I wish it was shell pink, my favorite guitar color! It's a translucent white. I love the Jazzmaster pickup; it's great in combination with the bridge, too.
Yes! Sounds like a really cool-looking axe.
Is it not? Wow, I thought being a VM squire it was a faded shell pink (Like the way the VM Jag has the faded out surf green) in that picture! Still nice though!
Here's some pics of my totally pro project, kitchen paint shop! The shielding eventually pops over the edges to make contact with the plate, but I buffed it first before I finished that part up.
I bought a wiring kit from MOJO pickups rather than being out of the box soldered and ready to go. It was cheaper to do it myself with their kit, plus I was balls deep into the project at this point and thought bugger it, but it was hard and took me maybe three goes to be happy with my soldering... But it was something that really needed doing as the original wiring was knackered with the whole lead circuit not working at all, so the top switch basically acted like a kill switch and it was cheaper to just redo everything from a kit than take it to a tech, crazy as that is.
Getting there.. The logo style is too old, but in England it seems your options are limited when it comes to Decals and I'm not overly fussed honestly. As much as I love this neck I'm still umming and ahhing if I should get a custom built one with binding or not anyway.
Just proud of my buff job... Buffing is horrible and I thought it would be a couple hours of smug polishing. Nope.. It took me about 10 hours to buff it to this and more sweat than I care to admit.
This is a better representation of the final colour
I took it for a final setup and got a new nut made for the bottom 4 strings all .26 and the top 2 both .13 and I LOVE it. The problem I have now is that I replaced so much, that I almost have enough bits and bobs for a second, slightly more road worn Jazzmaster, which is where the telecaster/jazzmaster mashup custom build comes in