Its a little weird to have a developer make a forum post about every class needing a weakness--setting aside the Elementalist for the moment--then reveal a spec that covers all of a classes weakness a few days later.


Whats with Elementalist burning damage? Ele Scepter & Focus are probably the weapons I have the least experience with across all classes. Since I'm cleaning out my bank, I tossed an ascended Scepter & Focus on my Ele and bounced around Silverwastes. I wasn't doing much more than playing with the skills, but at one point I had 3300 burn ticks (zerk-celestial mix). Wut. I've played with/against burn guardians to know the condition is crazy right now, but this was so effortless. Just how high a tick could a full condition dmg ele get?

Somewhat concerned about the Scrapper. I feel like Engineers are just now in a 'good' spot to fight against, and a lot of these new traits sound like they're giving back all the stuff that used to make me rage when fighting one. Its a little weird to have a developer make a forum post about every class needing a weakness--setting aside the Elementalist for the moment--then reveal a spec that covers all of a classes weakness a few days later.

Well, now you know why Cele Ele is considered the strongest build in PvP right now.

They were careful not to mention whether the scrapper's gyros can be destroyed by regular damage or not. They say they have limited fuel (which I guess just means duration), and that you can self-destruct them like turrets. But they also mention a trait that triggers when one is destroyed, and they never say anything about them being unattackable or immune to damage. Didn't something mention sharing boons with them? I can't find that part though.

If they're similarly vulnerable as turrets, then scrapper is a LOT weaker than if they're immune to damage. What did you all infer about this? I mean I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but I'm just wondering.

At the very least, I assume the function gyro (reviving one) will be able to be attacked and such. That's the one that gets stability from a trait.

All the gyros should be able to be damaged like turrets. In today's and yesterday's article they mentioned things that relate to damaging the gyros as counter play, such as the fact that you can give any gyro swiftness and superspeed. It wouldn't make sense to have one gyro vulnerable to damage and the rest immune. And if there was a weird rule like that, it would have definitely been mentioned in today's blog post.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Did the dungeon with the gaf guild, they really helped me out and it was awesome. Thanks again!

Also, thurbleton, thank you for the bag!
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