I'm gonna say it's going to be based on matchup knowledge and patience. I know for a fact that millia doesn't have strong blockstrings but has a really good mixup game. She needs those YRCs to keep the pressure. She also leaves a lot of holes intentionally to bait button presses. Also, you just have to get lucky.
Also, anyone up for matches soon?
When I was first learning the game, I took advantage of absolute guard a lot. Absolute guard is where if you are in blockstun, you will continue blocking whether or not you are actually holding back. (You still have to account for lows and overheads.)
Here's something you might want to try, if you're playing a long set with someone or in some other situation where losing is ok. If you're not sure about where gaps are in a blockstring, hold forward where ever you think a gap may exists. If you continue blocking, then it's a solid blockstring. If you get hit, then there is a gap. And where ever there is a gap, you can backdash, reversal, or throw.
Leo's backdash is kinda bads, but he has his flashkicks and his supers to use as reversals. If you wanna experiment with how big the gaps are, Leo's 2P is his fastest button. (5f startup)
edit: Also, generally, blockstring chained into an overhead, there is a large enough gap for anyone to attack out of. Unless of course there is projectile coverage. Chains to overheads without a large escape gap are usually extremely punishable on block.
WTF, muy psnid is gutabo4 not just gutabo!That explains why last night I was so lonely
Same here, seems like a PSN issue since I was having trouble signing in too.is netplay working fine? Yesterday I played but today I can't play shit. I get the message '' failed to complete the download '' before going to lobby
Anybody have any ideas on how to play this MU better?
Also, I don't think we have a lot of South American players.
Anyone want to play? PSN: HarukaIsMyWaifu
I should be able to play for a little
Okay, cool! I might play a bit weird. I really have no idea what I'm doing in this game so I'm probably just going to see if I can change up what I'm thinking about while I'm playing.
Also I want to learn how to play Sol lol.
ggs Prototype! I can't get away from you at all. Lol I said I was going to try different stuff but all I did was mash in the end.
If anyone else wants to play I'm up for some games.
GGs! Yeah, you have to be able to set up those swords. I really didn't want them out so I was just rushing in.
Lol yeah, I couldn't deal with that at all. I'm not really sure what my good options are in neutral. Everyone says it's f.S but IADs are scary :<.
Trying to find a long post in this thread about the Ky/I-No match up(I think it was by Kimosabae), but search is failing me. I-No is not a very search friendly name.![]()
Haven't played that match up yet(by either Millia or I-No), but it can't be worse than Chipp's, lol.
What's so bad about it? I know I-No cracks under pressure(mine at least ;__, you don't want to give her a breathing space, and Millia is generally very good at that.
Abuse hammer fall yrc, don't let him set up unsealed charge stun edges, use ICPM rc to get in. Be patient. Flick everything that isn't yrc.Any tips against Ky as Potemkin? Thanks in advance!
It's game of who hits first. I-No has a worse neutral game, but has a better oki game and damage. Good thing as Millia, is that you can dash under her horizontal chemical love.
It's game of who hits first.
I've been holding off on picking this up because I'm not excited about having to buy a new fightstick for my PS4. Any word on whether ASW is gonna make PS3 controllers compatible? Or can anyone recommend a good controller adapter?
I've been holding off on picking this up because I'm not excited about having to buy a new fightstick for my PS4. Any word on whether ASW is gonna make PS3 controllers compatible? Or can anyone recommend a good controller adapter?
Although, I think it'd be a good investment to buy a stick for the PS4 if you can track one down due to all the future fighting games coming out (looks great on that end).
Yeah, agreed. But I figured since the LabZero driver is a thing, there's chance that those future games might use it. Who knows. If they don't, then I'll buy a new stick. I'm just awfully attached to the one I already have.
fuck thats a lot, I'm glad I managed to do my own.Ah... I'm not sure if this something you'd be able to do it personally, but you could always mod it. If not, this guy will do it for a charge: http://forums.shoryuken.com/discuss...g-services-now-includes-xbox-one-and-ps4-mods
Still pretty expensive, and almost as much as buying a new stick. BUT, if you have the personal connection with your stick, it's something to think about.
So Q somehow unlocked some hidden content on Xrd. He was able to select golden and black color palletes. As well as Leo's art looking like this
edit: Looked up the Kanji that's shown, turns out it means "interim". So I guess work in progress?
RIP Zato.Apparently the final loctest is coming up tomorrow. Hold onto your mains tight!
Apparently the final loctest is coming up tomorrow. Hold onto your mains tight!
Holding my breath for Elphelt hurtbox nerfs.
Holding my breath for Elphelt hurtbox nerfs.
Man I dont mind losing to really good Elphelts but I swear basic or fraudulent ones do make me a tad bit salty.
All I have to say from the deepest depths of my heart is.... FUCKING FUCK MILLIA'S j.P