Path 1 is the hardest imo, which is a shame cause it's probably the first one most people will try

2 and 3 are easy once you know what you're supposed to do (and have a thief so you don't have to spend an extra 10 minutes clearing trash), 4 is straightforward but it's just loooong. Path 1 is a huge pain in the ass. Lots of oozes that split infinitely and trash drakes that drop huge poison fields

it hurts.
We'll see what attendance is like for the JPs. If Fridays are better for everyone who wants to come then we can move it. Since there's only 2 of us organizing now it's a bit tricky, Zeroth and I sometimes do real-life things on weekends and can't be online and it's less likely that our real-life things will overlap on a Wednesday. I'm willing to move it to accomodate everyone if that's what people want :3.