Unconfirmed Member
Thank you, I appreciate this.
Why is Ky just so much easier than Sol.
Interestingly in Europe (online) one comes across decent Sols much more frequently. Don't know if it's the same across the pond.Why is Ky just so much easier than Sol.
Any advice for fighting Chipp? The pace of the match is so fast and Chipp himself is all over the place... I've got no idea what's going on.
That sounds like online advice lol
Edit: To be fair on Faust vs Chipp, you do sort of have to hope he does just get clipped by stuff. Matchup is harder since you can't just easily play like regular matchups. Like Ky vs Chipp, you sort of have to do a lot of flailing.
I'm not sure for Faust, but it works for Millia. Millia's 5P is already crazy good, 2HS tends to catch teleports and S Tandem Top YRC catches everything.
Yeah, that sounds a lot easier, haha. Faust and Ky have it tough. Both have really good buttons, but you have to yomi them in that MU for some situations. I don't use Millia much these days, but I've switched to Sol before just to deal with Chipp.![]()
Yeah, connection was a lot better. Only character I had issues using was Millia on that connection, but it was pretty solid throughout.
GGs! I'd play more but I need to get dinner ready.
Edit: As for characters, Potemkin's my sub where I want to practice defense, IBs, and patience. I know a lot of the other cast just for the extent of casuals. Not for tourney though, haha. It helps me learn matchups too. Might try to just focus more on Potemkin after Evo. Until then it's Ky.
I feel like a goddamn idiot...
I was browsing through PSN last friday and saw the big sale here in EU for a lot of games from Japan and decided to jump in on the Under Night fighting game. After browsing a little more and on my way to checkout I saw Guilty Gear Xrd on a big banner and thought "Neat, should get that as well" without bloody thinking. I think I was tired and just couldn't get my thoughts straightened out.
So now I got a digital EU version of Guilty Gear Xrd, I can't even get Leo Whitefang, the character I was looking most forward to playing since he is not available in Europe and Sony refuses to refund the purchase because they are one of the cowardice companies that have fallen back on waiving peoples rights for returns at the moment you purchase something on PSN. Money I would like back so I could spend it on their store again but in the US. instead for a US copy of Guilty Gear.
And to top it off I don't even feel like playing the copy I got out of sheer sadness for being such a idiot.![]()
Random aside: made a basic tutorial vid about Faust drill cancelling for beginners. Feedback always welcome!
does this work with Chipp? I can never do his Faultless Defense Cancel. I keep getting his down K move.
does this work with Chipp? I can never do his Faultless Defense Cancel. I keep getting his down K move.
Don't think Millia fare much better than Faust in this matchup, have been one of her worst since forever, and probably her worst in Xrd. Her saving grace is that she's harder to catch than Faust, but if you're able to properly challenge Chipp with Millia's normals, then he must be doing something wrong.I just do a lot of random jabs or YRC everything. They tend to run into things.
Also, I suck at this game.![]()
Looks like Chipp's FDC doesn't affect vertical momentum but only horizontal momentum? It was easy to see when I ran -> jumped -> FDC'd, but I got nothing when I did it during a neutral jump.
Don't think Millia fare much better than Faust in this matchup, have been one of her worst since forever, and probably her worst in Xrd. Her saving grace is that she's harder to catch than Faust, but if you're able to properly challenge Chipp with Millia's normals, then he must be doing something wrong.
Only thing I hate more than fighting Chipp is the mirror match, Millia is just no equipped to fight herself.![]()
I did story mode right away, and I was fine.Hey guys, first time GG player here. I am interested in the story, but the game recommends doing arcade mode first. I've done Sol and Millia's arcades - should I do all the others before doing story, or can I jump into story mode now?
Hey guys, first time GG player here. I am interested in the story, but the game recommends doing arcade mode first. I've done Sol and Millia's arcades - should I do all the others before doing story, or can I jump into story mode now?
I have a strong feeling that Revelator will be sold at 50 or 60 bucks with no options for a reduced digital upgrade.
I have a strong feeling that Revelator will be sold at 50 or 60 bucks with no options for a reduced digital upgrade.
I have a strong feeling that Revelator will be sold at 50 or 60 bucks with no options for a reduced digital upgrade.
But I can't find anyone to play online, this sucks.
who all is going to evo and when? i would love to get some casuals/purple drank with the gear players here...
GGs and thanks for the games, Lostconfused! Enjoy the rest of 'merica day
So not only do you have momentum after dashing, but you have more momentum the longer you dash.
What is wrong with this game, what madman thought any of this was a good idea.